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Possible Scam ???

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  • Possible Scam ???

    I advertise on I recently received an email from a woman looking for care that claims to be hard of hearing and can only text or email. I conduct phone interviews prior to giving out any info (address and such) and then schedule a face to face interview. Has anyone else received an email like this? Suggestions /comments please. Thanks

  • #2
    I've never received an email like that, but unless she is asking for personal info, it wouldn't bother me. I conduct everything but the in-person interview over email. If she couldn't come to the interview, well, then she can't be enrolled, though.


    • #3
      Most people that can't hear on the phone have access to oh I can't for the life of me remember what it is called. But they can use the phone.


      • #4
        I had a call years ago, but they used a service to relay a telephone conversation.

        At the risk of being accused of discrimination, I'd work something out with her. Email until you feel comfortable with her info, then she can visit.


        • #5
          I would ask if you could speak to her over the Relay service (don't know exact name, but that's what we referred to it as when I had a mom who was hearing impaired). Also, if you have her full name, you could look her up on facebook. If neither of these work, I'd spend some time emailing back and forth, asking questions about what she's looking for in care, how old her child is, etc. before giving out your address.


          • #6
            Its called TTY - where the person types their stuff and it is read to you by a communications assistant; I used it a few times to converse with a drop-in deaf client and had no problem receiving those calls on my cell. There is also speech to speech thru ATT - it's where a person with a speech impediment can call and an operator will tell you what the person is saying


            • #7
              that is a tough one. BUT yes some what odd.

              I would just tell her this.

              Can you google her and see if there is any more information on her?

              I would ask her if you can email her an application, she can fill it out and email it back to you. at that time you can ask her if she was to come for a face to face tour how would you guys communicate? Do you know how to sign? Will someone come with her??


              • #8
                Thanks for all the input and ideas. I responded back requesting more info on her and the child. She responded with, she's at work currently but will contact me again when she's available. I have not heard back yet, so still not sure of what to make of it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Luvnmykidz View Post
                  I advertise on I recently received an email from a woman looking for care that claims to be hard of hearing and can only text or email. I conduct phone interviews prior to giving out any info (address and such) and then schedule a face to face interview. Has anyone else received an email like this? Suggestions /comments please. Thanks
                  It is NOT Scam! I am deaf myself (I can speak very well, anyways) and I do use text or email only to use communicate to anyone. I also use relay calls but unfortunately, relay calls are shut down due to FCC. I know most deaf people will use video through VRS (Sorenson Video Relay Service) that they can get in touch with anyone (same as relay calls). Go ahead to get in touch with her to see if she needs a childcare for her child or set up a meet with you. That is how I use text or email with my parents with no problem. Hope it helps!

                  About TTY, they dont use that, anymore.


                  • #10
                    It could be a scam. I say that because when I first signed on to I got a text and said they were deaf. I had no reason not to believe them but the. They would say things like, "I'm moving to your town" and that they "hired me" and wanted to send me a deposit. I stop yet stoped responding at that point but later wished had I sent an address, of The local police station for the check to be sent too.

                    If they sent an email through care, then I would go check out their profile.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by safechner View Post
                      It is NOT Scam! I am deaf myself (I can speak very well, anyways) and I do use text or email only to use communicate to anyone. I also use relay calls but unfortunately, relay calls are shut down due to FCC. I know most deaf people will use video through VRS (Sorenson Video Relay Service) that they can get in touch with anyone (same as relay calls). Go ahead to get in touch with her to see if she needs a childcare for her child or set up a meet with you. That is how I use text or email with my parents with no problem. Hope it helps!

                      About TTY, they dont use that, anymore.
                      Yes. This. I'm hard of hearing also. Please be respectful and use text or email as requested.


                      • #12
                        I don't think anyone intended to or was being disrespectful to the hearing impaired community. I do think it's important to be wary of any contact that seems off. There are so many scams. It's scary. Sometimes the tone of an email can seem suspicious. It's hard to find a balance between being accommodating and protecting yourself kwim?


                        • #13
                          In what way do you expect to be scammed? Just invite her to an interview, maybe she could bring an interpreter. all you have to do is give her the adress. If you dont like to give your adress you can even have your first visit in a neutral place, a cafe or at a playground with the child. I would not be too concerned about it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 284878 View Post
                            It could be a scam. I say that because when I first signed on to I got a text and said they were deaf. I had no reason not to believe them but the. They would say things like, "I'm moving to your town" and that they "hired me" and wanted to send me a deposit. I stop yet stoped responding at that point but later wished had I sent an address, of The local police station for the check to be sent too.

                            If they sent an email through care, then I would go check out their profile.

                            I think it could be a scam, I remember having a similar inquiry when I first moved (a few months ago). Same things mentioned above, they never even asked if I was interested or available, just assumed I would take it (the scammer obviously doesn't know that childcare jobs are a two way street) and even if it was real I wouldn't want to work with a parent that bossy anyway (You will watch {child's name} from ___ to ___....). In the initial e-mail they even asked for all my info (full name, address, phone number, email address). And had many excuses for not using a phone.

                            Their wording was also too perfect and had some obvious misspelled words or misplaced punctuation to make it seem more legit (most people make lots off errors and don't proof read before sending). They also mentioned moving to my area (didn't even say the name of my city) and that they would pay me ahead of time.

                            Originally posted by elise View Post
                            In what way do you expect to be scammed? Just invite her to an interview, maybe she could bring an interpreter. all you have to do is give her the adress. If you dont like to give your adress you can even have your first visit in a neutral place, a cafe or at a playground with the child. I would not be too concerned about it.
                            Those type of email scams are phishing scams. In which case it's usually best not to respond at all, even to tell them off or check if it's real.

                            Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
                            I don't think anyone intended to or was being disrespectful to the hearing impaired community. I do think it's important to be wary of any contact that seems off. There are so many scams. It's scary. Sometimes the tone of an email can seem suspicious. It's hard to find a balance between being accommodating and protecting yourself kwim?

                            No one is trying to be disrespectful by saying that just because they are deaf or need special accommodations that it's automatically a scam. But unfortunately scammers use any thing they see can be used as a sob story to make you sympathetic to their plight and want to help them. There are some things that just seem too coincidental. I've had many other emails that said they were single parents, in a wheelchair, or in the military with similar spiels/scripts. If scammers had scruples, they wouldn't be scamming people out of their hard earned money in the first place.

                            Last edited by Starburst; 03-28-2015, 06:22 PM. Reason: respond to other messages

