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Child Shying Away? Advice?

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  • Child Shying Away? Advice?

    I have a family with a dcb1 and dcg3 that came full time over the winter and down to part time for the summer. All winter the kids came in great no issue, dcb always had his hands out ready to come to me. Now that's it's summer dcg comes in great but dcb clings to mom cries when I take him it breaks my heart. Now the thing that really bothers me is that my mom was here this morning while I was gone for an hour and dcb and dcg got dropped off to her. He came right to her all happy no tears. Mom made a comment how he never does that for me, she was shocked he didn't cry, now I feel like it's me. Help 😟

  • #2
    There are so many possible reasons. If only we could read the little ones minds

    Perhaps he didn't cry with your mom because she was new and was enough of a distraction?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Baby Beluga View Post
      There are so many possible reasons. If only we could read the little ones minds

      Perhaps he didn't cry with your mom because she was new and was enough of a distraction?
      That's exactly what I was thinking. Or she reminded him of grandma?

      It's normal for kiddos to attach to parents at drop off and not wanna leave. They also go through stages.

      My favorite guy has been coming for over a year. The first couple weeks were rough, then he was begging to come. we're back to crying when mom drops off now and it's even worse when dad drops off. But he has a lot of changes happening in his life now, so he's all discombobulated.

      Is anything happening or changing at home to disrupt his life? Is mom dragging out the drop offs? If so, I would try bye bye outside. Hugs and kisses and byes before they get in the door and then a quick drop off "bye, see you later" hand them off and the parent leaves

      . We've been doing this for my guy minus the bye bye outside because his issue isn't that he doesn't think mom won't come back. He knows she will. He's just all out of sorts for other reasons. So she gives him a hug and kiss on the way in, no long drawn out bye bye, she hands him off, he starts to cry and I tell him "let's go see the bunny" and then he's fine
      . Can you find a distraction for him? Is there anything he REALLY loves at your house? My dudes is our pet bunny. He loves the bunny and any time he's upset, she fixes him instantly

