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WWYD - Great Napper Suddenly Resisting?

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  • WWYD - Great Napper Suddenly Resisting?

    I have a great napper. I moved him from PNP to a nap mat about 2 months ago and he made the transition easily. The only thing is that I have always had to stay in the play room with him until he has fallen asleep.

    Suddenly ( after a week off for Xmas) He is laying there for up to an hour - playing around.. giggling - smirking - acting like it is a game
    when he finally does fall asleep he is OUT. Clearly exhausted but resisting.

    Any suggestions for me? i find myself getting more frustrated with him than I should and I think I just might REALLY need him to take his nap for my sanity.

    oh .. he is 2 years 2 months.

  • #2
    Start your transition over if you need to to get back on track and get yor cleaning/afternoon prep done.

    I think everyone had a few setbacks since the holiday break, here...

    I generally expect it...

    Retraining the parents can be even harder than the kids the first week back after holiday vacation ::
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      Keep to your routine. Obviously something went on at home and he just needs to readjust to your routine again. About 1/2 hour before nap get him jumping and such to really wear him out and that might help. You can also try making it a game following the same kind of rules as other games you play during the day. I tend to joke with the kids and say stuff like "Don't start laughing. Hey stop that smiling." so I would do something like "don't lay on your mat. hey open those eyes." I also do counting with them so I might try a contest of keeping eyes closed. "Can you keep your eyes closed while I count? One, two. Good job let's try again. 1,2,3 and so on til the kid is really resting. Above all stick to your routine.
      Celebrate! ::

