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Do You Correct Speech?

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  • Do You Correct Speech?

    Dcg is 5 and a half. She is not correctly pronouncing the r sound. I know it takes awhile. Would you start correcting it or just ignore it? The rest of her speech is fine and she is definitely not a candidate for speech therapy.

  • #2
    Originally posted by kitkat View Post
    Dcg is 5 and a half. She is not correctly pronouncing the r sound. I know it takes awhile. Would you start correcting it or just ignore it? The rest of her speech is fine and she is definitely not a candidate for speech therapy.
    I don't know why not. I do it by having them look at my mouth and tongue placement while saying the word in question and having them repeat it.

    I usually only take younger children, though, so I feel like part of what I do is teach them how to speak and enunciate. I suppose I would stop doing it once they reached a certain age (6 or 7 years old?).


    • #3
      I do. I restate what the child says the correct way. If I feel it is just laziness or they are talking so fast it comes out jumbled, I have them repeat it the correct way.

      For example, dcb 4yr old says "titty tat, jurl (girl), wos (wash)" etc. I just say it the corect way and ask him to say it with me and then the correct way. He does each time. His preschool teacher wants him to have speech therapy his parents feel it is just laziness and I tend to agree. We have looked into having services done here at daycare but, that isn't available. So we are tag teaming it and working on it here and at home.


      • #4
        I do. From day one.


        • #5
          I agree with pps. I think it can be done in a practical way, that won't hurt their feelings or make them embarrassed. If I have a child struggling with a certain sound I will often pick a song for that week or book with that sound in it a lot, so they can practice it with their friends.


          • #6
            r's are fine until after age 8 I was told that it needed DOc follow up.

            Yes correct it, don't tell her shes wrong, just say the word again with an emphasis on the letter Rr

            I tell my kids say RED...that is how r is supposed to be taught...

            A lot of people teach er


            • #7
              YES. It is important to correct speech errors very early and consistently. A speech pathologist who used to come to my program twice a week to work with a child told me to do this because bad habits form early and it is easier to correct them from the start. However, according to her, R's are the last to "develop" and can remain difficult for some children until age 11.


              • #8
                Is she in school yet? I ask because if not and it is still an issue when she starts school they may be able to put her in speech therapy.


                • #9
                  I correct speech all the time. I also correct grammar. I believe that during the time the children are with me, it is my job to help them become the best that they can be in all aspects of life.


                  • #10
                    I don't tell them they're saying it wrong, but I do say it correctly when I say it to them.

                    R is one of the last letters to be pronounced correctly; some children don't master it until grade school.


                    • #11
                      I correct. If the kids say something incorrectly I just rephrase it properly and repeat it to them.

                      "I has it"
                      "You have it? Oh yes you HAVE it" and I emphasize the word that was misused/mispronounced.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
                        I don't tell them they're saying it wrong, but I do say it correctly when I say it to them.

                        R is one of the last letters to be pronounced correctly; some children don't master it until grade school.
                        My younger daughter was one of those kids and needed minor speech therapy (they knew it was something she would outgrow as her mouth muscles developed, but wanted to work with her so it would happen sooner rather than later)

                        IIRC, we were told to NOT correct her, but to always pronounce correctly back to her if appropriate (as some parents think certain speech issues are "cute" and prolong it by pronouncing the word the same as the child )

                        There is a big difference between gently correcting a child's grammar, which they can help and learn from, and a speech issue that may be beyond them. Unless you've been given exercises by a speech therapist who is working with that child, I would NOT correct them each time.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                          There is a big difference between gently correcting a child's grammar, which they can help and learn from, and a speech issue that may be beyond them. Unless you've been given exercises by a speech therapist who is working with that child, I would NOT correct them each time.
                          My 6 yo has 3 separate articulation disorders which combine to make him very difficult to understand. His SLPs have always been very adamant that we NOT correct him but only model the words correctly by rephrasing his sentences as we talk to him (which he also likes because it verifies that we understood him correctly). Mostly so that he doesn't feel nagged about his speech all the time but also because of the specific exercises they do and how they do them.

                          I know it's not the same thing as your case, but just another opinion on why it might not always be best to correct.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            My 6 yo has 3 separate articulation disorders which combine to make him very difficult to understand. His SLPs have always been very adamant that we NOT correct him but only model the words correctly by rephrasing his sentences as we talk to him (which he also likes because it verifies that we understood him correctly). Mostly so that he doesn't feel nagged about his speech all the time but also because of the specific exercises they do and how they do them.

                            I know it's not the same thing as your case, but just another opinion on why it might not always be best to correct.
                            I 100% agree with this. ^^

                            Model the proper sounds/words but don't correct.

                            My child said certain sounds/words incorrectly and was corrected so often that he simply began finding alternative words to use in place of those he had trouble with.

                            He also developed some really tough self-esteem issues and started being really hard on himself about his inability to say things correctly. It profoundly effected how he felt about himself.

                            I would leave the correcting to the speech therapist and just stick with role-modeling. Too many people correcting a child can be tough on the child when sometimes he simply wants his message heard without all the technicalities added in. We're daycare/child care not school.


                            • #15
                              I wouldn't say that I correct but I do make sure that I say things correctly to them and I tell my daughter (she's 12 and around the kids alot) to always say things correctly to them as well.
                              I have 2 dc boys that are 2 1/2 and they started off calling my daughter "raha" and after a while it turned into Sarah all on it's own. I think things work themselves out mostly on there own. Kids really do learn by example!

