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Infant Feeding Seating

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  • Infant Feeding Seating

    My plan with my own child in the future is to buy a Fisher-Price Space Saver Highchair (like this one) Then, I can just secure it onto my wooden kitchen chairs and save on space too. BUT, my daycare will only be in my lower level of the home and I will have a kitchen area built-in to always be down there. Would it look weird if I ONLY had one or two wooden kitchen chairs downstairs near the wall in the kitchen area without a table? I have a kidney shaped table and chairs for all the kids who are old enough, roughly 20 months old or so should sit fine and work eating/crafting activities on the table. I do expect to have 2 children young enough needing high chairs and just don't know about not having a standard height table downstairs because I know I will not have the room. Maybe it's just me, but please tell me if I should get two of the highchairs I want and not have a table or if that would look to weird unless I added a table at standard height or just bought actual highchairs.

  • #2
    I don't think it would look weird...why would it? The chairs will have the high-chairs on them, won't they?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      no i dont think it would look weird either.... you can always purchase a folding high chair for the daycare area (I have 2 and love them- they fold down flat when not in use)


      • #4
        No I think it would look fine. My neighbor who also does daycare just uses those hook on high-chairs on her kidney shaped table when she has infants and that works pretty well.

        I have the space saver high chair for when the baby eats at my kitchen table, much better than a big highchair in my kitchen.


        • #5
          I wonder if the space saver high chair would work on a child-size wooden chair? If anything, I could always buy 1-2 wooden kitchen chairs--mine are too nice to use--and have my dad cut the legs shorter to the infants can sit near the kidney shaped table with the rest of the children while being safely secured to a chair. Do you know if they'll work with a wooden child-sized chair? If not, cutting the legs down is what I might do. (The space saver is my favorite so far, but with a short table I feel it will stand out in the kitchen area).

          The current chairs I have are stackable blue chairs, so they're not flat making it unsafe to attach the space saver to it. That is why I would have to buy a new chair or two. I also am not a big fan of the attach-to-the-table chairs, not sure why. I know they've been around a long time though! If I could afford a table with the bucket seats for infants I would buy it in a heartbeat!
          Last edited by Abigail; 02-07-2011, 10:56 PM.


          • #6
            If I did all infants I would buy that table! That is a cool table and you could even use it for block time and so much more.


            • #7
              I have 2 seats like that. I took my old chairs and put towels down on them first so they dont get ruined and then I strapped the chairs in. I use it alone or if we are doing certain crafts that the toddlers cannot get into I put my 2.5 yo in the chairs and push them up to my kitchen table.

              I too will be moving my daycare downstairs and I decided that I will have a small table because if I have something that I do not want the children to touch or I would like to sit down and eat. But if you didnt have a table I do not think it would look funny.


              • #8
                how about the high chairs from ikea, you can stack them and are smaller. I'm debating wether or not I want to buy some.


                • #9
                  On CL this week is a one year old 4-seater like the one pictured above! It's only $300 total which is normally twice that cost. My husband would kill me if I bought it now without a place to put it. We already have a kidney shaped table in storage for half a year, but I sure hope more great deals come across once we move. That's the first time I've seen one on CL though it really bites that it's not the time to buy for me right now, ugh.


                  • #10
                    For infants old enough to sit at the table with us I have wooden restraunt high chairs that I have cut down to slide up to the preschool table. I feel like they will learn more about table routines if they are right there with us so it was important to me to get them to the table.

                    I change the kids over to regular child-sized chairs starting at about 16 months but it's usually short times starting with short table activities and then eventually to snacks and then meals once they seem to understand that we stay seated until we are done eating. There's no magic age when it happens just whenever they catch on.

                    The attach to the table high chairs are not reccommended because they're not safe after a certain weight and people tend to still use them after that weight. At least that's what I was told while going through the quality enhancement program.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by heyhun77 View Post
                      For infants old enough to sit at the table with us I have wooden restraunt high chairs that I have cut down to slide up to the preschool table. I feel like they will learn more about table routines if they are right there with us so it was important to me to get them to the table.

                      I change the kids over to regular child-sized chairs starting at about 16 months but it's usually short times starting with short table activities and then eventually to snacks and then meals once they seem to understand that we stay seated until we are done eating. There's no magic age when it happens just whenever they catch on.

                      The attach to the table high chairs are not reccommended because they're not safe after a certain weight and people tend to still use them after that weight. At least that's what I was told while going through the quality enhancement program.
                      I've never liked the attach-to-the-table chairs even though I've seen many people use them back in the 90's. I have 2 10-inch high chairs and 8 12-inch high chairs with a table that is about 16-24 inches in height....can't remember exactly. I'm REALLY going to have to cut down chairs if I want the little one's to sit at the same table. I'm sure they would all fit since the table can easily fit 6-8 and that's more than what I will probably have enrolled.


                      • #12
                        I have a safety first? space saving chair and I love it! It converts to a booster obviously. It is perfect. It is very easy to travel with and super easy to clean.

