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Fun Classroom Jobs

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  • Fun Classroom Jobs

    I started a helping hands board & each of my kids get a special job for the day. They all love it & feel like they're doing something important for the group. Some of the jobs are working out well & some not so much. I'm wondering if any of you do classroom jobs & if so what is on your list. I'd like to come me up with another good one. Right now we have line leader, caboose (turns out lights when everyone leaves a room), book captain for story time, table setter, table wiper, & sweeping team (which never ends well.)

  • #2
    weather keeper
    art leader, they pass out the coloring supplies
    food monitor, help with clean up after meals and during

    server, helps to set the tables for meals
    water boy/girl they pass out the water bottles
    I can't have the kids wipe the tables, but I let them dry them

    toy monitor

    flag leader, they get to hold the flag when we say morning pledge

    teacher asst. they help me all day long with whatever I need. this is normally a child that really needs some love and attention and would normally need yours eyes on them majority of the time. I chose a different child every day, but sometimes the same kid will be my asst for 3-4 days, until they show me they don't need my eyes on them that much. they love it because they feel so special and important.

    I have the kids sweep, but only if they make a mess..

    let me think, I know there is more


    • #3
      Our Helper of the Day gets to choose the first book during storytime, they count the kids at snack time and pass out the plates, the lead the line and hold the door for everyone when we go outside and they do other random jobs for me thrughout the day. They also LOVE it.

      We also have a monthly Room Clean Up day where everyone gets jobs for cleaning off shelves, cleaning our drying rack, sorting toys, etc. I am amazed that they love this day and often start asking for it right before it's time to do it again.


      • #4
        I did this a couple years ago and most of the kids loved it. Then there were a couple who would always whine over the job they got that day and wouldn't cooperate.
        The only one I can think of that hasn't been mentioned before was feeding the dogs. Do you have pets or plants to care for? What about vacuuming? Kids love to vacuum.


        • #5
          We do rule leader. On the wall we have posted 6 rules, and someone gets to read the rules each morning.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mamamanda View Post
            I started a helping hands board & each of my kids get a special job for the day. They all love it & feel like they're doing something important for the group. Some of the jobs are working out well & some not so much. I'm wondering if any of you do classroom jobs & if so what is on your list. I'd like to come me up with another good one. Right now we have line leader, caboose (turns out lights when everyone leaves a room), book captain for story time, table setter, table wiper, & sweeping team (which never ends well.)

            :::: I used to have a "button pusher," when we'd go to the library. You'd think that I had assigned someone to be "candy eater" from all the mayhem that would break out over this coveted position.

