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Employee Question- What is Reasonable

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  • Employee Question- What is Reasonable

    So I have 4 asst.

    1 is my asst. director, she makes lots of decisions with me about staff and daycare stuff

    the other 3 are helpers, daycare assts.

    Well I have been having some issues with 2 of the 3 helpers all of a sudden asking for days off. I do require a 2 week advance notice, but do understand it's not always possible.

    i have been allowing it as long as they find someone to cover their shift.

    I have one girl who has been out almost all of April and most of May. I am paying more in payroll and insurance than I am getting work out of her, it's not worth it to even keep her on.

    How much time off do you feel is reasonable?

    I don't have anything about accruing hours for time off, because it's unpaid time off.

  • #2
    My thought is if they get too much time off you are losing money. I think that you should have individual meetings with all three. Ask them if they are happy working for you and work in a question about there attendance, there maybe a reason asst 2 has missed so much time. (could be family time, she could be unhappy, or working a second job)

    Then at the meeting enforce a reward system for attendance or hours worked. (give a gift card to the one who has not been switching hours)


    • #3
      A reward system? what are they two? When I worked for someone if I missed too much work I got written up the next step after that I would've been fired.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        A reward system? what are they two? When I worked for someone if I missed too much work I got written up the next step after that I would've been fired.
        She doesn't have a attendance policy in place. So she can't write anyone up.
        And yes a reward system is used in bussinesses for attendance. My last employer would give quarterly bonuses for perfect attendance.

        Besides do you have any suggestions? Or is your goal just to criticize others?

