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Can't Wait For The Holidays To Be Over

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  • Can't Wait For The Holidays To Be Over

    Anyone else just stressed out to no end? I have so much going on right now from dealing with a parent that I will most likely have to take to small claims...I really don't want to and thats what's is getting to me, I hate conflict but I don't want her to think she won and that she got to me...

    I still have all my christmas shopping to do, wrapping and baking...watching kids all day takes so much time and leaves not enough for me to finish things up for the holidays...I just sat here and cried earlier because I am just so overwelmed...I have to go to a total of 6 places for Christmas Eve/Christmas together....I just want to relax and forget about everything, mainly that angry parent...her E-mail really got to hurt that I have always been so nice to her and for her to e-mail me saying I am a nasty person, that is not true at all, I can't be mean to people. I feel like I am always worrying about EVERYTHING and It drives me to feeling like everything is going wrong and nothing is going to go right... Ahh I guess it's just one of those weeks

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that you are having a bad day on top of having to deal with an angry parent. There's nothing you can do about the parent and taking her to court right now with the holidays so try and forget about her. Don't let her steal your joy and time with your family through this holiday season by focusing on her disrespect and ungratefulness! Concentrate on all the errands and other things you need to do for your family. Holidays can be very stressful anyway with all the baking, wrapping presents, etc so try and just smile and be grateful for a couple of days off. After the holidays are over and a the new year has come then you can focus on dealing with your angry parent and how to proceed with her. Chin up and have a Merry Christmas!


    • #3
      Originally posted by JeepGirl6 View Post
      Anyone else just stressed out to no end? I have so much going on right now from dealing with a parent that I will most likely have to take to small claims...I really don't want to and thats what's is getting to me, I hate conflict but I don't want her to think she won and that she got to me...

      I still have all my christmas shopping to do, wrapping and baking...watching kids all day takes so much time and leaves not enough for me to finish things up for the holidays...I just sat here and cried earlier because I am just so overwelmed...I have to go to a total of 6 places for Christmas Eve/Christmas together....I just want to relax and forget about everything, mainly that angry parent...her E-mail really got to hurt that I have always been so nice to her and for her to e-mail me saying I am a nasty person, that is not true at all, I can't be mean to people. I feel like I am always worrying about EVERYTHING and It drives me to feeling like everything is going wrong and nothing is going to go right... Ahh I guess it's just one of those weeks
      I'm so sorry you're feeling so stressed out. You're not alone! I too have a million and one things to get done! Just take a deep breath. Spray some lavender if you have it. I LOVE lavender.....instant relaxer! Try to just do what you can. I'm sure everyone who you will be with for the holidays knows just how busy you are. To speed up wrapping, go to the dollar store and get a bunch of the gift bags...they have really big ones if you need those.....if you are shopping and get stuck on what to buy someone, gift cards are great! If you can get by without baking, get some at your local market, or just make only your favorite recipe! Christmas is about being with those you love, and gosh darn our society for making it so commercialized these days. Hang in there, and tell yourself that you are doing a great job, and you can only do so much! Christmas hugs to you!<<<>>>
      ~Everything happens for a reason~


      • #4
        I'm with you. This year really sucks. I haven't shopped yet and now we are expecting another snow storm. My kids might not see Santa but I am going to take Bizzy's advice and not try to stress about it. to Jeep: I hope you do follow through on that claim. You do not deserve that, especially this time of year. Hugs to both of you.....


        • #5
          i wrote this in my FB status a few days ago. whenever i'm stressed, i write sarcastic limericks. its my stress release...

          twas 10 days before christmas and all through the house, no one was ready for the holiday, not even the mouse. cards weren't sent, stockings not hung with care; life is to short to pull out my hair. gift wrap looks sloppy, the tree's starting to die; too much to do, i can't help but sigh. dinners not planned, cookies not quite complete; high expectations i ain't gonna meet. there's dust on the mantle, toys strewn on the floor; so many worries, i can't take it no more. heck with it all, yeah, i have no fear; i'm spending my time with my family this year.


          • #6
            just borrowed that and put it on my fb! Thanks Melskids! I feel better already!


            • #7
              Stressed is not the word

              Originally posted by JeepGirl6 View Post
              Anyone else just stressed out to no end? I have so much going on right now from dealing with a parent that I will most likely have to take to small claims...I really don't want to and thats what's is getting to me, I hate conflict but I don't want her to think she won and that she got to me...

              I still have all my christmas shopping to do, wrapping and baking...watching kids all day takes so much time and leaves not enough for me to finish things up for the holidays...I just sat here and cried earlier because I am just so overwelmed...I have to go to a total of 6 places for Christmas Eve/Christmas together....I just want to relax and forget about everything, mainly that angry parent...her E-mail really got to hurt that I have always been so nice to her and for her to e-mail me saying I am a nasty person, that is not true at all, I can't be mean to people. I feel like I am always worrying about EVERYTHING and It drives me to feeling like everything is going wrong and nothing is going to go right... Ahh I guess it's just one of those weeks

              I really know how you feel. I have been so totally overwhelmed as well. Starting at 6-7 am every morning and not finishing until 5-6 pm every night and then still having child/family responsibilities in the evening as well as getting the daycare area ready for the next day, has made it impossible for me to get anything done in preparation for Christmas! I have not finished shopping, nothing has been wrapped, I have not even started cooking and we have 25 people coming over for dinner tomorrow evening. I was ready to cancel Christmas this morning. I was actually in such a bad mood that when one of my daycare moms came in late this morning I was ready to term on the spot! She frequently brings her 17 month old in between 11 and 11 30 after she has slept in until 10 30 and then she screeches the entire nap time from 12 30 till 2 30 when all of my little ones get up. (I have a 12 month old, two just under 2 year olds and two 3 year olds. My husband took over while I went to "hide" in the bathroom to calm down because I was going freak! She is suppposed to be here from 8 30 am until 4 pm. I do not mind her being late really, as I would have her less hours for the same pay but to bring her in after sleeping all morning really disrupts my day and then I really can't get ANYTHING done because she won't even rest for an hour. I can't even eat lunch in peace! The only thing I think keeping me sane is I am OFF after today until January 5th and I can't wait!


              • #8
                I am so glad all my Christmas things are done. We don't make dinner, we usually go somewhere to visit my husbands family. I am totally content with staying home for the holidays. If I'm not happy I still have to smile and be stuck around a bunch of people I really don't know. Then I worry about traveling in the snow. I'm looking forward to having kids just to stay home and start our own tradition! LOL

                My husband on the other hand, he is buying gift cards for his family and still hasn't finished that. At least I have fancy gift card holders to stick them in for him. We have not cleaned our house either, but the last two days have been stressful for me since some of my family members split and one of them took everything so the other person doesn't even have a chair to sit on and that person will be sitting on the floor alone for Christmas. I can't help buy secretly cry over such sad situations.....maybe I will get out of spending time with my husbands family to spend time with this person who is no longer in our family........hmmm, as long as I don't cry. So sad when people separate over holidays


                • #9
                  I'm sorry you are so stressed. I feel for you. I don't think I have spent any quality time with my own kids since I take care of others for 12 hours a day. I am looking forward to a break where just my family and I get to watch movies cuddle eat popcorn and just enjoy what this time of year is all about. I hope you can find moments like that and that you get to relax.

