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Haha I Have No Life!

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  • Haha I Have No Life!

    I come here 2nd thing in the a.m., every day. Usually I just sit and read newest posts. But then I see people who are posting right along with me and I wanna offer them a cup of coffee.
    Hi Nannyde and DaveAmour!

  • #2
    I know what you mean- my wife went for a "way too early" crack of dawn bike ride and woke me up getting ready. I'm procrastinating*- need to get out and finish rearranging my shop and start making a few tool carts. Now that I have a real floor in my shop (Movin' up in the world ) I'm putting most of my tooling on carts for flexibility of my workspace. My excuse is I'm waiting for the caffeine to kick in.


    • #3
      I am sometimes here late at night, and it seems nobody else is. Not usually early in the morning though I sleep then .


      • #4
        Hah, I am right there with you! Set my alarm for 7am but my body clock woke me up at 5:30. So much for sleeping in


        • #5
          Count me in on the early am crowd.

          Wish coffee made itself. Lol.


          • #6
            I read the original post about 5 minutes after it was written; I'm an early bird too, but I then got out of bed & went to the farmer market before it got to bloody hot . Got my coffee to go


            • #7
              It's part of my morning routine too. But I decided to go for a coca cola instead of a coffee this morning ::::


              • #8
                This is the first thing I do in the morning but i have a Mountain Dew instead of coffee! Lol.


                • #9
                  I love coming on here in the morning and drinking my coffee while I wait for kids to arrive and for my own to wake up. On saturdays, I replace the coffee with a bloody mary or mimosa and it is even more relaxing


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
                    I am sometimes here late at night, and it seems nobody else is. Not usually early in the morning though I sleep then .
                    I am usually checking in late night. I get to bed usually around the time everyone here is getting up. I guess you could say I am and early morning contributor.

                    Originally posted by AuntTami View Post
                    This is the first thing I do in the morning but i have a Mountain Dew instead of coffee! Lol.
                    Love Mountain Dew but I think coffee is more healthy for you.


                    • #11
                      I'll pop in for a minutes in the morning if I have a little bit of extra time in the morning before I have to leave for work. Sometimes I like to see if I can find something I could use that day. Or eventually. Or whatever.

                      I'm usually on at night though, before I take my shower.

