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Just The Age?

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  • Just The Age?

    I have a little girl that will be 2 in May. I don't mean this to sound nasty but she has always been slower than my other two. I am only saying this for background info. For instance the other two that I have can talk, know colors, animal sounds ect. All three are only weeks apart in age. Well this little girl can only say please and up and that is as of the last 3 weeks.

    So here is my question. I will ask her to come with me to change her diaper, pick something up, or other directions and sometimes she will just stare at me and give me dirty looks. Sometimes she will follow when I ask but she out right refuses to pick up. My other two have done this for months. This little girls doctor isn't concerned so I am wondering if the other two are just really advanced? Maybe this defiance is the age? I honestly feel she understands what I'm asking and just refuses.

    With my own son he was along the lines of the other two. He also started school a year early because he was advanced so I am trying not to compare. This little girl I got later when she was over a year. The other two I have had since they were 5 months old. Could I have just provided the other two with more advantages this one did not have?

  • #2
    I have two, two year old boys, one speaks almost full sentences, is very coordinated, polite and cleans up after himself. The other just grunts, dumps, falls all the time and stares blankly at me when I call his name. Both are considered normal . Kids just develop at different rates.

    Ironically (or not) similar things can be said abut communicating with these particular parents, too, though...maybe a tad bit nature vs. nurture?

    It just occurred to me what Nannyde said!!! I hear you in the back of my head now!! Boy one's mom cooks at home every night and has sunday dinners at Grandmas with his family. Boy two comes with McDonalds every morning AND eats out most week nights since Dad works until 10pm. Most weekends are mall trips so I am sure it is food court stuff. I wish there were 20 year studies on this.....
    Last edited by Cat Herder; 01-05-2011, 06:24 AM. Reason: adding: boys are 21 days apart in age.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      I'm guessing it might be a combination of everything. DS started school a year early also, so I know how hard it is to not compare. I think it's human nature to compare, but in our situations, it's not exactly a level playing field; you and I probably see our DS as normal or average. I do think part of it's the age and defiance. Part of it could be development...everyone develops at a different pace. Part of it's the fact that the other 2 have been with you longer and even though they were babies, they've been in your envirornment and know your expectations.

      I'm guessing you've tried taking her by the hand to lead her in what you want her to do. Other than that, I have no ideas. I know it's frustrating, but hang in there.


      • #4
        Having 4 girls of my own, I can connect to the differences. I have 2 well behaved, coordinated girls and 2 that give me a hard time. My defiant ones were slower to learn. There just seems to be a connection. Not sure why it is, but it goes hand and hand...they learned slower and didn't want to listen.

        Neither of my defiant girls have a learning disablilty...learning comes harder for them, but they still fall in the normal range.


        • #5
          what do you guys mean when you say your kids started school early?

          they started kindergarten when they were 4? i've never heard of that.


          • #6
            Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
            what do you guys mean when you say your kids started school early?

            they started kindergarten when they were 4? i've never heard of that.
            DS started 4K at the age of 4. However, he was only in 4K for 3 months before he was moved up to Kdg. He was 5 when he moved, but that was just a coincidence (he has a late Nov b-day & by the time testing was done and the move was figured out, he had turned 5). DS was moved up because he went through very rigiorus testing (psych, math, reading, interviews with Gifted & Talented). Everyone involved with testing had to agree that he was academically and socially ready to handle a move to Kdg. If anyone isn't sure, then there is no change in grade level. In his case, he was reading and comprehending at a 1st grade level, had mastered most of the Kdg math concepts, a bunch of other stuff, and was very mature for his age. They decided placement in Kdg was appropriate and he was moved. This year he is in 1st grade, but should technically be in Kdg. We knew he was smart, but he's our first born, and we just thought he was normal b/c kids develop at different rates. We didn't realize he was that advanced. I guess we were naive.

            Sorry for the long answer. Hope that answers your question though


            • #7
              Yes my son started Kindergarten at 4. My school didn't offer pre-k but we had ds tested when he was 4 and they said he was more than ready for kindergarten so I enrolled him. He was in a preschool program and acting out and having problems. It was because he already knew the information they were learning. I guess I was over eager because I stayed home with him! He has never had a problem keeping up and actually gets bored during review periods. In 1st grade he was ready for 2nd by time he was half way through the year but I kept him where he was. Last year someone commented on having him tested to skip again but I didn't do that. Right now he just turned 8 and all his friends are 9 or nearly 9 so I didn't want an even bigger gap.

