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What Does Potty Training Look Like In Your DC Home?

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  • What Does Potty Training Look Like In Your DC Home?

    I am good on the definition of "Potty Trained" (2 weeks no accidents)

    But, I am wondering what you all do, or don't do, for your kids that are ready to train. Do you have set times that everyone has to at least try to go?

    Right now, I only require them to try right before naptime. The rest of the day, I ask them if they need to go a few times throughout the day. I have always felt that if I am taking them myself too often, they won't recognize the signals that need to go. Does that make sense?

    But, I am wondering if I need to add in another group time?

    So, how do you do potty training for kids who are ready?

  • #2
    Originally posted by KSDC View Post
    I am good on the definition of "Potty Trained" (2 weeks no accidents)

    But, I am wondering what you all do, or don't do, for your kids that are ready to train. Do you have set times that everyone has to at least try to go?

    Right now, I only require them to try right before naptime. The rest of the day, I ask them if they need to go a few times throughout the day. I have always felt that if I am taking them myself too often, they won't recognize the signals that need to go. Does that make sense?

    But, I am wondering if I need to add in another group time?

    So, how do you do potty training for kids who are ready?
    We go potty at diaper changes (9, 11, 1245, and when they wake up from nap). Any other time they need to go, they have to speak up.


    • #3
      When I see a child showing readiness signs, I move diaper changes to the bathroom and sit the child on the toilet while I get the diaper ready (and wouldn't you know it, that darn diaper takes fooooooorever to get ready sometimes!: I even have them wipe themselves and I put the diaper on standing up (like a pull up) have them wash their hands, etc.

      When they've moved past that (are staying dry for the hour and a half periods, asking to use the potty, etc.) I do have them go after breakfast, before we go outside, after lunch/before nap, and upon waking. These are natural potty times for all my kids, so it's not as if I'm timing anything or whatever. It does work out to be about an hour-hour and a half each time. I do insist that potty training kids at least *try* during those times.

      With in the week or two I'm not reminding or saying much about it. If I have a child having BM issues, I am watchful::. My last kid went from the first step to potty trained in less than a week. I was spoiled with that guy!::


      • #4
        When I first start potty training, I command them to go to the bathroom every hour. That, in my opinion, gets them in the habit of thinking and remembering about using the toilet. It also teaches them that their toys will be safely waiting for them when the return from using the bathroom or that they can continue whatever activity they were doing after using the bathroom. A lot of times, the child doesn't want to go to the bathroom simply out of fear of losing out on the fun they were having or someone else taking their toys. So, by making them leave the fun, going potty, and returning to the fun so often, they learn that it's safe to leave for a few moments.

        After a couple of days, I start backing down to every 2 hours, then in another couple of days, start asking them if they have to go. But if they tell me, "No they don't have to go", I give them a little speech telling them that they better not mess themselves and to make sure to go to the toilet when they have to go potty.

        I also use the real toilet with no inserts. That gets the child comfortable with the real toilet when they go out in public such as the mall, restaurants, or to a friend's house that doesn't have children.


        • #5
          1. parents provide a few sweatpants and underwear
          2. a child stops using diapers during active time
          3. a child is putted on potty every short period of time. It depends at a child and can be 15 minutes or more

          Usually we have 1-2 accidents during a first day. And from time to time during the next couple weeks.
          Now 1 have 6 boys here:
          the two 3.3 y.o. are completely potty trained. It took less than 2 weeks.
          the two 2.6 are wearing diaper during nap time only. They didn't have any accident during active time more then 1 month.
          one 23 m.o. is in the potty training during the last two weeks. He is doing great!
          one 2.4 y.o. is not ready yet.

