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Can I See Your Word Wall?

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  • Can I See Your Word Wall?

    EDIT: I'm goofy today. I asked about a word wall but I meant Reading wall. And really it's more like a wall with the alphabet on it, pictures and a sentence as an example of the letter etc.

    I know some of you with preschool curricula have a reading/alphabet wall. I've never used one but I wanted to start using one. Is anyone willing to share photos of theirs?

    I don't have a lot of space and I've seen word walls in schools that take a large area of a wall. I'm hoping I can get ideas to make my own wall. The only areas that I have available for one is the back of a door, a 6' x 5' area near my front door (would be eye level) or 3 1/2' wide and all the way up to the ceiling (but wouldn't all be eye level), and a 3' x 10' area above my couch.

    I have to figure out how to fit 26 letters in one of those spaces and could use some inspiration.

  • #2
    Give kids a fun and active way to learn and review sight words with a free, printable word caterpillar! Makes a great hands-on learning tool for young readers.

    This probably isn't what you had in mind but it would help with your space issue and it's pretty cute.

    Oh check pinterest! I found the caterpillar one there but they have lots of cool ideas! Just search preschool word walls. Good luck.


    • #3
      Not exactly what you're asking for, but good for limited space...

      Each of my kids has an "I Can Read" book, 26 index cards hole-punched and attached with binder rings. Each page is marked with one letter--both upper and lower case. It starts out being for environmental print: one kid recognizes the logo for "Frozen," so we cut it out and tape it on their F page. Another kid has "Cheerios" cut from the box and taped onto their C page. Etc. Over time, we add words they know how to read: friends' names, mommy, etc.

      In addition, they each have an envelope of words they want to learn to read. They ask for a word, I write it on an index card and we add it to their envelope. Once they can remember it, we add another.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post

        This probably isn't what you had in mind but it would help with your space issue and it's pretty cute.

        Oh check pinterest! I found the caterpillar one there but they have lots of cool ideas! Just search preschool word walls. Good luck.
        I love this idea! Thanks for sharing. We're so going to work on this today!


        • #5
          Not exactly a Word wall, but we're doing a label project this month. Kids bring in labels from the foods they eat and we are sorting them alphabetically (beginning letter) and using them for phonic exercises.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Not exatly what I was looking for ladies but still A LOT of help. You gals gave me ideas for activities to try for teaching the alphabet/alphabet sounds.

            I like the label books and wall. Definitely will try that one.

            I did go out to the Dollar Tree yesterday and found mini poster boards so I'm going to see if I can fit 26 of them on my wall.


            • #7
              I don't have a word wall. But I have a ABC poster, number poster and shape poster on a wall at child level. I also have a chalk wall, which I love, its great to be able to write letters, words and shapes, have the kids practice and then clean it off


              • #8
                Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
                I don't have a word wall. But I have a ABC poster, number poster and shape poster on a wall at child level. I also have a chalk wall, which I love, its great to be able to write letters, words and shapes, have the kids practice and then clean it off
                I have all of these too but instead of a chalk wall I have a large chalkboard but it's outside. I even have a poster with the alphabet in sign language, I just wanted to have something with the alphabet that the kids could build on as they learned the alphabet. I think I have something figured out, I just have to actually do it now ::

