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Infants Outside

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  • Infants Outside

    I don't typically watch children under age 18 months. But I reluctantly (out of financial necessity) accepted a 10 month old. But when we go outside, since she can't walk yet, she keeps scraping her knees and legs on the sidewalk and gets grass stains on her knees and shorts which, of course upsets her mother.

    What do you guys do outside with babies that can't walk yet?

  • #2
    Super yard on top of a blanket with some toys. Once they can walk, they are free.


    • #3
      Originally posted by permanentvacation View Post
      I don't typically watch children under age 18 months. But I reluctantly (out of financial necessity) accepted a 10 month old. But when we go outside, since she can't walk yet, she keeps scraping her knees and legs on the sidewalk and gets grass stains on her knees and shorts which, of course upsets her mother.

      What do you guys do outside with babies that can't walk yet?
      I let them play.

      Grass stained clothes, scraped knees and a couple handfuls of dirt/sand is a right of passage in my eyes and I won't contain a child simply because they cannot walk yet or because the parent doesn't like their child being dirty.

      It's part of being a kid.

      I wouldn't be able to accommodate a parent that didn't understand that.

      I understand your position in regards to agreeing to take this child so if you don't think educating mom on kids and dirt and it's normal-ness... do you have a pnp or an exersaucer you could keep her in while you are outside?


      • #4
        We spread out a big blanket and put toys on it and that usually keeps them entertained for a while until they start to crawl away and then we see if they want to swing in the baby swing and the three we have love it so they stay in it a while. There's an exersaucer that we use just for outside that they can sit in.


        • #5
          First of all, the fact that her mom is upset is ridiculous. My handbook says we go outside daily and they will get dirty. Please do not send your child in clothing you don't want to get ruined.
          Secondly, I use an exersaucer outside for babies if we are playing on cement.


          • #6
            I have done daycare for over 20 years and lived a couple of places during that time. This is the first place that I have lived that practically EVERY parent I get throws a fit if there's a speck of dirt on their kid's clothes! It's also the lowest income area I've ever lived. I am starting to think that the parents fuss about the kids' clothes getting dirty possibly because they literally can't afford to buy separate play clothes for their children. So I think it's really a financial issue for the parents in this area. All the playgrounds around here have that spongy ground covering that doesn't get them dirty at all. So they are used to being able to take their kids to the playground without them getting dirty. But I can't afford that playground covering. I've actually looked into it, but it's a couple of thousand of dollars!

            I have given almost every parent I've gotten for the past 3 years (as long as I've lived here) speeches about how it's okay for a child to get dirty, it's healthy for them to experience and experiment with grass and dirt, they WILL get dirty here, so you need to put clothes on them that they CAN get dirty on, etc. I've said it all to practically every parent I've had since I moved here. But they keep having fits about it. I really think it's that they can't afford the extra clothes.

            I've never thought of taking the baby swing outside for her. Mine is a small one that I can pick up easily and take inside and outside. I'll try that. It sounds like a perfect idea!

            I've given up on exercisers. Every time I get one, a baby throws up in it. I then take off the cloth seat and wash it, but can NEVER get the dang thing back on the circular plastic piece. I gave the last one to my ex-husband for him to try to pull the seat covering over the plastic piece about 3 months ago! He gave up on getting the thing to stretch enough to get it on too! So every time a baby throws up in them, I wind up throwing them away and buying a new one!

            This particular baby moves and crawls like crazy. So a blanket wouldn't work. I tried that in the house and it was a joke. Within a matter of seconds, she had crawled off of it. She really does NOT stay put. She likes to move!


            • #7
              Could you have mom go get a couple pairs of old sweatpants or leggings for baby to keep at your house as outside play clothes?

              Not being allowed to crawl in the grass or feel the dirt/nature seems kind of cruel to me.

              I think being confined to a swing or some other piece of equipment is like banning a kid from really being able to experience outdoors.

              If that is all a child gets, why not just stay inside and open the windows? That way they are still getting the fresh air but not getting dirty.


              • #8
                I have PNPs and walkers for the infants I have and I also have this area set up for them as well.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Baby Area.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	99.1 KB
ID:	982934

                Sometimes I do a blanket in another Super Yard with just a few toys too.


                • #9
                  I have actually thought of buying some extra clothes for the kids from Walmart when they have kids clothes on sale. I might just do that. I have told the parents numerous times to send their kids in play clothes that they can get dirty in. But they never do!

                  Fall is coming, I could buy some sweatpants and zip up sweat shirts/jackets to put on them over their clothes so their clothes don't get dirty!


                  • #10
                    I would grab a pair of black sweatpants and toss them on her before going out. I refuse to use entrapment devices. And my kids get dirty. That's one of the reasons parents love my program. Kids need to feel gravity and that gets you dirty. Good luck. It's hard when parents value clothing more than their child.


                    • #11
                      I like your play yard set up. But it wouldn't work for her. She climbs them! It is VERY hard to confine her in anything!


                      • #12
                        I'm currently researching and planning on adding lots of natural things to my daycare. Which, of course, can lead to messy activities! I'm going to try to MAKE my parents understand that children NEED to get messy to learn, experiment, and experience their world. I'll probably lose every kid I have!


                        • #13
                          With my 7 month old, I either use a pnp or like others have mentioned, a play yard and blanket and toys (so far). I have even brought out a high chair if we were doing messy craft time outside and I needed my hands free. We aren't allowed to use exersaucers/walkers or anything like that so I am limited. In a few more months when he is more mobile and getting around on his own, he will get to play like the others and get dirty. That is the fun part about being a kid! Hopefully mom won't take issue with that


                          • #14
                            I take all my infants outside with me, I have a HUGE picknic blanket with waterproof backing that I spread out. I have a sheltered patio and a tree so on cool days we sit under the tree on the blanket otherwise we spread out across the patio. It works great for protecting little knees and elbows and the babies love being able to watch the hummingbirds as they visit my feeders.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              I let them play.

                              Grass stained clothes, scraped knees and a couple handfuls of dirt/sand is a right of passage in my eyes and I won't contain a child simply because they cannot walk yet or because the parent doesn't like their child being dirty.

                              It's part of being a kid.

                              I wouldn't be able to accommodate a parent that didn't understand that.

                              I understand your position in regards to agreeing to take this child so if you don't think educating mom on kids and dirt and it's normal-ness... do you have a pnp or an exersaucer you could keep her in while you are outside?
                              my 9 month is covered in grass stains and his parents love it 😄

