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Business Paperwork: How Many Types Do You Have?

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  • Business Paperwork: How Many Types Do You Have?

    As most of you know, I'm just preparing for opening a daycare next year. I would like to see how many different papers you keep on hand for business paperwork. Really what I'm asking is--what are the titles of the papers organized for your daycare business?

    This is what I'm looking to see...(pretty much things I will eventually make copies for parents or to be displayed in the house)

    1. Handbook
    2. Contract
    3. Holding Contract (for a later start date)
    4. Field Trip Permission Form
    5. Infant Daily Report Sheet
    6. Food Calendar (to show the meals we serve)
    7. Emergency Drills (Fire/Tornado)
    8. Medication Release Form

    Make sure to add what is required by law too. I think we have a few enrollment forms required so those obviously count. I just don't know what they are unless I look.

    I'm also trying to figure out how many file folders I'm going to need in the end so I know if I should purchase a desk with a built-in filing cabinet or just a smaller portable filing system for all the "fill out the form" paperwork I'll have available at any given time. This will be decided on from how much of a list we all can come up with to add to mine above. THANKS IN ADVANCE Please add to my current list and put (required) behind what you add if it's a requirement.
    Last edited by Abigail; 01-05-2011, 10:14 PM.

  • #2
    LOL allthough I have been in biz for over a year, I am in the same boat, about to revise all of my stuff.

    here are what I have:

    1 contract
    2. Parent handbook
    3. FT permission slip
    4. Permission to photograph/website
    5.Various letters.....late payment reminder, reminder of rules letter, reminder of contract,
    6. Parents night out contact if you want one, im crazy my PNO is free once a month
    7. Potty training contract, as it does not apply to all and is only given when parent and provider agrees to start the child.

    I think i might have a few more... I make a lot of revisions... usually when I get screwd over...pardon my french......


    • #3
      oh yeah and i have a total of 9 kids enrolled and I just use a small file box and my laptop.....
      have you looked at a program called minute menu kids???.
      check it out...I use it and find it helpful

      I just recalled another form...

      Medication...permission to adminster medication for each type of med.


      • #4
        I looked in my in box here to check my mail but it says I dont have any....sorry, Im a little slow some times.....

        I looked under private this the right place>?>


        • #5
          Yes, under private messages I sent you one to see if you found it. Click reply within that message and you can send me your email to receive my 8 page handbook.


          • #6
            Here's what I give out in my Parent Packet:

            My Own
            - Contract
            - Handbook
            - Holiday Schedule
            - Rates & Fees (I keep these seperate so if I change the rate I don't have to hand out new handbooks)
            - Photo/Video/Audio/Correspondence Consent Form
            - Excursion & Transportation Consent Form

            Required by the state (CA)
            - Caregiver Background Check Process LIC 995E
            - Consumer Awareness Information LIC 9212
            - Notification of Parent's Rights LIC 995A
            - Identification and Emergency Information LIC 700
            - Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment LIC 627
            - California School Immunization Record PM 286B


            • #7
              All county forms - there are I think 5 - I can't remember exact right now.

              My forms are:

              - contract
              - emergency pick up
              - Baby/Toddler or Child info sheet
              - permission for sunscreen
              - permission for OTC meds
              - Prescription Meds
              - Child pick up
              - Enrollment Application
              - Emergency Transportation
              - Health info
              - Sick Policy

              Think thats it

