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It's Working, I Think

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  • Thriftylady
    Sometimes it can be so hard to be more stubborn than they are.

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  • Shell

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  • mduck
    started a topic It's Working, I Think

    It's Working, I Think

    After having great success laying down a 1 year old that is used to be held to sleep at home, all the sudden dck is now throwing her blanket out of the pack in play and crying for me to come and get it. Needless to say, she is no longer just falling asleep upon being laid down. I knew that I had to stay strong and let dck know that I would not give in to 'the game", but it's been hard. Finally after about 4 or 5 days of blanket tossing, and me not taking the bait, today I found her fast asleep with her blanket still in her pack n play. (Don't get me wrong. I have a very nice, plush blanket wrapped around the mattress for comfort that stays put. Dck just wants that particular blanket for napping). Hopefully dck has realized I won't give in. Hopefully.