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DS Peeing Pants

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  • Play Care
    I've noticed that slight regression is very common with my pt kids, even without having a new sibling What I do is go back to potty times. The child has to stop and try, every hour or so. No if, ands or buts I limit beverages - they still get a drink with every meal and snack, but instead of their free access water bottles, I will allow sips here and there if needed (and often they don't need it/ask for it) Typically this is enough to get them back on track.

    Maybe a sticker chart with incentives (dry all day = some tv time or whatever his currency is?)

    In any event even if it were my child I'd try to be as consistent as possible between day care hours and family time.

    Good Luck!

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  • mamamanda
    started a topic DS Peeing Pants

    DS Peeing Pants

    Just curious if anyone has dealt with this? My Ds has been fully potty trained for a year & a half. (except night time) New baby came 6 mo ago & Ds starting dribbling in underwear every time he went potty right about the same time. I put the responsibility back on him & he has to put underwear in hamper & get clean pants on each time. He does this w/o complaining, but its getting worse instead of better. Now he's not just dribbling, he's actually peeing through his pants. I had him checked for uti a while ago & he's medically fine. I know it's different b/c he's mine, but how would you handle this in a daycare setting? Would you treat it differently during daycare hours or handle it the same at all times? I try not to make a big deal out of it, but its escalating & I'm seeing regression in other areas too. He actually got a diaper out himself this week & said he was tired & wanted to lay down so I put it on him. He didn't go to sleep & got up 10 minutes later, but peed in the diaper the rest of the afternoon. I realized it when he walked by me & I smelled urine & the thing was sopping wet. Any suggestions? He is almost 4.