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Books Getting Wrecked

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  • Books Getting Wrecked

    I have a pretty big kids library. Last count was over 1200. I have about 500 books available to the kids at all times, and the rest are out of reach. Out of the 500, dck's usually pull out about 50 a day.

    I let them have free reign over the books. I work with a reading specialist and she says this is the best way to promote early literacy. It's worked well until now.

    Lately I've noticed that books are getting destroyed. I'm not sure who it is, or if it is several dck's. I removed our "book boxes" so I have more control over the books, but I don't really like this. It hasn't helped the problem though. I'm losing about two per week.

    It's not a matter of using board books - those get destroyed too, believe it or not.

    I don't want to reduce library privileges any further, but I'm not sure what to do. What would you guys do?

  • #2
    Ouch. Can you have a sit down about the books? How old are your kids. I have a book/toy hospital. When a book or toy is broken or damaged, it goes in there. The child who puts it in there must tell me, and we talk about it. It's non punitive if they fess up, put the book in the hospital. At the end of the day I go through the bin if there's anything in there, tape or repair anything I can.


    • #3
      Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
      Ouch. Can you have a sit down about the books? How old are your kids. I have a book/toy hospital. When a book or toy is broken or damaged, it goes in there. The child who puts it in there must tell me, and we talk about it. It's non punitive if they fess up, put the book in the hospital. At the end of the day I go through the bin if there's anything in there, tape or repair anything I can.
      They are 3 are under. It's hard for the 2's to get it. Some of them, anyway.


      • #4
        Originally posted by midaycare View Post
        They are 3 are under. It's hard for the 2's to get it. Some of them, anyway.
        Maybe cut way down on the books that they have access to. Model (a lot) how to handle the books and put them away and gradually increase the number out. Catch the gentle hands, etc.

        I let mine have free access to a select few that I've purchased at garage sales, etc (so not new at all) and then if they do get ruined, it isn't as big a deal. The nicer ones stay up until they are older. (disclaimer: my group is young 1s and a 3yo who has not had much access to books).

        I like the idea of a book hospital, too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by midaycare View Post
          I have a pretty big kids library. Last count was over 1200. I have about 500 books available to the kids at all times, and the rest are out of reach. Out of the 500, dck's usually pull out about 50 a day.

          I let them have free reign over the books. I work with a reading specialist and she says this is the best way to promote early literacy. It's worked well until now.

          Lately I've noticed that books are getting destroyed. I'm not sure who it is, or if it is several dck's. I removed our "book boxes" so I have more control over the books, but I don't really like this. It hasn't helped the problem though. I'm losing about two per week.

          It's not a matter of using board books - those get destroyed too, believe it or not.

          I don't want to reduce library privileges any further, but I'm not sure what to do. What would you guys do?
          Honestly, part of it is just part of the job.

          I feel like I am fixing or tossing out at least 2-3 books weekly sometimes.

          I too, have a ginormous library and have parents donating books regularly but there are times in which I feel I can't keep up with the losses.....

          What I have been doing is not allowing them 100% free reign. I allow them to look at books whenever they want but they aren't allowed to take out more than one at a time and they are required to sit when looking.

          My kids will "police" each other so whenever someone breaks a rule (tears a book or has more than one at a time) the others will start squawking like pigeons in the McDonalds parking lot.

          I also know the kids well enough to know who did what. Some kids are really genuinely into reading/looking at the books while others just want to chew on them or tear them up. It doesn't take long to figure out who those ones are and then I just stay on them pretty closely until they've learned not to treat the books in ways that damage them.

          I've also put damaged and torn books in a crate and only allowed the kids access to those books for the day as a lesson in "this is what everyone will get if we don't treat our books nicely". That seems to really drive the point home and they really appreciate the good ones' once they've earned their rights back to them.


          • #6
            Originally posted by midaycare View Post
            I have a pretty big kids library. Last count was over 1200. I have about 500 books available to the kids at all times, and the rest are out of reach. Out of the 500, dck's usually pull out about 50 a day.

            I let them have free reign over the books. I work with a reading specialist and she says this is the best way to promote early literacy. It's worked well until now.

            Lately I've noticed that books are getting destroyed. I'm not sure who it is, or if it is several dck's. I removed our "book boxes" so I have more control over the books, but I don't really like this. It hasn't helped the problem though. I'm losing about two per week.

            It's not a matter of using board books - those get destroyed too, believe it or not.

            I don't want to reduce library privileges any further, but I'm not sure what to do. What would you guys do?
            I'd say that since the reading specialist isn't buying all those books, you have to do what's best for your business. Kids destroying $20-50 worth of books a week is not her problem.

            I also have a lot of books. I have a rack that has maybe 15 at a time (and that's been recent..before that it was 5-8). I have another basket of about 5-6 books in my second room by a bench and small chair. I rotate every week or two, or when I notice people getting bored. My oldest here is 2 1/2, so they like repetition at this age.

            If I see a book on the floor, I point at it and say "Alert! Alert! book on the floor!"

            Cracks me up when I hear the kids do it, too.

            Honestly, access to books is great for them. But, I don't think they need 50 at the same time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              Honestly, part of it is just part of the job.

              I feel like I am fixing or tossing out at least 2-3 books weekly sometimes.

              I too, have a ginormous library and have parents donating books regularly but there are times in which I feel I can't keep up with the losses.....

              What I have been doing is not allowing them 100% free reign. I allow them to look at books whenever they want but they aren't allowed to take out more than one at a time and they are required to sit when looking.

              My kids will "police" each other so whenever someone breaks a rule (tears a book or has more than one at a time) the others will start squawking like pigeons in the McDonalds parking lot.

              I also know the kids well enough to know who did what. Some kids are really genuinely into reading/looking at the books while others just want to chew on them or tear them up. It doesn't take long to figure out who those ones are and then I just stay on them pretty closely until they've learned not to treat the books in ways that damage them.

              I've also put damaged and torn books in a crate and only allowed the kids access to those books for the day as a lesson in "this is what everyone will get if we don't treat our books nicely". That seems to really drive the point home and they really appreciate the good ones' once they've earned their rights back to them.
              I only allow a small amount of board books out. I only allow regular books out when I can directly supervise. I realize this isn't current "best praaaaaaaactice" (sorry, I despise that phrase ) but with a diverse, mixed age group, this has worked the best.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                My kids will "police" each other so whenever someone breaks a rule (tears a book or has more than one at a time) the others will start squawking like pigeons in the McDonalds parking lot.
                :::: I literally laughed at loud at that one. Mine are all under 2, so all of my books are board books. They LOVE their books though


                • #9
                  I put 3M Book Tape on all of my books (as soon as they come in the house-before they are broken). It has REALLY cut down on the destruction!

                  Here's a link to what I use:


                  • #10
                    All good insight. Haha to the best practice comment . And BC, at the pigeons comment. That is an awesome visual and very true for how dck's can sound sometimes!

                    I will need to think on this for a day or two.


                    • #11
                      A long time ago, I had a teacher parent that told me she tells her students that books are "treasures". Since then I have used that wording with my daycare kids. Also, I have 2 book holders that each hold about 12 books each in my reading area. I change out my themes monthly and only have books out pertaining to the 3 or 4 themes I use. I also place 2-4 books in each center on the shelf pertaining to that area. I do not let the kids get into my large selection. The kids are contained to books that are what says are available for the month.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Leigh View Post
                        I put 3M Book Tape on all of my books (as soon as they come in the house-before they are broken). It has REALLY cut down on the destruction!

                        Here's a link to what I use:
                        This is so embarrassing. I volunteer in a library. Part of my duties is to use book tape to reinforce kids books, paperbacks, etc.

                        Never even thought to use it on my books

                        Now I wonder if they'll even allow me back...NO BOOKS FOR YOU!!!::


                        • #13
                          I have a young group to. (oldest just turned 3) The babies chew on the corners of the board books (nothing much I can do about that) When I get down to far on books I replace them, garage sales are a great way to replace without having to buy new. I agree with others, cut down on the books, maybe rotate book boxes? Kids are hard on toys!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Heidi View Post
                            I'd say that since the reading specialist isn't buying all those books, you have to do what's best for your business. Kids destroying $20-50 worth of books a week is not her problem.

                            I also have a lot of books. I have a rack that has maybe 15 at a time (and that's been recent..before that it was 5-8). I have another basket of about 5-6 books in my second room by a bench and small chair. I rotate every week or two, or when I notice people getting bored. My oldest here is 2 1/2, so they like repetition at this age.

                            If I see a book on the floor, I point at it and say "Alert! Alert! book on the floor!"

                            Cracks me up when I hear the kids do it, too.

                            Honestly, access to books is great for them. But, I don't think they need 50 at the same time.

                            I used to put out 2 books times the number of children I had. So if there were 4 children I'd put out 8 total. Then I'd switch them out when they got tired of them. If I noticed that they really didn't pick up certain books much then I'd swap just those out.

                            This worked out so much better than when I used to put out more.



                            • #15
                              Thanks Leigh, next time I'm out I'm gonna pick up a roll. I hope they sell it in stores? I love this site. So many good ideas.

