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Dear Lord, My Cat Just BIT DCB In Front Of DCM. Do We Have A Cat Whisperer Here?

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  • Dear Lord, My Cat Just BIT DCB In Front Of DCM. Do We Have A Cat Whisperer Here?

    I'm MORTIFIED. My cat is a b***h most days and mostly stays to herself, sleeping in inaccessable places, but she's had an even worse attitude lately because we dont let her outside anymore. She was bringing us "gifts" to the front porch like birds and baby bunnies.

    Anyway, dcb was trying to pet her (which he knows not to do, but kids like to push the envelope when mom is here) and she bit him. No blood, just 4 little scratches where her teeth scraped the skin.

    Dcm didnt seem bothered, I think she said something like "you know you shouldn't be touching Nessa, this is what happens when you do". Which isn't entirely true, she's never bit any dcks, but I teach them to leave her alone to avoid exactly this. Even if dcm truly isnt bothered by it, I am! I was so embarrassed and angry at the same time.

    I'm not getting rid of my cat, that's not an option. She 7 years old and I love her guts. She doesn't behave that ^^^ way with me. I suppose it's time to consider a quarantine for her while my dcks are here. Unless anyone has any other ideas? Or stories of animals behaving badly to make me feel better?

  • #2
    My cat is an attention a point. She loves to come around and the kids will pet her and chase her and she enjoys it. BUT if she is sleeping and they bother her she will usually run away and sleep somewhere else. The other day she must not have wanted to move and when one of them wouldn't leave her alone after I asked her to she reached out a paw as if to warn the child and ended up scratching her a tiny little dot on the face. It was literally pin prick size. Mom was unfazed as I expected she would be because she's like that. But it was a reminder to me that animals are animals. Don't be too upset at kitty. These sorts of things happen.


    • #3
      Originally posted by NessaRose View Post
      I'm MORTIFIED. My cat is a b***h most days and mostly stays to herself, sleeping in inaccessable places, but she's had an even worse attitude lately because we dont let her outside anymore. She was bringing us "gifts" to the front porch like birds and baby bunnies.

      Anyway, dcb was trying to pet her (which he knows not to do, but kids like to push the envelope when mom is here) and she bit him. No blood, just 4 little scratches where her teeth scraped the skin.

      Dcm didnt seem bothered, I think she said something like "you know you shouldn't be touching Nessa, this is what happens when you do". Which isn't entirely true, she's never bit any dcks, but I teach them to leave her alone to avoid exactly this. Even if dcm truly isnt bothered by it, I am! I was so embarrassed and angry at the same time.

      I'm not getting rid of my cat, that's not an option. She 7 years old and I love her guts. She doesn't behave that ^^^ way with me. I suppose it's time to consider a quarantine for her while my dcks are here. Unless anyone has any other ideas? Or stories of animals behaving badly to make me feel better?
      Sounds to me like it has nothing to do with the cat but more to do with DCB not listening.

      It would be no different to me than a child climbing on something and falling after you've told them not to climb on something. You told them not to bother cat (even mom is aware that this is a rule) and yet DCB still touched the cat.

      I think the cat acted exactly how a cat should act and if she is current on her vaccinations, didn't break the skin and has no other issues, I'd just let it be water under the bridge and call it a natural consequence.

      Cats tend to stay away from people when they aren't feeling social so if DCB went looking for trouble, he found it.

      Cat's healthy, up to date
      No broken skin
      No upset parent

      Let it go. Use it as a learning experience... "Told ya Daycare Boy"

      And don't give it a second thought.


      • #4
        I wouldn't worry either. I have a cat that likes to be out with everyone but doesn't like to be petted. He will get up and move if he is bothered BUT he has swiped and scratch kids before. I tell the kids that Charlie cant talk and his way of letting you know you are bugging him is to walk away. If you chase after him you might get scratch so you need to "listen" to what he is telling you. Then I let them learn...


        • #5
          She's up to date on vaccines and healthy, unless you count how fat she is. I guess I just panicked a little because it happened right in front of dcm.


          • #6
            I wouldn't worry. Also, if you figure out how to Quarintine a cat, let me know ! We have 4 cats. Two are declawed and super chill, 1 is old and stays in my son's room or outside, but 1 will scratch if the kids pick on him. He's a little grumpy, but still wants to be around the kids. They're taught to touch gently or leave him alone. A handful of times, littles have yanked his tail or touched his butt (which he hates), and he has scratched. I write up a booboo report with apologies, but no one has ever been mad. It happens. Imo, being around animals does more good for kids than bad.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Stephnrich View Post
              I wouldn't worry. Also, if you figure out how to Quarintine a cat, let me know ! We have 4 cats. Two are declawed and super chill, 1 is old and stays in my son's room or outside, but 1 will scratch if the kids pick on him. He's a little grumpy, but still wants to be around the kids. They're taught to touch gently or leave him alone. A handful of times, littles have yanked his tail or touched his butt (which he hates), and he has scratched. I write up a booboo report with apologies, but no one has ever been mad. It happens. Imo, being around animals does more good for kids than bad.
              Amen! I can't imagine my house without animals. And I'm very clear from the beginning that I have these pets and they will be accessible to the children. I tell everyone my cat has an attitude problem and most people say, is there a cat who doesn't? ::

              When I say quarantine, I mean wait until she wanders into a bedroom and close the door like a ninja. :: ::


              • #8
                We have a senior kitty with a cranky attitude that gets locked up during the day. He is allowed out to roam only when we are outside. The cats are banned from the playroom and (thankfully) haven't figured out that they can jump over the gates. They aren't the brightest but we do love them


                • #9

                  When I say quarantine, I mean wait until she wanders into a bedroom and close the door like a ninja. :: ::
                  This cracked me up!
                  Last edited by Blackcat31; 06-19-2015, 11:58 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stephnrich View Post
                    This cracked me up!
                    :: I'm dead serious! After all, this is HER house. She just let's us live here. ::.


                    • #11
                      I agree that I wouldn't worry too much.

                      A little off topic but you mentioned that your kitty was bringing you gifts. That's actually a good sign as far as I know which means that your cat loves you so much she's out being a hunter and bringing you offerings. I think I read somewhere that it means that your cat knows you're in charge and she's "earning her keep" so to speak. Gross, but sweet lovethis::


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                        I agree that I wouldn't worry too much. <br />
                        <br />
                        A little off topic but you mentioned that your kitty was bringing you gifts. That's actually a good sign as far as I know which means that your cat loves you so much she's out being a hunter and bringing you offerings. I think I read somewhere that it means that your cat knows you're in charge and she's &quot;earning her keep&quot; so to speak. Gross, but sweet <img src="images/smilies/lovethis.gif" border="0" alt="" title="lovethis" smilieid="21" class="inlineimg" /><img src="images/smilies/laugh.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Laughing" smilieid="13" class="inlineimg" />
                        <br />
                        <br />
                        Yes, I know. They say she actually expects us to [gag] eat it. Like she's feeding us. I know it comes from a good place, maybe she does it to make up for her attitude problem, like an apology. :: A very bloody apology. EWW.


                        • #13
                          Our licensing regulations do not allow pets around dck's. Also parents must be notified that there are pets in the home. We have to put it in writing and they sign it. If a pet injures a child here it is on the provider as the pet is not allowed to be around the children per our regulations.



                          • #14
                            Replace the cat with a dog. Problem solved. ::


                            • #15
                              We have a dog too. And a guinea pig. And a crested gecko. The kids have access to all of them, with supervision of course. My cat is the only one that ever poses a problem. Her nickname is b***h kitty. Well, after hours anyway.
                              Dcm didn't mention it at pick up and seemed totally fine. I guess I made a way bigger deal of it than was necessary.

