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Non Precipitating Kids

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  • Non Precipitating Kids

    I started a new kid about a month ago. He is 4 but acts like hes about 1.5. He is very babied at home. The parents still baby him most of the time. They treat him like he is just learning to walk, talk, and do things. He throws a fit over just about everything like a baby would. He even wants me to feed him. Well its getting to a point where he doesn't want to do ANYTHING!. If we are dancing or playing a game or doing a puzzle or something then he will throw a fit. Its hard to describe the fit I am talking about. Its not like a normal 4 year old that didn't get his way temper tantrum. It is a flat out fit that a 1 year old would throw because they are just learning how the world works. I don't know how to handle it. I don't want to sit him off to the side all day long because he doesn't want to do anything. I don't want to force him to precipitate. Any ideas? I tried to have him do his own little activity but then all the other kids wanted to do what he was doing and then it starts all over again. I will say its not an autistic thing. It is the parents thing. Thanks

  • #2
    If you give him a small rug away from the others to sit on when he throws a fit, that's his choice to be separated from the group, not yours. He can come participate when he's ready. That's what I would do.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rockgirl View Post
      If you give him a small rug away from the others to sit on when he throws a fit, that's his choice to be separated from the group, not yours. He can come participate when he's ready. That's what I would do.
      I think that is what I am having trouble with. That is what I do. Normally they throw the fit and calm down and go back to their day. This kids will calm down and then he goes back to the group, but the min someone talks to him or wants to play with him it all starts over again. I am going to have a long talk with mom tonight about it. But like right now everyone is playing and he is sitting here refusing to play with anything and if crying off and on. He keeps saying my arms are to tired or my legs are too tired. I can't make him lay down all day. Hes not sick he says this all the time.


      • #4
        I would ignore him.
        Sounds like he gets lots of attention for this at home.
        I set up activities, crafts , meals, fun- if a child chooses not to participate, they are missing out.
        I bet in time he will come over to join, once he sees these behaviors get him nowhere.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shell View Post
          I would ignore him.
          Sounds like he gets lots of attention for this at home.
          I set up activities, crafts , meals, fun- if a child chooses not to participate, they are missing out.
          I bet in time he will come over to join, once he sees these behaviors get him nowhere.
          I'd try this also, and I would let the parents know that is what you plan to do. Let them know nothing else has worked, and you have to focus on the group not just one child. He will likely get with the program at that point.


          • #6
            Honestly some kids come from very strange families! He is obviously given everything at home and is babied like crazy. I would term, it's not going to change unless there are drastic changes made at home and experience tells me that aint gonna happen


            • #7
              I spoke to mom last night and again this morning. She asked me if I could make an area that is just for him because sometimes he just needs his own space where know one can bother him. She said if he doesn't get that then he gets really upset. She said that sometimes he really just doesn't want to be bothered. HE IS 4!!! What is this mom gonna do when he starts school this Aug. She still carries him around every ware I explained to her that he could play by his self, but I run a group daycare. If he can't handle being in a group then he needs a nanny. I plan on trying what was suggested above, but I am not going to re arrange my day and my activities because he doesn't want to be bothered. I really want to find a solution because when he is happy he is the sweetest boy.


              • #8
                I can understand needing space, but for him to have a space that is "just for him"? No way would I be doing that. Like you said, it's group care. I wouldn't have a problem with a child taking a book to an area away from others to have some space if he needs it, but that's as far as it would go here.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rockgirl View Post
                  I can understand needing space, but for him to have a space that is "just for him"? No way would I be doing that. Like you said, it's group care. I wouldn't have a problem with a child taking a book to an area away from others to have some space if he needs it, but that's as far as it would go here.
                  Agreed! That is crazy what this mom is expecting from you.

