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Buying Enough/Not Too Much For Groceries

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  • Buying Enough/Not Too Much For Groceries

    How in heck do you all do it?? I was expecting up to 6 dcks today, ended up with only 3(and 2 of those hardly eat anything). There will definitely be a day devoted to leftovers this week.

  • #2
    My husband gets a lot of leftovers in his lunch.


    • #3
      I build one leftovers meal into the menu for the week and then my husband takes food for lunch to work, either leftovers from lunch or dinner. Some things get made over into other meals. We freeze leftover veggies in a bucket in the freezer with meat pieces, ect. and then once it's about half full we thaw it, put it in a pan with soup stock and make soup.


      • #4
        It is hard when your counts change. If I know I have less I prepare the lesser amount- so today I only had 3 kidlets and me eating lunch so I only prepared 1/2 of the 1.2 pounds of ground turkey for lunch. The other 1/2 will either be dinner for dd and I or added to spaghetti sauce later in the week.
        I often time use raw veg early in the week then if I still have some on Friday I will cook them either for littles lunch or make stir fry for dinner for my family. If I don't have any fresh left then I will make frozen veg.

        I guess after years of doing this- you learn to adjust.


        • #5
          I do remember it being much easier when my ds used to live at home. At 6'8", there were never any leftovers.


          • #6
            The kids actually eat a lot of left overs here. Does that Make me bad? Lol. I'll make a good meal for DH and I for dinner and the kiddos and I will eat the left overs for lunch the next day, with some other components added. That takes the guess work right out since I've already made it and just have to warm it.

            Otherwise, yes; we eat a lot of left overs. I don't wanna talk about buying groceries. The amount I spend makes me cry.


            • #7
              Originally posted by AuntTami View Post
              The kids actually eat a lot of left overs here. Does that Make me bad? Lol. I'll make a good meal for DH and I for dinner and the kiddos and I will eat the left overs for lunch the next day, with some other components added. That takes the guess work right out since I've already made it and just have to warm it.

              Otherwise, yes; we eat a lot of left overs. I don't wanna talk about buying groceries. The amount I spend makes me cry.
              Same here. I only have 4 in my group, though, so I'll admit it's easier to live off leftovers. If there are too many, DH eats some for lunch. If there are too few, just the kids get them. I have a lot of frozen veggies too, so I can always stretch a meal or re-tool it on the fly.


              • #8
                I readjust my plan and make cold sandwiches or grilled cheese or pancakes! Or homemade lunchables!


                • #9
                  I keep sandwich fixings around, so if it is a light day, I makes sandwiches and cut up fruit and veggies. Easy to make, easy to clean up and the kids like them. We also do a lot of leftovers.


                  • #10
                    I use leftovers a lot also. Often I try to turn them into something else. Or DH will take them in the semi, especially if he wasn't here when I fixed that and so it isn't leftover to him.

