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Lack of CPR Training In Schools

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  • Lack of CPR Training In Schools

    Have you seen this? I can't believe the lunchroom staff and teachers aren't required to be cpr certified. It's scary to think that in a building that full of children, there isn't a minimum amount of adults on staff with training.

  • #2
    I don't have the words for how awful this is

    As her parents I would be livid. I personally feel that every person who works with children needs to be CPR certified, whether it is legally required or not.

    And shame on the paramedics employer who suspended him. I understand that he broke protocol. But it seems that according to this article he assessed the situation, left a stable patient under the care of a driver to help a dying child.


    • #3
      When I lived in Kansas, a child died by chocking on a hot dog in the lunch room because the lunch aides were not allowed to do CPR even if they were trained. I think I would have lost my job that day.


      • #4
        That is beyond Sad. The only thing I will say is even though most states don't require training (stupid IMHO) many districts do. My wife and I have taught at schools, teacher's associations, and conferences. Some schools partner with local EMS to do the trainings onsite also. I would still check with local district to see what the policies and requirements are. As a parent I would want to know (my kid's district requires pretty much everyone to be trained).

        Still, this situation is a failure from top to bottom.


        • #5
          I'm in NY and DH is a teacher. Because of massive budget cuts anything that isn't mandated isn't done. He hasn't had CPR/First Aid in a few years.
          My summer assistant is a TA at the same school and I found out just as she was about to start that they no longer were doing CPR/First Aid because I forgot to ask if she was current and it turned out she wasn't

