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First Day And New DCM Is Late...This Is Going To Suck

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  • First Day And New DCM Is Late...This Is Going To Suck

    So I took on a kid that is supposed to get here between 5:30 and 6am, it's 6:03 and she isn't here and hasn't called, normally I wouldn't be ticked by this but I volunteered to open 30 minutes early at 5:30am just for her, and now she didn't even show or hasn't called to say she's going to be late.

    Sometimes I feel like not answering the door and later being like "oh I'm sorry..I didn't realize your time was valuable since apparently mine isn't"

  • #2
    So sorry. That sucks! Parents can be so rude. Did she even consider that you woke up extra early just for her? People these days are getting so selfish.
    ~Everything happens for a reason~


    • #3
      if she doesn't show up or call by 6:30, i'm putting a note on the door that says "i waited for you for an hour, sorry but this isn't how i run my daycare, good luck"

      I don't need the money that bad


      • #4
        Have you called her? Maybe she was in an accident or something.


        • #5
          So did she show up? It really makes me wonder what some people are thinking when they do these things. How hard is it to make a 30 second phone call? Or email/text, saying you changed your mind? I never realized how rude people are until I started daycare. I had someone completely not show up or call for an interview the other day, after I scrambled my own kids through dinner and spent extra time cleaning that day. Ugh.
          ~Everything happens for a reason~


          • #6
            nope, she didn't show and she didn't call. I called her a few minutes ago and she was like *insert ditzy voice here* "oooooooh, yeahhhhh....uuuuuum I was GONNA call but like, I didn't wanna call all early, I was gonna wait til like niiiiiiiiine or something"

            oh. my. god. are you freaking kidding me??!

            So I told her that in the future she needs to call before her scheduled drop off time so I can like, ya know uuuuuuuum, SLEEP! grrrrrrrrrr

            There is 2 inches of snow on the ground she didn't want to leave her house, so she called in to work, on her first day.

            Yeah, I'm done.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
              So I took on a kid that is supposed to get here between 5:30 and 6am, it's 6:03 and she isn't here and hasn't called, normally I wouldn't be ticked by this but I volunteered to open 30 minutes early at 5:30am just for her, and now she didn't even show or hasn't called to say she's going to be late.

              Sometimes I feel like not answering the door and later being like "oh I'm sorry..I didn't realize your time was valuable since apparently mine isn't"

              Ughhhhhhhh!!! Dislike!!!!!!! I would be mad. Early drop-offs that never show/call are my biggest pet peeve. I hope you called & found out what was going on & I would be sure to mention that you got up early JUST FOR THEM!


              • #8
                I would be upsetting if they are not show up. How rude is that!! Glad you made a call but you are right you are done with them.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                  nope, she didn't show and she didn't call. I called her a few minutes ago and she was like *insert ditzy voice here* "oooooooh, yeahhhhh....uuuuuum I was GONNA call but like, I didn't wanna call all early, I was gonna wait til like niiiiiiiiine or something"

                  oh. my. god. are you freaking kidding me??!

                  So I told her that in the future she needs to call before her scheduled drop off time so I can like, ya know uuuuuuuum, SLEEP! grrrrrrrrrr

                  There is 2 inches of snow on the ground she didn't want to leave her house, so she called in to work, on her first day.

                  Yeah, I'm done.

                  Wow. Seriously? WTH? I'd definitely be done too. "yeah..ummm.. I didn't want to call
                  early..." why the h$@! not? You got up early because SHE was supposed to be there. Does she think you sleep until the doorbell rings? Wow. Sorry you had to deal with this.
                  ~Everything happens for a reason~


                  • #10
                    well, I would let her go, obv. she doesn't need care that bad and since you said that you don't need money that bad. wow, thats early, what does she do that she needs to drop her kid off that early.


                    • #11
                      This is exactly why I have added to my contract that if they do not come at their normal drop off time, and I have not heard from them; I will assume they are out for the day and make other arrangements.


                      • #12
                        neither one of my daycare kids came today because of the snow, it's kind of ridiculous IMO, there are 2 inches of snow, and the main roads are all clear.

                        the one who comes really early works in a hotel her hours are 6-2:30, I don't think that job will last though, I can't believe she called in on her first day!

                        My husband thinks I should give her a pass since it's the first day and the weather is "bad", but he's a softy, I think it was flat out rude that she didn't call. Her excuse was that she didn't want to wake anyone up, well she's on my facebook page, send me a message there! Plus, everyone's known all weekend that it was supposed to snow, she could have called yesterday and said "if it snows, I won't be coming", it isn't rocket science


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                          neither one of my daycare kids came today because of the snow, it's kind of ridiculous IMO, there are 2 inches of snow, and the main roads are all clear.

                          the one who comes really early works in a hotel her hours are 6-2:30, I don't think that job will last though, I can't believe she called in on her first day!

                          My husband thinks I should give her a pass since it's the first day and the weather is "bad", but he's a softy, I think it was flat out rude that she didn't call. Her excuse was that she didn't want to wake anyone up, well she's on my facebook page, send me a message there! Plus, everyone's known all weekend that it was supposed to snow, she could have called yesterday and said "if it snows, I won't be coming", it isn't rocket science
                          Hi cillybean83, I am in TN too!! We got about 5 inches where we are. I only have 2 DCg's both from same family today. Dcd dropped off and said side roads were pretty bad. My DH boss called us this morning and said they were closing for the day .
                          Sorry your new dcm did not have the respect to call you.


                          • #14
                            Do you have any kind of no show or late drop off fee in your contract? If not, I'd add one. If so, charge it right now!!!!!

                            Parents really don't stop and think about things from our perspective.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                              nope, she didn't show and she didn't call. I called her a few minutes ago and she was like *insert ditzy voice here* "oooooooh, yeahhhhh....uuuuuum I was GONNA call but like, I didn't wanna call all early, I was gonna wait til like niiiiiiiiine or something"

                              oh. my. god. are you freaking kidding me??!

                              So I told her that in the future she needs to call before her scheduled drop off time so I can like, ya know uuuuuuuum, SLEEP! grrrrrrrrrr

                              There is 2 inches of snow on the ground she didn't want to leave her house, so she called in to work, on her first day.

                              Yeah, I'm done.
                              Translation: She did not want to be inconvenienced to get out of bed & call you so rather she inconvenienced you making you get up early & wait for nothing. I would be done too! Yikes!

