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  • OMG and WOOHOO!!!

    I have two great things happening today! First, today is my screamer's last day. He will be going to his grandparents, so it's the best for everyone all around, and mom and I are parting on great terms.

    Second, I had 2 interviews yesterday, and the one family just texted me to tell me they want to bring their kids here and to let them know when they can come sign the paperwork and pay their deposit!! There are 2 children and they want full time. This is the family I posted about who couldn't afford my rates and asked if I could possibly charge them a little less, and I really debated it, but figured something is better than nothing, so I lowered my rates for them. It's still an extra $150/week.

    So, with my maternity-leave family coming back next week, and this new family, even with the one leaving, I'm jumping from the $210/week that I've been making for the last 2 months, to $395/week . And, the other family I interviewed yesterday seemed to be ready to say yes to me also, they are in the process of getting BF baby used to bottled formula. He will take BM from the bottle but they hadn't tried formula, so they are supposed to switch him this week and next and will probably bring him next Friday for a drop-in trial day. I'm really excited! If this new baby comes too, I will be about as full as I can get, other than having 1 morning spot and 1 M/F spot, which I'm not sure I'll even try to fill.

    WOO HOO!!

  • #2
    I'm glad you are filling up! i hope the kids are great too!


    • #3
      I am happy for you!! Hope the baby is a good one !!


      • #4
        whoo hoo! Love it when the clients come out of the woodwork all of a sudden!
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          Thanks! It has been a long dry spell for me, with not even any calls or emails responding to my ads, and then in one day I get two interviews I'm so excited! I would rather have a houseful of kids here than just 1 or 2.


          • #6
            Woo Hoo is right...good for you!!!

