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Taking Babies Outside Who Hate the Outdoors

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  • Taking Babies Outside Who Hate the Outdoors

    I have an 8 month old here who really can't tolerate more than 5 minutes of outdoor time now that the Temps are hitting 40-50 degrees. He has nice warm clothes. I worry about him screaming and carrying on outside with my neighbors being very close by. I don't want people to think I'm not responding to him, he just Hates being out. We've been going in after 10 minutes, but my other kids really need a good 40 minutes or more. Any suggestions? I've tried letting him roam in the grass, sitting in a play yard, baby wearing, and pushing in a stroller. All result in blood curdling screams.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Indoorvoice View Post
    I have an 8 month old here who really can't tolerate more than 5 minutes of outdoor time now that the Temps are hitting 40-50 degrees. He has nice warm clothes. I worry about him screaming and carrying on outside with my neighbors being very close by. I don't want people to think I'm not responding to him, he just Hates being out. We've been going in after 10 minutes, but my other kids really need a good 40 minutes or more. Any suggestions? I've tried letting him roam in the grass, sitting in a play yard, baby wearing, and pushing in a stroller. All result in blood curdling screams.
    Do his parents take him outside?

    What do they say is their experience with him outside?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      Do his parents take him outside?

      What do they say is their experience with him outside?
      His parents rarely take him outside. He doesn't like it with them either.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Indoorvoice View Post
        His parents rarely take him outside. He doesn't like it with them either.
        Like sleep, I expect parents to "train" their child to fit into daycare.

        I would have the parents start bringing him outside regularly so that he grows accustomed to being outside.

        If they don't then I would not be able to keep him in care because as a group care provider, I will not allow one child's needs/wants to dictate the group's.

        I would allow him to fuss for a bit outside and after a certain amount of time would bring him in (to save the neighbor's from having to listen/wonder whats going on...) but I would be adamant with the parents that if he doesn't "get with the program" so to speak that my only option would be to call for pick up ever time we as a group are going outside.

        Bet if they are inconvenienced a time or two, they get on board with helping their child acquire the tools he needs to thrive in group care.


        • #5
          I have a 4 year old, been with me since 1.5 years old. He used to wail and scream about going outside, no matter the weather. He got used to it, and he's the first one begging to go out every morning now. Just keep taking him out, and I agree that the parents need to be TOLD to take him out at home, too.


          • #6
            Go to your neighbors and tell them you have an outdoor screamer. Tell them you have to take the others out and when you do, one screams. Rest assured you aren't beating or torturing the baby. No matter what you do... he cries.

            Then take the baby out and let him express his little feelings. He doesn't like it... ok we get it.


            Are you keeping him in a stroller and having him sit stationary? It may not be outdoors but confined and stationary he is screaming about.


            • #7
              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
              Go to your neighbors and tell them you have an outdoor screamer. Tell them you have to take the others out and when you do, one screams. Rest assured you aren't beating or torturing the baby. No matter what you do... he cries.

              Then take the baby out and let him express his little feelings. He doesn't like it... ok we get it.


              Are you keeping him in a stroller and having him sit stationary? It may not be outdoors but confined and stationary he is screaming about.
              Great advice! I had to do this with one little girl I had who was 18 months old. In the end I termed her because I just couldn't take the constant crying/screaming all the time (inside and out) but I did tell my neighbours I had a screamer. My own daughter was like this and to be honest it never got better until she turned 2. I just had to endure the constant whining and crying. On particularly bad days I would give her 20 minutes minimum before going in.

              I also agree with putting him in a splash suit and letting him roam around to explore to see if that helps.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                Like sleep, I expect parents to "train" their child to fit into daycare.

                I would have the parents start bringing him outside regularly so that he grows accustomed to being outside.

                If they don't then I would not be able to keep him in care because as a group care provider, I will not allow one child's needs/wants to dictate the group's.

                I would allow him to fuss for a bit outside and after a certain amount of time would bring him in (to save the neighbor's from having to listen/wonder whats going on...) but I would be adamant with the parents that if he doesn't "get with the program" so to speak that my only option would be to call for pick up ever time we as a group are going outside.

                Bet if they are inconvenienced a time or two, they get on board with helping their child acquire the tools he needs to thrive in group care.

                Is the little guy mobile? With outdoor stuff on, is he able to be mobile?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                  I also agree with putting him in a splash suit and letting him roam around to explore to see if that helps.
                  OP already said she has tried allowing him to roam freely.
                  Also wearing him and keeping him in a stroller.

                  All of which results in the same blood curdling screaming....

                  Originally posted by Indoorvoice View Post
                  I have an 8 month old here who really can't tolerate more than 5 minutes of outdoor time now that the Temps are hitting 40-50 degrees. He has nice warm clothes. I worry about him screaming and carrying on outside with my neighbors being very close by. I don't want people to think I'm not responding to him, he just Hates being out. We've been going in after 10 minutes, but my other kids really need a good 40 minutes or more. Any suggestions? I've tried letting him roam in the grass, sitting in a play yard, baby wearing, and pushing in a stroller. All result in blood curdling screams.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                    Go to your neighbors and tell them you have an outdoor screamer. Tell them you have to take the others out and when you do, one screams. Rest assured you aren't beating or torturing the baby. No matter what you do... he cries.

                    Then take the baby out and let him express his little feelings. He doesn't like it... ok we get it.


                    Are you keeping him in a stroller and having him sit stationary? It may not be outdoors but confined and stationary he is screaming about.
                    I bet after 3-4 days he will be fine. Just needs some adjustment time.


                    • #11
                      Baby is free to do whatever he pleases. I have a nice safe spot for him. I lay a blanket out in case he doesn't like the grass, but that didn't seem to be his issue. And yes, I've tried pushing him around the yard in a stroller too. It doesn't matter if he is moving or still, confined or not. I think he just really doesn't like the hassle of coats and hats and wind and sunshine.

                      I talked to most of the neighbors today. I really have no problem letting him fuss. I just didn't want licensing called on me for it! Never occurred to me to talk to them (duh!) They aren't really the neighborly type, but oh well. I am concerned if he will carry on for more than 20 minutes.. I don't usually let one fuss for that long, but maybe he will get the hang of it before then. I usually go in right when he starts, so he knows crying gets him his way


                      • #12
                        Maybe a play pen or pack and play outside for him to sit in? Might help him feel like he is not "outside" outside? But yes, as the others said, it will probably just take time and letting him fuss till he figures out that he doesn't get a choice.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          OP already said she has tried allowing him to roam freely.
                          Also wearing him and keeping him in a stroller.

                          All of which results in the same blood curdling screaming....
                          :: I must have had a brain fart and missed that part!! One of those days

