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Cooking With The Kiddos

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  • Cooking With The Kiddos

    When you cook with your kids what kinds of things do you have them do to contribute?

    Stirring, pouring in ingredients, etc.

    Do you have special cooking tools for them to use?

  • #2
    Depending what we are making, I usually let the children do most of the things except cutting with a real knife and anything to do with the stove/oven. I do let them use plastic knives to cut fruits/bread if we are using those ingredients. My dck are 16months-4yrs old. I usually do one "cooking" activity a month sometimes two. In the beginning it was real messy, but as the children got used to handling the measuring cups, wooden spoons, etc and the ingredients, there is less mess. I use regular cooking/baking tools (measuring cups/spoons, mixing spoons, spatulas, whisk,etc).


    • #3
      At a center the other day, I did no meat tacos (worried about meat cooking or sitting out).
      I had the kids, cut tomatoes (pre-halved so easier to cut into with plastic butter knife), rip up large romain lettuce leaves into bite size pieces, and then I had a griddle where I would put 4 tortillas on and one child at a time took turns standing next to me and using tongs, flip the tortillas over. then they would put pre-shredded cheese on the warm tortilla, and lettuce and tomato and voila! They were very proud of real cooking. Kids who told me at the beginning, "I don't like tacos" were making and eating 2,3, 4 each It was great! I had a helper and 8 kids ages 4-5.
      I've done guacamole before (much easier- no cooking). I pre-halve avocados. I have the kids place half an avacado in the bowl, a pinch of garlic powder, a pinch of salt, squeeze an 1/8th of a line and cut up cilantro leaves with a plastic knife and place about 5 leaves in there and then mash that all up with a potato masher or fork. Then they can eat it on tortilla chips or dip carrots in it. Again- they love it if they make it!
      My favorite tip is to make a sign board first and display it. Easy as writing on a big trash piece of cardboard:
      Garlic Powder
      Salt Cilantro
      Lime Juice
      1. Cut or tear cilantro into little pieces.
      2. Place avocado in the bowl.
      3. Add a pinch of garlic powder.
      4. Add a pinch of salt.
      5. Squeeze lime juice into the bowl.
      6. Mash it all together.
      7. Enjoy!
      This way they experience recipes, ingredients, measuring, etc.
      I draw a picture next to the ingredients so they can "read" it too.


      • #4
        Depends on age and experience, of course. My kids:
        toddlers and up:
        pour ingredients I've measured
        measure ingredients
        put muffin papers into muffin tins
        cut things (little ones use a crinkle cutter on most things and a butter knife on easy things like bananas)

        preschoolers also:
        double recipe amounts
        spread things (for sandwiches)
        cut things (crinkle cutter, butter knife, or hand-over-hand w/sharp knife)
        peel carrots or other veggies

        school-aged kids also:
        read the recipe
        cut things (using sharp knife w/close supervision)
        By about 8 or so, my school-agers can make snack alone if I give them the recipe. I just pop it into the oven when they're done (they most often do muffins).


        • #5
          I know I should have the dcks cook with me more often. I just have a hard time controlling or catching their impulses to lick stuff or sneeze directly into everything.
          But when I do get brave enough, they get to stir, crack eggs, measure, things like that. I choose to bake with them more than cook, because they love the smell of cinnamon and vanilla. Plus I usually have more time when we choose to bake something rather then the chaos of preparing a meal.
          Keep in mind my dcks are 19 months-4 yo. If they were older, and a bit more independent, I'd have them do lots more. Like when the SA dcks are here, they are the ones who put together fruit salads, prepare all the veggies, make eggs, all kinds of things.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
            I know I should have the dcks cook with me more often.
            Ditto. To be quite honest, most of the time I prefer to take a few minutes to myself when it's time to cook! Most meals I make myself. When I bake, they usually help. And when I have school-agers here during the day (snow days or summer...), I often give them the recipe and the ingredients and let them do it themselves.


            • #7
              We cook all the time around here, and what a mess we make! I really enjoy cooking and baking, but have more fun when I get to make it all with the kids.

              I let them pour, stir, measure when baking, and the older ones get to crack the eggs.
              I let them cut up bananas with plastic knives, mash them with spoons, and add chocolate chips for banana bread.

              They love making pizza from dough and kneading it/rolling it, and adding sauce and cheese.

              I make lots of muffins and breads, oatmeal cookies, and pizza often. I enjoy it!


              • #8
                If my kids don't have school tomorrow (already on delay due to weather), I might let them make pheasant bread. It is easy and doesn't have to be kneaded. Thanks for the idea.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
                  If my kids don't have school tomorrow (already on delay due to weather), I might let them make pheasant bread. It is easy and doesn't have to be kneaded. Thanks for the idea.
                  That sounds great!!! Do you have a recipe you can share???


                  • #10
                    These are all seriously fabulous ideas!!!!!

                    I appreciate the recipes too!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TwinMama View Post
                      That sounds great!!! Do you have a recipe you can share???
                      Yep a base recipe that I have played with and had much success!

                      4 cups flour (I have not tried whole wheat but keep meaning to)
                      Pinch salt
                      2 cups warm (not hot)water
                      2 Tablespoons sugar
                      2 Teaspoons yeast

                      Add the yeast and the sugar to the water to proof while you measure flour. Measure flour in large bowl, mix in salt. When water mixture is bubbly, stir with a spoon. This dough should be wet and sticky not like a bread dough. Let rise 2 hours. Butter two pyrex bowls (small to med) very well. This adds flavor and helps get the bread out after cooking. Divide the dough and place into bowls. Let rise another hour or so. Bake at 425 for 15 mins then turn down to 375 for another 15 mins. Turn out of bowls onto cooling rack as soon as it comes out of oven.

                      I have also used loaf pans for this, hubby prefers the crust in the pans I prefer the bowls.

                      Combinations to add:
                      My family loves it as cheesy Italian just add shredded cheese and Italian seasoning to the mixture.

                      Cinnamon raisin I add some brown sugar, cinnamon and rasins to the mixture.

                      Just play with it, I have tried lots of combos.

                      Oh and you all inspired me, we are making apple crisp for snack today the kids are going to make it.

