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Do You Call/E-Mail People To Remind Them About An Interview?

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  • Do You Call/E-Mail People To Remind Them About An Interview?

    A parent & her two girls is supposed to come for an interview late this afternoon. We set up the appt. last Wednesday. I was thinking of calling to remind her but my husband said if they forget then they obviously aren't serious about using or needing you for care. What are your opinions? To a point I do agree with my husband.

  • #2
    No I wouldn't call to remind.

    If they don't show up they don't show up. Means they found someone else or don't care.

    If they call/email to say they forgot, or something else came up, you can decide at that point whether you want to give another shot.


    • #3
      I agree with your husband. I had one person who called a day after missing an interview to reschedule. I told her one of the things I look for in clients is respect and she did not show that to me so no I would not reschedule.
      Celebrate! ::


      • #4
        Originally posted by kidkair View Post
        I agree with your husband. I had one person who called a day after missing an interview to reschedule. I told her one of the things I look for in clients is respect and she did not show that to me so no I would not reschedule.
        ditto! 100%


        • #5

          They are to call me by noon the day of the interview to confirm they are coming. If they don't call the interview is cancelled.


          • #6
            LOVE THIS,.... IM ACTUALLY adding IT TO my contract right now.

            Originally posted by nannyde View Post

            They are to call me by noon the day of the interview to confirm they are coming. If they don't call the interview is cancelled.


            • #7
              Originally posted by nannyde View Post

              They are to call me by noon the day of the interview to confirm they are coming. If they don't call the interview is cancelled.

              Very good idea!!! I will remember this for next time!


              • #8
                Well, 4:58 pm & I think I am being stood up. Interview was supposed to start somewhere around 4:30-5:00. I may be jumping the gun but it looks like this mom is a no-show! But maybe it's best to find out how wishy-washy she is before I take her on as a client. I just don't understand the lack of common courtesy. If you make an appt at the salon for a hair cut you would call if you had to cancel. Why is our time not valued? I did some extra cleaning & printed off some of my policies for this person.


                • #9
                  I don't call either.....


                  • #10
                    I never used to call and confirm interviews, but I sure do now. I have had no call, no shows!! This really makes me mad, I usually do these when my husband is home from work, as he is my backup. So by the time my husband arrives home, fix, and clean up supper, then clean like mad- I am so upset when they do not show up!!! I hate it when that happens!!


                    • #11
                      Yay, I was NOT stood up. Parents arrived at 5:01 with kids in tow. Interview went well although my toddler was VERY possessive & not happy about the 3 year-old playing with his toys. Hopefully that did not turn them off too much!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                        LOVE THIS,.... IM ACTUALLY adding IT TO my contract right now.
                        Works like a charm. It's the first test of their compliance to the rules. It's very simple but says a lot about how they will be as clients.

                        I also don't set interviews up right away when they call. I make sure there is a weekend between when they call and when we meet. That way they HAVE to remember it and call to remind me.

                        We don't get the house "interview" ready until we get that call.


                        • #13
                          I'm confused about how you can have something about canceling interviews in your contract if they have not signed a contract. LOL.


                          • #14
                            I have my contract and interview sheet in a binder. I will begin mentioning this during the phonecall for setting up the interview. I think it's a fantastic idea.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                              I'm confused about how you can have something about canceling interviews in your contract if they have not signed a contract. LOL.
                              I don't do a contract till they have been here three to six months so there's no contract.

                              I TELL them on the phone when we do our preinterviewing talks. The last thing I say to them is: You need to call me by noon on (interview day) to confirm you are coming. If you change your mind and decide not to come you don't have to call. If you don't call by noon then I'll know you have cancelled the interview.

                              Good luck and congratulations on your new baby..........

                              Then I forget the conversation even happened till I get that call. The organizational cleaing stuff of my house is always interview ready so I don't have to do much but put some good smelling food on for the interview ambiance.

                              When they schedule interview two then I say the same thing: Call be by noon to confirm.

                              rinse and repeat

