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Need Help Writing a Letter to My HOA for In-home Daycare

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  • #16
    I happen to live in a good HOA community. For those who said they wouldn't, mostly you have no choice here. It seems like if you have a house you have an HOA and if you have a condo you have a condo association and I've heard horror stories about them.

    Okay, now did I have a point?

    Here we helped many providers because my state, Florida, has a STATE law that allows in home daycares. Actually my HOA says no in home businesses (although tons of people sneek and nobody cares) but the HOA's are trumped by state law. So you should check and see if you have any state laws that might allow this. Sometimes you have to search around for this law. One of our providers actually had to educate our city attorney about this law.

    Also check with licensing. They might have some information you could use. Maybe there is or was another provider in your neighborhood so that would set a precedent.



    • #17
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post it made you hungry? ::

      .....I saw that too and wondered. :
      Then realized it was a typo but I didn't edit it because I was on my phone and didn't have time.
      Everything makes me hungry ::

      OP - just teasing My posts are obviously full of typos too


      • #18
        Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
        Everything makes me hungry ::

        OP - just teasing My posts are obviously full of typos too
        Glad you have a sense of humor! ::

        Mine are usually full of typos too (especially on my cell or my tablet) because my brain works faster than my fingers so thank goodness for those little red lines that show up telling you a word is spelled wrong or my replies would all look like a Kindergartener sounding out words .......

        I still got the message though and thought the same thing you did and wondered what in the world is inhumane about HOA's.... ::


        • #19
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          Glad you have a sense of humor! ::

          Mine are usually full of typos too (especially on my cell or my tablet) because my brain works faster than my fingers so thank goodness for those little red lines that show up telling you a word is spelled wrong or my replies would all look like a Kindergartener sounding out words .......

          I still got the message though and thought the same thing you did and wondered what in the world is inhumane about HOA's....
          All the rules that nobody understands. How do we know it doesn't say in there you can't use your grill outside? THAT would be inhumane!


          • #20
            HOA restrictions

            Originally posted by shaunacohen1 View Post
            Hello all,

            I live in Raleigh NC. I'm in the process of trying to get licensed for my in-home daycare. Before I reached out to my HOA, I read the bylaws handbook as well as the covenant, conditions and restrictions handbook. Within the handbook it states I can run a business in my home. It doesn't say i can't run a daycare business. It also states the business must comply with the law and not be illegal which my business will be legal because I'm getting licensed through the state of NC.

            So i reached out to my HOA stating all the facts and how I will be abiding by the law and within the guidelines of the handbook. They kept emailing me back every time with different excuses why I can't have the business. so once I came back with all my facts their last comment was the children will be to loud if they go outside and we don't want you disturbing the neighbors. In NC an in-home daycare is only allowed 5 children in the home. You mean to tell me if i was a mother of 5 children I couldn't let my children outside because of neighbors? Also I have in writing from other people where this same company is emailing the residents telling them kids shouldn't be playing in the st. they are not running a playground.

            Who says that about children. Do i have any rights? can I fight them on this? this is so wrong and unacceptable.
            Since the covenant doesn't restrict businesses, I think you should fight this. Ask them to cite you anything in their handbook that prevents you from operating. They can't say 5 children would create too much noise before you've started caring for them.

            I'd suggest going to your local media and asking them to write about this. Get your neighbors to sign a letter saying they support your right to care for children. Tell them you will sue if they refuse to allow you to operate.

            I've written an article about this:


            • #21
              Definitely argue that point.

