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Usborne Books

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  • Usborne Books

    Have any of you done a party for your daycare? I need more books that go with my themes, so maybe hosting a party would help me out? My friend is bugging me to do it, haha.

    I just worry maybe my parents will be annoyed. .

  • #2
    I've never done an Osborne book party, but one of my friends did one through Facebook instead of in her home. She just invited all her Facebook friends to her "event" and people could interact during that hour to ask questions and place orders.

    Have you tried Scholastic Reading Club? This is what I do and has been great to building my library. I only send out fliers every other month so it doesn't seem like I'm being pushy. Plus now parents can order online so I don't need to deal with payments and it's free shipping (when at least one parent orders online).


    • #3
      I do love Usborne books but I agree with the previous poster. Scholastic has been great. I lay the flyers on top of the cubbies and parents take one if they want it. I get free books every month and I don't have to sell anything.


      • #4
        Originally posted by spedmommy4 View Post
        I do love Usborne books but I agree with the previous poster. Scholastic has been great. I lay the flyers on top of the cubbies and parents take one if they want it. I get free books every month and I don't have to sell anything.
        Another vote for Scholastic.

        At least when the kiddos tear/rip a book a part, it's usually only a few dollars verses the cost of an Usborne book.

        I have a few but I will admit, they are mostly "display" and rarely looked at... I don't have many kids responsible enough...


        • #5
          I had a party once but I wasn't a huge fan of the books themselves. They pricey even though the quality is good but I just didn't like the books I got as much as the ones that I already have. I stuck with Scholastic.

