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DCG Calls Me Mom

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  • DCG Calls Me Mom

    I have a dcg 18 months, who always calls me Mom. I've told her to call me by name. She can say my name, but rarely does.
    At what age will she grow out of this? I think it hurts Mom's feelings and dcb2 has started telling her "she's not your Mom!"
    I've cared for her since she was 6 weeks old.

  • #2
    It's normal. I have had dcks do that in the past and usually by 2 they were calling me by my name. I would just remind them of my name and carry on.


    • #3
      It's pretty common- I wouldn't worry about it. Just remind the child your name and go on about what you were doing.


      • #4
        Very common! I have a 2 year old here who still calls me mama in front of her mom. Her mom actually thinks it's funny and says I'm her 2nd mama but I could see how a mom might get upset by it. Whenever she calls me that I say, "what's my name again?" and then she'll correct herself. I explain to parents too that is nothing personal, they just see us as the caregivers and also hear our own children calling us mom so it sticks.


        • #5
          Originally posted by childcaremom View Post
          It's normal. I have had dcks do that in the past and usually by 2 they were calling me by my name. I would just remind them of my name and carry on.


          • #6
            Kids go through a phase where they will call any female caregiver mom. It is what "mom" is to them, someone who takes care of them. It is totally normal and there isn't really much you can do for it. My daughter is 17 and when she works at our church camp over the summer, she found herself accidentally calling the directors wife mom a lot while working in the kitchen. She would do it out of habit. Now she just always calls her mom, because she is a like a mom to her!


            • #7
              Originally posted by DaveArmour View Post
              It's pretty common- I wouldn't worry about it. Just remind the child your name and go on about what you were doing.
              This. I have a dcg2 who calls me mommy (she calls her mom momma). My own dg3 calls me miss.... During daycare. Cracks me up! They mimick what they hear


              • #8
                I agree with what everyone else on here has said. I will add that I think kids have "oops" moments just like grown ups. Sometimes the 2, 3, and 4 year olds slip and call me mom.

                I'm going to bet that most of us on here are moms or dads. We sound like moms and dads. Maybe we even say some of the same things that their moms and dads say. So, every once in awhile, once of the older kids says "mom . . . " and then self corrects. I think it's cute. :-) (and normal)


                • #9
                  I suffer from the flip side. My two year old daughter has been calling me ms. CC for months :: drives me crazy. But it's normal. She's hear people calle that her whole life. Hope she grows out of it.


                  • #10
                    Completely normal. My DS also calls me "Ms. Midaycare" because he doesn't want the others to call me mom. I ignore it and always refer to myself as "Ms. Midaycare".


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
                      I suffer from the flip side. My two year old daughter has been calling me ms. CC for months :: drives me crazy. But it's normal. She's hear people calle that her whole life. Hope she grows out of it.
                      She will. My son called me teacher mommy "J" when I taught his pre-k class at a center. He's almost 19 now and calls me mom. 😀


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
                        I suffer from the flip side. My two year old daughter has been calling me ms. CC for months :: drives me crazy. But it's normal. She's hear people calle that her whole life. Hope she grows out of it.
                        She'll grow out of it. My kids did the same thing for a while . Doesn't help my oldest (technically stepson) calls me by my first name. I still call my Mom "Boss" 1/2 the time because I worked in her center for 8 years and she hated getting called "Mom" at work.


                        • #13
                          This is normal, I freaked out the first time it happened to me to especially when DCB did it in front of his mother...she wasn't so happy about it. I currently have a 7m old that follows me around yelling "mommomoomma" at me when it starts to get around meals times. At this age they really don't consider you "mom" so much that your the person caring for them (and that they hopefully care for) and it's how they identify with you. I have a feeling this little boy probably won't grow out of it for a while since my son and my daughter are both here as well and always call me Mom so he hears it a lot too. DCBs mom knows he does it and doesn't seem to care.


                          • #14
                            Thanks everyone!


                            • #15
                              I haven't gotten called "Mom" so far, but I've been getting a lot of "I love you Ms. Lisa" both being told verbally and in drawn/painted pictures lately. Its both sweet and heartbreaking cause its from the kids with the usual "not-worthy" parents.

