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Is it a Preschool? Daycare? Both?

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  • Is it a Preschool? Daycare? Both?

    I'm hoping to start a preschool (daycare?) soon and was wondering what I should call it. I already have the name chosen, I just don't know whether to call it a preschool or daycare or both. It will be for children ages 3-5, with the main focus on Kindergarten readiness. It will be an all day thing, so parents don't have to find daycare after their child gets done at Preschool. So it's basically a daycare, but I want only preschool age. I am considering allowing school agers in the afternoons and school hoildays, also, so that they don't have to go to a seperate daycare than their younger sibling. But if the name on my sign says "Preschool/Daycare" I'm sure I'll get calls for younger children. I'd like it to be clear to them from the very moment they see my sign that I focus and specialize in preschoolers. No wasted phone calls. But I'm afraid if I just call it preschool they'll think it's only a half day thing and not daycare also, and so I'd only get calls for part time children.
    Does anyone here do preschool age only, and if so, what do you consider it? Do you get a lot of calls for the wrong age, or only part time, etc?

    Also, if you have any suggestions for opening this daycare (preschool?), let me know. I'm pretty much in the dark on how to start out. I know I need parent handbooks (policies), and contracts and all that, but the actual opening when should I start advertising? How will I know before I open if there will be enough children to enroll? This will be in a seperate house than my own (because there's just simply no way I could watch children in my own, even for a little while), so I need enough children to pay the rent and untilities the first month, and all that extra stuff.

  • #2
    I have the same type of program as you describe. I have 3-5 year olds, from 7-5, and we do a preschool program. My licensing regulations require me to put "child care" in my name. I cannot call it a preschool. My solution was to put a little phrase with my name. So right under the name, I have "Licensed Child Care for Preschoolers".

    I still get some calls for the younger ones...but I like to think it helps filter out the babies sometimes.::


    • #3
      "full day early care and education program for 3-5 year olds"


      • #4
        First off, depending on what state you're in, you will more than likely need to be licensed for childcare to do what you are describing. I know there's a couple states that let you watch up to 4 kids that aren't related, but in a lot of states you can only watch one family without being licensed. You can't just up and start a big preschool. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but it kind of sounded like you just want to start right away and as soon as you want to, you can. There's a lot of things to do.. fire inspections, group meetings, etc. etc. And a lot of licensing takes months, so I would get started on that part of it.

        As far as the dame, I think you should keep the word "daycare" out of it and use child care.. and I really like what the other poster did under her name.. It's pretty clear what she does that way.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I'm hoping to start a preschool (daycare?) soon and was wondering what I should call it. I already have the name chosen, I just don't know whether to call it a preschool or daycare or both. It will be for children ages 3-5, with the main focus on Kindergarten readiness. It will be an all day thing, so parents don't have to find daycare after their child gets done at Preschool. So it's basically a daycare, but I want only preschool age. I am considering allowing school agers in the afternoons and school hoildays, also, so that they don't have to go to a seperate daycare than their younger sibling. But if the name on my sign says "Preschool/Daycare" I'm sure I'll get calls for younger children. I'd like it to be clear to them from the very moment they see my sign that I focus and specialize in preschoolers. No wasted phone calls. But I'm afraid if I just call it preschool they'll think it's only a half day thing and not daycare also, and so I'd only get calls for part time children.
          Does anyone here do preschool age only, and if so, what do you consider it? Do you get a lot of calls for the wrong age, or only part time, etc?

          Also, if you have any suggestions for opening this daycare (preschool?), let me know. I'm pretty much in the dark on how to start out. I know I need parent handbooks (policies), and contracts and all that, but the actual opening when should I start advertising? How will I know before I open if there will be enough children to enroll? This will be in a seperate house than my own (because there's just simply no way I could watch children in my own, even for a little while), so I need enough children to pay the rent and untilities the first month, and all that extra stuff.
          you should look on your state's website and see what the state education standards are for preschool and/or kindergarten. that's a good guide to start with. teachers in the public schools have to go by those standards, so if you're really trying to get them ready for preschool and/or kindergarten - you'll definitely want to get that list.


          • #6
            I have a preschool/Childcare for ages 2-5y and I use 'Learning Place" at the end of my name instead of childcare/preschool/daycare. My business name is Little Sprouts Learning Place.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Daycare_Mama View Post
              First off, depending on what state you're in, you will more than likely need to be licensed for childcare to do what you are describing. I know there's a couple states that let you watch up to 4 kids that aren't related, but in a lot of states you can only watch one family without being licensed. You can't just up and start a big preschool. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but it kind of sounded like you just want to start right away and as soon as you want to, you can. There's a lot of things to do.. fire inspections, group meetings, etc. etc. And a lot of licensing takes months, so I would get started on that part of it.

              As far as the dame, I think you should keep the word "daycare" out of it and use child care.. and I really like what the other poster did under her name.. It's pretty clear what she does that way.
              Thanks everyone for the advice, and the idea newtodaycare22 gave is really good, thank you! Yes, I know I have to be licensed first. I was just thinking licensing might need to know what I plan to call it so that once the inspections are over, they'll know what to call it on their records. I'm probably getting ahead of myself on the name part, but it's just something that crossed my mind when I try figuring out all the details so I can get this moving. I have a house in mind already and the rent is pretty affordable considering that it would be used for a daycare/childcare/preschool, and the owner of the house is willing to wait for a little while while I get licensing in to inspect it before charging any rent.
              oh, and side note, I'm thinking I would only want 8 full time children anyway, at least to start with, not a big group home where I'd need assistants yet. The licensing laws in my state require a ratio of no more than twelve 3-5 yr olds for one person (which in my opinion is crazy. Who can cook, clean, watch, teach, play with, and care for that many children, no matter how well behaved, without some kind of help?). I could have up to 5 children without being licensed, but I don't think that would bring in enough to pay for the rent and utilities, food, supplies, etc and still leave enough for me to have any income left over. So I think I'll go the licensed route and take no more than 8 preschoolers on my own.

              What is the difference between "childcare" and "daycare"? I thought the two names were just interchangable. I've noticed most home providers usually call it daycare, while the centers usually call it childcare. Is a childcare bigger?

              Any other advice anyone can give on how to get started would be a HUGE help.


              • #8
                Bumping as i am in a similar situation and would like to know how her situation is coming along!

