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Have Any Of You Attended An Online College?

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  • Have Any Of You Attended An Online College?

    Has anyone used an online college to get their degree? If so, which online colleges do you recommend?

  • #2
    All of our technical colleges in WI offer most of their coursework online.

    Madison College and Northeast Technical College are 2 great ones that offer Associates degree's in many areas. I'm not sure what out-of-state tuition would be, but it's probably cheaper than most 4 year schools in your state.


    • #3
      I am attending collage online right now happyface. I go to the community collage here so I am no help with recommendations. But I will say that i use my nap time to get my classes done. I am able to attend school full time (12 credit hours) so I am in 3 classes so I do school work on Mon, Wed, Fri and still have my nights and weekends free.


      • #4
        I was thinking along the lines of completely online schools such as Kaplan, DeVry, Penn Foster, Ashworth, University of Phoenix, etc.


        • #5
          Originally posted by permanentvacation View Post
          I was thinking along the lines of completely online schools such as Kaplan, DeVry, Penn Foster, Ashworth, University of Phoenix, etc.
          My cousin did the University of Phoenix and I did DeVry for 2 semesters. My cousin loved University of Phoenix but said it was very expensive. He owes 92,000 but he got his Bachelors in Business. So he went for 4 years. All online. I did DeVry and after 2 semesters I owed 9,000 in financial aid. I am currently still paying on it and Some of those schools the credits don't transfer due to the fact that those schools go on a 8 week quarter program instead of a 16 week semester. Make sure you check that. However if you are going for a specialty then you want to make sure they have a good success rate in terms of getting hired after you are done. Phoenix and DeVry are have good success rates, I don't know about the others.


          • #6
            My husband has been getting his degree online at University of Maryland University (UMUC). The financial aid department is awesome to deal with. I go to the local community college online. To me online is easier because I have social anxiety and I do it at my pace.


            • #7
              I completed my BA completely online through Fort Hays State University (Kansas). They are a state college with lots of 100% online programs. Their tuition is very reasonable ($186 per credit hour) and is the same for residents AND non-residents in the virtual college. I highly recommend them. I had people in my classes from all over the country.


              • #8
                Thank you for your suggestions. I'm going to look into the schools you all suggested plus the complete online schools.


                • #9
                  I'm currently in school - the local community college. I do online classes. I have gone in maybe 4 times (twice to register and the midterm & final). It's way cheaper than the pure online colleges.

                  Good luck!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
                    I'm currently in school - the local community college. I do online classes. I have gone in maybe 4 times (twice to register and the midterm & final). It's way cheaper than the pure online colleges.

                    Good luck!
                    I went to the local community college and completed my online classes as well...only went to class a few times and went for proctored exams....I enrolled in a 4 year college upon completion of my Associates but the classes I needed were not offered online and the college is 1 1/2 hours away so I haven't started work on my bachelors yet....


                    • #11
                      I just graduated from an online program thru a local community college. I looked into university of Phoenix and a couple other for profit schools before deciding to go with community college. The cost was excessive and everyone I knew that did the for profit colleges said they couldn't get jobs after graduation, that employers don't take the degrees seriously. That factored in to my decision hugely. Also, the credits don't typically transfer so if you decide to transfer to a 4 year university, plan on retaking most all of the classes. I found that out from researching locL colleges and talking with their admissions people. Online classes were great for me. I was able to stay home and homeschool, watch kids, and complete my degree. I loved it. It's all about self motivation and good time management skills. You must definitely be a self-starter to be successful. Good luck!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Moparmommy View Post
                        I just graduated from an online program thru a local community college. I looked into university of Phoenix and a couple other for profit schools before deciding to go with community college. The cost was excessive and everyone I knew that did the for profit colleges said they couldn't get jobs after graduation, that employers don't take the degrees seriously. That factored in to my decision hugely. Also, the credits don't typically transfer so if you decide to transfer to a 4 year university, plan on retaking most all of the classes. I found that out from researching locL colleges and talking with their admissions people. Online classes were great for me. I was able to stay home and homeschool, watch kids, and complete my degree. I loved it. It's all about self motivation and good time management skills. You must definitely be a self-starter to be successful. Good luck!
                        Some people in my area use Western Governors University as an online school.


                        • #13
                          A few teachers in my area go to Western Governors. They seem to like it.

                          Okay, after researching, I've decided to go back to Penn Foster online college. I finished one semester with them a while ago. When I went to my local community college, they did accept and transfer all my credits I earned from Penn Foster. And I have spoken with a few different daycare centers and a couple of supervisors in my county's home daycare licensing office. They all said they accept degrees from Penn Foster and that many home daycare providers as well as center employees use that school. It is also the most affordable of the online schools that I researched.

                          I can't get money from FASFA because I failed/quit my classes two semesters in a row - once for medical reasons for myself and then for issues my daughter was having in her school. Each of those issues lasted a while and I just couldn't keep up with my school work. So now, in order to get FASFA, I have to pay for classes out of pocket until I raise my GPA to FASFA's required level. The community college would cost more than Penn Foster. So I am going to go back to Penn Foster. Plus, Penn Foster allows you to go at your own pace and gives you 6 years to complete your degree. With me having medical issues - I had a gall bladder attack and then kidney stones in both kidneys one after the other and my daughter having issues in school, I think I'd be better off going where I can go at my own pace.

                          Thank you all for your responses and suggestions.


                          • #14
                            Be sure to look into State Universities across the US. Some are very reasonable and are not known for being online such as Univ of Phoenix. So your degree shows you graduated from a State school. Nothing on your diploma indicates you were an online student. I would think that would look better to an employer.


                            • #15
                              I've looked into getting a degree through online classes at state universities. They are much more expensive than Penn Foster.

                              When I first started thinking about Penn Foster a while ago, I made sure to ask my licensing specialist if they would accept a degree from them. She said they will. I just called a licensing specialist in Frederick and asked her the same thing. She also said they will accept a degree from Penn Foster.

                              I am currently qualified to be a director of a small center with 20 children. Once I finish my Associates degree, I will be qualified to be a director of a center with an unlimited amount of children which is the highest you can go in a daycare center.

                              I hope and plan to be in the daycare field in Maryland for the rest of my life. So, as long as both the family daycare licensing department and the daycare center licensing departments accept degrees through Penn Foster, it will be a useful degree for me. If I do want to continue my education after my Associates degree, the couple of local universities as well as some online colleges that I've called who offer degrees past an Associates all said accept credits from Penn Foster and my entire Associates degree from Penn Foster will roll over towards earning a higher degree in their colleges.

                              So I think Penn Foster will work just fine for me.

