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  • Cda

    Ok I am finally going for it: I signed up for the 120 hours of CDA courses online. Does anyone have any tips about how to be prepared for the CDA assessment? I realize that's a ways down the road..I have to finish the 120 hours of courses first, right? From reading the CDA council's website it seems so. Then the assessment and then the exam?

    Also, random question. My license is for my home, and doesn't follow me if I sell my house. Is the CDA the same? Or does it transfer with me?

    Any advice or wisdom to pass on? Many thanks!

  • #2
    Here are previous threads of wisdom:

    I recently started with the Mississippi State University Extension program called The Nurturing Homes Inititive (well started that about a month ago) and just recently started another optional program where their sister group offers the CDA online and it's FREE. I'm all for learning if its affordable. Well, I graduated in 1997


    • #3
      The test part is common sense. You will wonder why you needed college courses first when you take it:: The observation part is provider friendly as well. I enjoyed the process. Good luck!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Annalee View Post
        The test part is common sense. You will wonder why you needed college courses first when you take it:: The observation part is provider friendly as well. I enjoyed the process. Good luck!

        What she said!

        Also your CDA is a certificate like a degree. It's yours as long as you keep it active (you have to take additional course/hours of training when you renew it.....very minimal and easy though) so it's like a degree...yours no matter where you go.


        • #5
          Thank you all for the replies. How long did the observation take? What sorts of things did they want to see/ask about?


          • #6
            What is a CDA?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lovatic24 View Post
              What is a CDA?
              A CDA is a Child Development Associate credential. It is a professional certificate much like a degree but not nearly as many credits. It is usually the first step in beginning your journey towards an AAS or AA degree in Early Childhood Education although many providers simply earn and stop at obtaining their CDA credential.

              Here is the CDA website. It has a ton more information about earning your CDA as well as the process you go through in which to do so.



              • #8
                It has been 10 years or so since I did my CDA, but from what I remember the process was pretty easy going. The test was not difficult and the interview was straight forward. The most time consuming part was putting together the resource binder (I don'd know if that is still part of the process now or not). Good luck!

