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Facebook Question

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  • Facebook Question

    I have a personal Facebook page and one for my Daycare. I can't seem to figure out how to set my daycare page as public and my personal ones limited to people I approve. Anyone know how I can do this?

  • #2
    At the top of your personal page there is a blue bar with a blue icon in the shape of a lock. When you click on that, it will give you options for who can see your posts. You can set it to be only your friends. You can also set the privacy on individual posts by going to the bottom of the status box, hitting the button marked 'friends' and choosing 'more options' that will let you set the privacy.


    • #3
      Yes, but when I change it on my personal page, it changes it on my daycare page. I want them to be different.


      • #4
        Country kids and I are having this same problem

        I'm still trying to figure it out.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
          Yes, but when I change it on my personal page, it changes it on my daycare page. I want them to be different.
          At the top of the page does it say you are using fb as business name or personal name?


          • #6
            I thought it would be so easy to do.

            UUGGHH, I have done so much research and still can't get it to go public beyond facebook itself.

            Does anyone here have a public facebook-as in you google your childcare name and the facebook page pops up?
            Each day is a fresh start
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            • #7
              I do. When adjusting privacy setting make sure your on the right account. Give me more details


              • #8
                I don't know about Daycare's setting (another poster) but when I am on my business sight I have everything available for everyone to see.

                Age-No restrictions
                Countries-No restrictions

                Not sure what else to set.

                Daycare and I have been trying for a couple weeks to go beyond facebook for our business but nothing seems to be working.
                Each day is a fresh start
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                We only get one shot at this!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                  I thought it would be so easy to do.

                  UUGGHH, I have done so much research and still can't get it to go public beyond facebook itself.

                  Does anyone here have a public facebook-as in you google your childcare name and the facebook page pops up?
                  When I google my child care name, my website comes up.

                  I have a Facebook page for parents and a business page.

                  My business page is connected to my business e-mail.

                  My page for parents is set up using a different e-mail.

                  Not positive because I haven't looked into it but I was told that if you set up a business page using whatever e-mail address you used for your daycare page (one for parents) that whatever privacy settings you set applies to both of them.

                  No idea if this is accurate info but I think it has something to do with the e-mail addresses used to set the pages up.

                  I have a personal page (family/friends...not daycare related) and set that up using my private e-mail address and not my daycare one.


                  • #10
                    I have 3 facebook pages/accounts.

                    1 personal account - under my real name just for my friends/family

                    1 personal account - under my daycare name for daycare parents only so things can be set to private, etc. They have to friend request this one and I approve them.

                    1 business page/"fan" page - under daycare name that people can "like" - anyone can like this page, whether they are in my daycare currently or not. My personal account is the "admin" for this page for changes.

                    I would assume the 3rd is the type you set up for your daycare???


                    • #11
                      Yes I want the 3rd option how in the world do I do this?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        When I google my child care name, my website comes up.

                        I have a Facebook page for parents and a business page.

                        My business page is connected to my business e-mail.

                        My page for parents is set up using a different e-mail.

                        Not positive because I haven't looked into it but I was told that if you set up a business page using whatever e-mail address you used for your daycare page (one for parents) that whatever privacy settings you set applies to both of them.

                        No idea if this is accurate info but I think it has something to do with the e-mail addresses used to set the pages up.

                        I have a personal page (family/friends...not daycare related) and set that up using my private e-mail address and not my daycare one.
                        Yes, when I google my Childcare name my website also comes up.

                        I want to be able to google my childcare name and also have my facebook page come up. Thats what I'm not sure on how to do. I know it can be done as many business run a "Public" facebook meaning anyone can see it. Not just people on facebook.

                        Daycare and I are wanting to be able to use our pages for advertising.
                        Each day is a fresh start
                        Never look back on regrets
                        Live life to the fullest
                        We only get one shot at this!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                          I don't know about Daycare's setting (another poster) but when I am on my business sight I have everything available for everyone to see.

                          Age-No restrictions
                          Countries-No restrictions

                          Not sure what else to set.

                          Daycare and I have been trying for a couple weeks to go beyond facebook for our business but nothing seems to be working.
                          So it it showing the page as private or are you having issues with posts and privacy?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                            Yes, when I google my Childcare name my website also comes up.

                            I want to be able to google my childcare name and also have my facebook page come up. Thats what I'm not sure on how to do. I know it can be done as many business run a "Public" facebook meaning anyone can see it. Not just people on facebook.

                            Daycare and I are wanting to be able to use our pages for advertising.
                            I just Google country kids daycare. Are you in Lenexa ks?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I just Google country kids daycare. Are you in Lenexa ks?
                              No, thats not me.

                              There are a ton of Country Kids though.
                              Each day is a fresh start
                              Never look back on regrets
                              Live life to the fullest
                              We only get one shot at this!!

