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Starting A Week Of Frustration

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  • Starting A Week Of Frustration

    DCF1 comes in and hands me a "chart" of different kinds of poop and tells me that I have to monitor dcg age 3 1/2 for 5 days and chart her poop, when, how much, and what kind......for the next 5 days.......They took her to the doctor last Thursday and was told to do this.....and I ask.....Why didn't you do this the over the long weekend that you had her at home....oh wait, it is easier to have the dcprovider do it. I don't get paid enought to montor crap. I really don't understand what the issue is here with this girl anyways, she shows no signs of issues with her poop or peeing abilities here, and I have her 4 days a week and gma the other day. Sometimes I think some parents like "things to be wrong with their kids". Crazy to me.

    DCF2 comes in and tells me dcg 2 1/2 is in panties that she went pee and poop over the weekend in the toilet....hmm, last week you were saying how she peed all over pretty much everyday. Wow, I had a diaper on her within 30 seconds after parent left. My rules for potty training are 2 weeks in pullups accident free, with child coming to me telling me they have to pee. Hmm, this child has never told me she has to pee, and I am not allowing her to be in my home in panties. This is crazy. I love this parent, but obviously they just don't think about the consequences of putting a 2 1/2 yr old in panties that has never once told the provider they have to go pee and has not showed any signs of potty training at all here.

    It is amazing to me the number of providers/parents that think it is ok for kids to use the floors/furniture as a potty during the potty training process. That is just gross.

    Gonna be a good week.

  • #2
    Originally posted by mac60 View Post
    DCF1 comes in and hands me a "chart" of different kinds of poop and tells me that I have to monitor dcg age 3 1/2 for 5 days and chart her poop, when, how much, and what kind......for the next 5 days.......They took her to the doctor last Thursday and was told to do this.....and I ask.....Why didn't you do this the over the long weekend that you had her at home....oh wait, it is easier to have the dcprovider do it. I don't get paid enought to montor crap. I really don't understand what the issue is here with this girl anyways, she shows no signs of issues with her poop or peeing abilities here, and I have her 4 days a week and gma the other day. Sometimes I think some parents like "things to be wrong with their kids". Crazy to me.
    Ha ha ha! Did you tell them that you would love to look at dcg's poop all day long and analyze it for them, but that you'd have to charge $5/poop because that is outside the scope of your duties? I would never do that, but I can see me being very tempted to tell them that!! You have to wonder about some parents!


    • #3
      Originally posted by mac60 View Post
      DCF1 comes in and hands me a "chart" of different kinds of poop and tells me that I have to monitor dcg age 3 1/2 for 5 days and chart her poop, when, how much, and what kind......for the next 5 days.......They took her to the doctor last Thursday and was told to do this.....and I ask.....Why didn't you do this the over the long weekend that you had her at home....oh wait, it is easier to have the dcprovider do it. I don't get paid enought to montor crap. I really don't understand what the issue is here with this girl anyways, she shows no signs of issues with her poop or peeing abilities here, and I have her 4 days a week and gma the other day. Sometimes I think some parents like "things to be wrong with their kids". Crazy to me.

      DCF2 comes in and tells me dcg 2 1/2 is in panties that she went pee and poop over the weekend in the toilet....hmm, last week you were saying how she peed all over pretty much everyday. Wow, I had a diaper on her within 30 seconds after parent left. My rules for potty training are 2 weeks in pullups accident free, with child coming to me telling me they have to pee. Hmm, this child has never told me she has to pee, and I am not allowing her to be in my home in panties. This is crazy. I love this parent, but obviously they just don't think about the consequences of putting a 2 1/2 yr old in panties that has never once told the provider they have to go pee and has not showed any signs of potty training at all here.

      It is amazing to me the number of providers/parents that think it is ok for kids to use the floors/furniture as a potty during the potty training process. That is just gross.

      Gonna be a good week.
      Use cat scooper....
      Scoop poop and place in baggie...
      Punch pin holes in baggie....
      Place baggie in lunch (paper) sack....
      Then walk parent and child to the car....
      Place paper bag on the front seat of car....
      Squeeze bag some....
      And say...
      Have a wonderful evening! ::

      Sorry, just thought you would get a laugh out of this!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by mac60 View Post
        DCF1 comes in and hands me a "chart" of different kinds of poop and tells me that I have to monitor dcg age 3 1/2 for 5 days and chart her poop, when, how much, and what kind......for the next 5 days.......They took her to the doctor last Thursday and was told to do this.....and I ask.....Why didn't you do this the over the long weekend that you had her at home....oh wait, it is easier to have the dcprovider do it. I don't get paid enought to montor crap. I really don't understand what the issue is here with this girl anyways, she shows no signs of issues with her poop or peeing abilities here, and I have her 4 days a week and gma the other day. Sometimes I think some parents like "things to be wrong with their kids". Crazy to me.

        DCF2 comes in and tells me dcg 2 1/2 is in panties that she went pee and poop over the weekend in the toilet....hmm, last week you were saying how she peed all over pretty much everyday. Wow, I had a diaper on her within 30 seconds after parent left. My rules for potty training are 2 weeks in pullups accident free, with child coming to me telling me they have to pee. Hmm, this child has never told me she has to pee, and I am not allowing her to be in my home in panties. This is crazy. I love this parent, but obviously they just don't think about the consequences of putting a 2 1/2 yr old in panties that has never once told the provider they have to go pee and has not showed any signs of potty training at all here.

        It is amazing to me the number of providers/parents that think it is ok for kids to use the floors/furniture as a potty during the potty training process. That is just gross.

        Gonna be a good week.
        If I was DCF2 I would NOT be happy with my provider if she threw my child back in diapers after my child went potty all weekend and did all the hardwork for nothing. A pull up is just liek a DIAPER kids will NOT learn to train properly in a pull ups she NEEDS to be in undies its not a big issue to clean up accidents and a 2 and half year old GIRL is more then ready to potty train YOU and the PARENTS have to train her not wait for her to tell you she has to potty.


        • #5
          its not a big issue to clean up accidents
          Well, it can be, if there are more than just this one child around! Imagine other little ones slipping in a pile of pee (or worse), or pee/poop on your carpet and furniture... most providers make a couple of bucks an hour at most. Would you clean up accidents all day for that, Unregistered?

          You can keep a diaper on her and continue to take her to the potty. I don't see the big deal. Personally, as a parent I can't imagine thinking that it was someone else's "job" to potty train my child, and I would be absolutely mortified at the thought of one of my own having an accident on the floor or furniture at someone else's house.

          I guess the difference is that I've been on both sides of the fence here. Most parents mean well but don't take the time to think of things from a provider point of view.


          • #6
            I put a dipe over undies for two solid weeks after each accident period I won't allow someone to pee on my stuff. I would offer to take pic of poop and text it to them that's as far as I would go


            • #7
              The diaper is OVER the panties......I def don't get paid enough to have a child peeing and potty training on my carpet and furniture. The is digusting and very unsanitary. We have policies in place for a reason, sure would be nice if the parents would read and adhere to them.


              • #8
                I would be livid if I took my kid to daycare and the provider put a diaper on them after they used the potty all weekend, if you don't want to deal with accidents that 2 years old make when potty training, don't watch 2 year olds.

                Children learn to potty train much faster when they feel that they had an accident and it's uncomfortable, they don't want to feel wet and poopy, therefore to avoid that feeling, they use the potty. Will there be accidents during this process? Yes, that's part of the deal. Potty training has to be consistant, she can't be in underwear at home and diapers at daycare.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  I would be livid if I took my kid to daycare and the provider put a diaper on them after they used the potty all weekend, if you don't want to deal with accidents that 2 years old make when potty training, don't watch 2 year olds.

                  Children learn to potty train much faster when they feel that they had an accident and it's uncomfortable, they don't want to feel wet and poopy, therefore to avoid that feeling, they use the potty. Will there be accidents during this process? Yes, that's part of the deal. Potty training has to be consistant, she can't be in underwear at home and diapers at daycare.
                  And if you believe that the parents put her in undies and allow accidents at home on THEIR furniture the entire time they aren't with you I've got some ocean front property I'll sell you in Indiana.


                  • #10
                    I wouldn't chart for a parent who is too lazy to do it themselves over the previous long kills me that dcp is trying to impress on you how "important" the charting is yet they can't be troubled to DO IT THEMSELVES!:: Just put the chart in diaper bag and if they ask about it say "my job (gesture towards your houseful of ankle biters!) doesn't allow for the extra time to chart poops. Maybe you should do this over the weekend." then smile. way!

                    Sorry that you are having to deal with drama Mac60!
                    Good Luck


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      If I was DCF2 I would NOT be happy with my provider if she threw my child back in diapers after my child went potty all weekend and did all the hardwork for nothing. A pull up is just liek a DIAPER kids will NOT learn to train properly in a pull ups she NEEDS to be in undies its not a big issue to clean up accidents and a 2 and half year old GIRL is more then ready to potty train YOU and the PARENTS have to train her not wait for her to tell you she has to potty.

                      Spoken from someone who surely hasn't potty trained the masses.

                      Group care is different than one to one care friend. Think of the OTHER kids. You want your baby crawling around in another kids urine or confined into a playpen while the provider cleans the mess and the carpet dries?

                      It's easy to say it's not hard when it's not your carpet, couch, equipment.

                      What they do at home doesn't have diddly to do with what I do here. I've had kids that were potty trained at my house for over a year before they went in undies at home. I've had kids trained at home for a year before they went in undies here. Those are extreme examples but it does happen.

                      I don't do potty training based on what ONE kid needs. I do it based on what is best for the group, my business, and my staff time.

                      Parents saying a kid was in undies all weekend is usually just the words "she's been great all weekend with no accidents". VERY often you find out (usually from the Dad) that indeed the kid DID have accidents and was taken to the potty every half hour or something impossible to replicate in a group.

                      Just because a parent says the WORDS "she's trained" doesn't mean that the child is even within a year of being potty trained. What matters is what the child does in the GROUP.

                      There's a HUGE incentive to have kids wear underwear in day care. The cost of diapers is no longer a parent responsibility and it forces the provider to train the kid even if the parents aren't doing a single thing at home. Get hit with that a couple of times and see how the profit from that kid can go up in smoke with all the one to one care, cleaning, and replacement of equipment/furniture.

                      If the kid is potty trained she will potty in the potty regardless of what's on her bum. I've only had two accidents in my home for the last nine years. I don't put kids into undies until I'm ready to. Parent words don't affect my decision. I base it on the kids ability not parents words.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nannyde View Post

                        Spoken from someone who surely hasn't potty trained the masses.

                        Group care is different than one to one care friend. Think of the OTHER kids. You want your baby crawling around in another kids urine or confined into a playpen while the provider cleans the mess and the carpet dries?

                        It's easy to say it's not hard when it's not your carpet, couch, equipment.

                        What they do at home doesn't have diddly to do with what I do here. I've had kids that were potty trained at my house for over a year before they went in undies at home. I've had kids trained at home for a year before they went in undies here. Those are extreme examples but it does happen.

                        I don't do potty training based on what ONE kid needs. I do it based on what is best for the group, my business, and my staff time.

                        Parents saying a kid was in undies all weekend is usually just the words "she's been great all weekend with no accidents". VERY often you find out (usually from the Dad) that indeed the kid DID have accidents and was taken to the potty every half hour or something impossible to replicate in a group.

                        Just because a parent says the WORDS "she's trained" doesn't mean that the child is even within a year of being potty trained. What matters is what the child does in the GROUP.

                        There's a HUGE incentive to have kids wear underwear in day care. The cost of diapers is no longer a parent responsibility and it forces the provider to train the kid even if the parents aren't doing a single thing at home. Get hit with that a couple of times and see how the profit from that kid can go up in smoke with all the one to one care, cleaning, and replacement of equipment/furniture.

                        If the kid is potty trained she will potty in the potty regardless of what's on her bum. I've only had two accidents in my home for the last nine years. I don't put kids into undies until I'm ready to. Parent words don't affect my decision. I base it on the kids ability not parents words.
                        Very well said! I love these people coming on here (who obviously have never dealt with an issue like this) who are outraged that a provider would put a diaper back on a child who has been in undies for 2 whole days!! More likely than not, the parents are trained to take the child to the potty every 15-30 minutes, not the child being actually potty trained.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                          DCF1 comes in and hands me a "chart" of different kinds of poop and tells me that I have to monitor dcg age 3 1/2 for 5 days and chart her poop, when, how much, and what kind......for the next 5 days.......They took her to the doctor last Thursday and was told to do this.....and I ask.....Why didn't you do this the over the long weekend that you had her at home....oh wait, it is easier to have the dcprovider do it. I don't get paid enought to montor crap. I really don't understand what the issue is here with this girl anyways, she shows no signs of issues with her poop or peeing abilities here, and I have her 4 days a week and gma the other day. Sometimes I think some parents like "things to be wrong with their kids". Crazy to me.

                          DCF2 comes in and tells me dcg 2 1/2 is in panties that she went pee and poop over the weekend in the toilet....hmm, last week you were saying how she peed all over pretty much everyday. Wow, I had a diaper on her within 30 seconds after parent left. My rules for potty training are 2 weeks in pullups accident free, with child coming to me telling me they have to pee. Hmm, this child has never told me she has to pee, and I am not allowing her to be in my home in panties. This is crazy. I love this parent, but obviously they just don't think about the consequences of putting a 2 1/2 yr old in panties that has never once told the provider they have to go pee and has not showed any signs of potty training at all here.

                          It is amazing to me the number of providers/parents that think it is ok for kids to use the floors/furniture as a potty during the potty training process. That is just gross.

                          Gonna be a good week.
                          Uh uh! No way! What child care provider has time to run along behind a 3 1/2 yr old every time she "goes potty" to see if she pooped, and if she did, to compare it to the chart and write it down? Besides that, I couldn't tell you when or how often our potty trained children actually go to the potty and what they do on the potty. Once they're potty trained they just go potty whenever they need to, like they would at home. Of course we take the younger ones in the process of potty training to the potty at specific times throughout the day. I would just explain to DCF1 that you cannot do that during day, but that he can get it started next weekend, or even at home during the morning or evening when she "poops".
                          As for DCF2, if you have it in your policy what your potty training policy is (waiting until they're accident free at home for whatever your specified time is, then you will allow panties in daycare). They signed the contract and policy right? So he should be okay with it when you enforce it. Personally we do allow children in panties at daycare when the parents are using them at home already, but I can certainly see both sides of this (and the provider's who have it in their policy that they won't do panties until child is accident free at home for 2 weeks or whatever probably have more experience than me on potty training.) Anyway, I can see why most providers choose not to allow panties yet (because we have dealt with waaaay too many accidents on furniture and carpets, etc, and it seems very unsanitary to me!), but because we agree that children don't see any difference between pull ups or diapers and will go in their pants as long as they have something on we encourage the parents to send them in panties. We have some who are completely potty trained, but for some reason they sometimes come in with a pull up on, so they'll just go in it until we realize that they're wearing one! Sometimes the parents forget to bring panties or underwear, so they just tell us to keep a pull up on them. The children will just use the pull up then instead of the potty. Maybe it's laziness, or they forget to go to the potty as long as they have that pull up feeling, but either way, they won't go on the potty as long as that pull up is on.
                          But the messes that makes is just awful when you have several potty training at once! We DO wait until the parents use panties on them at home with success for a little while before we begin here, like I said earlier. SO if this is the first time they've used panties on her and it was only over the weekend, I would tell him you'll wait until she can go awhile at home with good progress, before you'll use panties at daycare. Just remind him of your policy and let him know that you'll be putting her in diapers or pull ups at daycare (if that's what you decide to continue doing).


                          • #14
                            Mac: I thought of you and this post last night! I was talking to dcm who was going to start potty training at home this week (I don't have dcg this week). Mom said it's going great, but she's had a few accidents. I asked if she's saying when she has to go and mom said no, they are setting a timer and going every 30 MINUTES! Are you kidding me? There must be something in the air with potty training this week! I'm the same as you regarding undies and pull ups. I told mom that if dcg can't stay dry for an hour-hour and a hafl, then we wont' be doing it at my house. It's just ridiculous. I totally understand your frustration!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                              DCF1 comes in and hands me a "chart" of different kinds of poop and tells me that I have to monitor dcg age 3 1/2 for 5 days and chart her poop, when, how much, and what kind......for the next 5 days.......They took her to the doctor last Thursday and was told to do this.....and I ask.....Why didn't you do this the over the long weekend that you had her at home....oh wait, it is easier to have the dcprovider do it. I don't get paid enought to montor crap. I really don't understand what the issue is here with this girl anyways, she shows no signs of issues with her poop or peeing abilities here, and I have her 4 days a week and gma the other day. Sometimes I think some parents like "things to be wrong with their kids". Crazy to me.

                              DCF2 comes in and tells me dcg 2 1/2 is in panties that she went pee and poop over the weekend in the toilet....hmm, last week you were saying how she peed all over pretty much everyday. Wow, I had a diaper on her within 30 seconds after parent left. My rules for potty training are 2 weeks in pullups accident free, with child coming to me telling me they have to pee. Hmm, this child has never told me she has to pee, and I am not allowing her to be in my home in panties. This is crazy. I love this parent, but obviously they just don't think about the consequences of putting a 2 1/2 yr old in panties that has never once told the provider they have to go pee and has not showed any signs of potty training at all here.

                              It is amazing to me the number of providers/parents that think it is ok for kids to use the floors/furniture as a potty during the potty training process. That is just gross.

                              Gonna be a good week.
                              DCF 1: Did you actually ask WHY you have to do this? Esp. since the child is not showing any signs of distress etc? When my eldest sister was 2 years old (MANY MANY years ago ) she swallowed a dime. My mother took her to the Dr and he said that the dime will eventually reappear. This is gross and disgusting but my mother had to take the BM and place it on newspaper and using gloves, had to go through each BM until she finally found it a few days later. I would just ask to see THEIR chart and how they were doing it to make sure you are doing it the right way.

                              DCF 2: I guess I am from the old school but I don't believe in pull-ups. To me, they are just a diaper. If a child has an accident or can't be bothered, then they aren't ready. Back in a diaper they go. When I was at my former center, I would be the one to request the child to go straight into underwear. The only time the child would be in diapers would be at nap time. Then I would put the diaper on and then the underwear over that so after nap I would just take off the diaper. Sure we had accidents. ALL kids have accidents. I would give them 2 chances. After the second accident, then in the diaper they go until the next day. I agree with the other poster that the child will be confused if they are in underwear at home and diapers/pull ups at the providers home/daycare.

                              As for your family Mac maybe you need to remind them of your policy. Do you have a separate handout sheet detailing that you require pull ups etc.?

