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...But That Is WHY I Want Her In Daycare!!!!

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  • ...But That Is WHY I Want Her In Daycare!!!!

    I got an unusual request (at least to me) this morning. A woman calls asking about available slots. I explain that I won't have any for a minimum of 3.5 years, barring anything unforeseen, and offer to place her on my waiting list. I then politely thank her for her interest and wish her a Happy New Year.

    As I am about to hang up she asks if she can pay cash "under the table" since she only needs care for 5 months. She then explains she needs that time so I can potty train her daughter before school starts in the fall.

    I explained to her that even if I did have a slot that is not something I could do. I explained it is illegal for me to take her out of ratio and could cost me everything I have worked for. I also told her that potty training was a parental responsibility and I only assist here.

    Her response was "but that is WHY I want her in daycare to begin with." and then hung up. Anyone else getting calls like these? Too weird for words!!!
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

  • #2
    Just when you think you've heard everything...


    • #3
      Dh thinks someone in our area must be doing "cash under the table" and Licensing is calling around....::::::::

      Maybe I got "punked"? Where's Ashton????
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        Lol, maybe she was a first time mom. :: Boy! Does she have alot to learn.

