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DCB Doesn't Want To Go Outside

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  • DCB Doesn't Want To Go Outside

    I had a new dcb (17 months) start this week. He's a very sweet child, listens well. I adore having him in my program. The problem I'm having is going outside to play. He cries non-stop from the second he sees his snowsuit until we get back inside. His parents brought a different snowsuit today to see if that helps. It didn't. We've tried a variety of activities. Today I took the kids in the plowed driveway to blow bubbles, and even that didn't work. His parents indicated that he doesn't like his winter jacket either. We're going outside anyway whenever the weather allows. I'd like to find a way to make him like it (or at least tolerate it.) Any ideas?

  • #2
    Do it every day, with a good attitude. Don't give him any attention for his tantrum, just go on with your day. He'll get it.


    • #3
      How cold is it there? Does he really need a full snowsuit? It might be that the snowsuit makes it so much harder for them to move. If he can wear a regular coat rather than a full snow suit, he might be happier.

      If he truly needs to wear the snowsuit, then I agree with grandmom and think you just need to go about your regular routine and hopefully he will adjust to it.


      • #4
        Does he cry when at the end of day when the parents put the jacket on to leave? or is he crying when he comes in in it? If he is wearing something different I would ask them to send him in the jacket he would wear outside and then send just ski pants. Depending on what your temperature is there you might be able to get away with lined pants and splash pants on top.


        • #5
          I think that you guys are right about consistency being the key. I was just hoping for a magic fix. I hate to hear him screaming. Today we tried a fleece snow suit, and he had lots of room to move around and everything, but it didn't seem to matter. Everybody else loves the snow and outside (And need to burn off energy). He definitely needs the snowsuit though. We get a lot of snow here and today was a warm day at 28 degrees.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pepperth View Post
            I think that you guys are right about consistency being the key. I was just hoping for a magic fix. I hate to hear him screaming. Today we tried a fleece snow suit, and he had lots of room to move around and everything, but it didn't seem to matter. Everybody else loves the snow and outside (And need to burn off energy). He definitely needs the snowsuit though. We get a lot of snow here and today was a warm day at 28 degrees.
            I have to laugh at this- it was a warm day at 28 degrees! It was actually a cold day for us today at 58 degrees. I have Reynauds so I can't tolerate the cold well. Maybe he has something where his body doesn't tolerate cold?


            • #7
              I know, right? ::...28 with sun actually feels quite nice right now as long as there is no wind and you're dressed properly. When it hits 40 everybody will be wearing shorts. (totally not kidding). Come summer though, we do get acclimated to warmer temps, and it feels cold when you hit the 60's.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pepperth View Post
                I know, right? ::...28 with sun actually feels quite nice right now as long as there is no wind and you're dressed properly. When it hits 40 everybody will be wearing shorts. (totally not kidding). Come summer though, we do get acclimated to warmer temps, and it feels cold when you hit the 60's.
                Don't you love how your mindset changes how you feel the temperature in the Midwest?! 50 degrees in the winter/fall- it's a heat wave! 50 degrees in the spring/summer- where's the coat and gloves? ::


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TheGoodLife View Post
                  Don't you love how your mindset changes how you feel the temperature in the Midwest?! 50 degrees in the winter/fall- it's a heat wave! 50 degrees in the spring/summer- where's the coat and gloves? ::
                  Exactly! But I don't think I'd live anywhere else. The people are friendly, housing is cheap, and at least where I live, I'm 1 mile from gorgeous Lake Michigan. Salt & shark free


                  • #10
                    Aww, poor buddy. He might hate being bundled up, or just be reacting to all the confusion of settling into a new place and new routine. He'll either figure it out given time and space and support, or it'll warm up and you'll find that the snowsuit probably was the issue (personally I despise being bundled up) or he'll outgrow it one day...or not.

                    You're not likely to find a way to "make him" like the snowsuit or going outside or whatever he's reacting to. You probably will never know what's triggering those emotions.
                    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                    • #11
                      How is his circulation?

                      I have a 4 year old that has been with me since he was 1. He screams every time we go outside but his circulation is terrible. I have to put on multiple pairs of gloves and majorly bundle him up. He cries the whole time we are outside unless he's bundled to the point of almost not being able to move.


                      • #12
                        I've had many toddlers over the years who do this. They get colder than the big kids, because they can't move as well in the snow. And many parents can't be bothered with all the gearing up, so they don't take them out to play in cold weather, so they're not used to it.

                        What I do:

                        Brace yourself and just be ready to deal with the crying matter-of-factly. Have a good cheerful attitude about going out.

                        Make sure they're bundled very warmly--more so than those who'll be moving more. I like wool undergarments, cozy sweaters, wool socks, loose-fitting good one-piece snowsuit (I love Hanna Anderson for toddlers--easy to move in!), flexible boots (nothing stiff so they can't walk). Hat with hood on top. Neck covered. Good long mittens.

                        My best solution for crying toddlers is to put them in a toddler sled and have the big kids pull them around. They all like it.

                        Good luck! I know how much it wrecks outside time!


                        • #13
                          now retired

                          I often had new children of that age cry when we went outside.

                          I always felt that they were worried that the parent who had taken off their coat and left them there would not find them if they came while child was outside.

                          It usually only lasted a week or so.

