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Am I Wrong Here?

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  • Am I Wrong Here?

    Well this is my first post here. I just started working at a day care 3 weeks ago, with previous experience.
    Today a 1 year old came into the day care just having had her shots, she came in late without any lunch, or nap and my co worker told me she had come in upset and crying because of her shots. Anyways, she was crying off and on the whole day and so I would hold her take her around for a stroll etc she would be fine. Anyways any time I would put her down she would start crying. This went on for the rest of my shift ( about 3.5 hours) just off and on continuously. I would comfort he she would be okay for 15 minutes, start crying again. Anyways, when her mother came to pick her up, I told her she has been upset and crying the whole day and her mother got pretty angry with me that I had not called them. She also got angry that I had given her child (who was hungry!! Perhaps because she had not had much to eat the whole day) an extra bottle of her own breast milk, which she had brought in herself. So anyways, She was coming off agitated with me, I was being as nice as I could be and asked her next time if she is this upset tommorow should I call her so she can pick her up. She said "yes" in a very short manner, then questioned me as to why I had given her extra milk and where my coworker was and why I hadn't given her her pacifier etc (I usualy am not working directly with this child and she usually doesn't use a pacifier so I didn't even know she had one!) Anyways, bottom line she was angry.
    Thing is, should I have called her? The reason I didn't call her was because she was very well aware her child was upset when she brought her in, so what did she expect??!! On top of that she had not napped, and she was given no lunch prior to coming in. And I handled her daughter to the best ability with love and care despite her screaming the whole time, I would think she would be a bit more understanding. It's just the way she was questioning me, that she gave me the impression that she thought I was a moron.

    Anyways, was I in the wrong here? Should I have called? Or are we both at fault? Help please!!

  • #2
    No. Your director was in the wrong. Those issues should have been cleared up front before the child was brought back to your room. That is the biggest perk of working in a center instead of operating on your own..... THEY deal with parent issues.

    Sorry your day was bad. That was not fair to you at all.


    • #3
      I would think maybe embarrassment got her huffy. Or maybe she is constipated, got a speeding ticket or just got a copy of her credit score. Whatever it was let it go. If baby fussed tomorrow go to your boss explain yesterday. And hand screaming baby to her. Tell her mom wanted called and have her make the decision on if to send her home YOU DID GREAT ToDAY. !!!!!


      • #4
        Guess what?....hungry babies want food!...laundry mom is right...
        Good job!....take a deep took good care of this baby!


        • #5
          I don't think you did anything wrong! Sometimes parents think daycare providers are magical. They expect to drop off a crying sick child and pick them up curred and happy!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            No. Your director was in the wrong. Those issues should have been cleared up front before the child was brought back to your room. That is the biggest perk of working in a center instead of operating on your own..... THEY deal with parent issues.

            Sorry your day was bad. That was not fair to you at all.
            Oh the director had not told me anything, they had left by then. I handled the way I thought best.
            Anyways, thanks! I tend to take things personally and worry alot in these situations, but I feel much better!


            • #7
              YOU did just fine. I think that mom was feeling guilty leaving her child after her shots etc. and took it out on you.

