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Help, Would You Send Him Home????

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  • Help, Would You Send Him Home????

    My 11 mo. old dcb was sick last week (mon) , throwing up and diahrea. He came back friday and had a blow out once. So he's back today and he's had 2 major blow outs, within an hour of each other, he is cutting a tooth but do they have that loose of stool when teething???? I just don't know if I should send him home or not.....

  • #2
    My rule is if a child has more than two runny diapers in a hour..home they go...we cant assume that it is teething...what if it is a virius??

    Also the child can become very dehydrated having diahrea....


    • #3
      So if he has one more???? Then call?
      Here's the thing, on friday she said the last 2 days he acted totally fine, well even on friday he didnt' seem "himself" then he had the massive blow out but only 1. Today she said he was fine all weekend, well he's had the 2 blow outs now with in an hour
      Last edited by tenderhearts; 01-10-2011, 10:44 AM. Reason: added


      • #4
        Loose stool from teething, yes, but *that much*? No, I'd say probably not. I would send him home, probably. Poor thing.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          I called mom and she hasn't called back yet but he wont let me put him down at all for the last 45 min, he screams, he's normally not like this, he is cutting his first molar but I just have never had a child be this fussy with cutting a tooth or this much diarrhea. But then I feel bad if she has to pick him up again.


          • #6
            Babies can have loose stools from teething, but how do we know what it is? I would definately send home. More than likely it is a virus. There are many things going around right now.


            • #7
              Id call her back,.. once per 30 minutes until you got her, let her know he hasnt stopped crying, that his diapers havebeen blowouts, that he needs to go home.

              Originally posted by tenderhearts View Post
              I called mom and she hasn't called back yet but he wont let me put him down at all for the last 45 min, he screams, he's normally not like this, he is cutting his first molar but I just have never had a child be this fussy with cutting a tooth or this much diarrhea. But then I feel bad if she has to pick him up again.


              • #8
                I give parents 20 minutes to respond to my voicemail, emails and text..I do all 3 if I don't hear back I start going down the list of other people that can pick the child up. They then have one hour after contact to come pick up the child...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                  Id call her back,.. once per 30 minutes until you got her, let her know he hasnt stopped crying, that his diapers havebeen blowouts, that he needs to go home.
                  I probably would call every 15-20 min. both parents a couple of times, then start down their list!


                  • #10
                    also after one hour if they dont pick up I start charging a sick fee of $1.00 per min.... Last yr I did not have this rule and even though I called to have the child picked up the parents did not show up until an hour before closing.....


                    • #11
                      I think this is one of those things that you have to use your judgement. If you know his poos are normally not than consistancy, you have the right to treat this as an illness and require his diapers be normal before coming back... on the other hand, if you really believe he is just teething (and want to clean up possibly more blow outs) than keep him. I know I'd be calling mom.


                      • #12
                        Well mom called back about 30 min later which I knew she would I had no doubts she wouldn't call me back asap and we talked, she seemed baffled too, so since I have only 1 child today I told her this time I was willing too see what it was, teething or a virus, so she came and brought tylenol right away and she said if he pooped like that again to call her. She called his pediatrician on her way here and asked them about it and they said he is not contagious that they should have been feeding him a very bland diet since he was sick last week and his system just needed to be weened back into normal foods. SO it's been an hour since he had the tylenol and now he seems happy and normal. She had me feed him a bland lunch so we'll see I guess. Teething or virus.......guessing game. She understands and knows normally he'd need to be sent home though and that makes me feel better about doing this.


                        • #13
                          Ok so this afternoon, I put him down for nap and again he did not fall asleep, he wasn't crying, just whining, but after an hour he had diarrhea again but no alot, so that's 3 today. I'm confused as to what is an "illness" or how many or if it's just teething, or what. She said the doctor said he was not contagious anymore and that he could have this for a little bit. She's willing to stay home with him tomorrow but I don't want someone to stay home if it's nothing....I also don't want a virus going around. Anyone know more about diarrhea? I've looked up stuff but it doesn't really say how many is considered too much to be considered sick, but it does say diarrhea is highly contagious if it is a virus.


                          • #14
                            I don't know about how contagious it might be. I'd believe the doctor that he's just still recovering. That said I'd still suggest he stays home tomorrow so that he can recoup at home. Even if he's not sick in any other way, diarrhea is a pain to have and requires more fluids. He might as well recover at home where he feels more comfortable and has mom close by.
                            Celebrate! ::


                            • #15
                              I would just abide by your contract policy.....if it says they cant attend for diarrhea then they cant attend

