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Another Issue With My 4 YO DCG

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  • Another Issue With My 4 YO DCG

    Ok, so she ran from me that day we were walking (remember me posting about that?), I find out a couple days later she stole from us (a nail polish, lip gloss, earrings, and a couple other small items from my daughters room. she was supposed to be lying down for nap, and I check on her about 100 times but in between she was into stuff), and so after these incidents, I decide that she will be my shadow, and that she will spend nap time in my living room with me. I have her lying on our oversized chair, facing the back of the chair. But this is the issue, she constantly moves. I mean constantly. I don't know whether she can't help it, or whether she is trying to irritate me. I am trying to not let it bother me, but she is! She flips from one side to the other, legs in the air, hands waving, etc. Ugh. Do I just ignore her or insist on stillness as well as quiet?

  • #2
    Originally posted by sahm2three View Post
    Ok, so she ran from me that day we were walking (remember me posting about that?), I find out a couple days later she stole from us (a nail polish, lip gloss, earrings, and a couple other small items from my daughters room. she was supposed to be lying down for nap, and I check on her about 100 times but in between she was into stuff), and so after these incidents, I decide that she will be my shadow, and that she will spend nap time in my living room with me. I have her lying on our oversized chair, facing the back of the chair. But this is the issue, she constantly moves. I mean constantly. I don't know whether she can't help it, or whether she is trying to irritate me. I am trying to not let it bother me, but she is! She flips from one side to the other, legs in the air, hands waving, etc. Ugh. Do I just ignore her or insist on stillness as well as quiet?
    Does her moving bother anyone else (besides you)? I have a similar child, I make her lay down away from the others since her constant moving is disruptive to those who do hold still and rest.....but I also have enough space to put her in my line of sight but away form others. Some kids are just not able to lie still so I wouldnt insist on stillness but I feel for you because that drives me batty when they toss and turn like that......


    • #3
      My daycare kids do this when they are trying to resist sleep, so I insist on them lying still and I stay in there until they are asleep. However, I'm not sure if you are wanting her to sleep there or just stay there in the chair for quiet time? If you are wanting her to go to sleep, I would insist on stillness. But if it's just to lay quietly for quiet time, I would let her wiggle as long as she is appropriately laying on the chair (not hanging upside down, etc...).


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lilbutterflie View Post
        My daycare kids do this when they are trying to resist sleep, so I insist on them lying still and I stay in there until they are asleep. However, I'm not sure if you are wanting her to sleep there or just stay there in the chair for quiet time? If you are wanting her to go to sleep, I would insist on stillness. But if it's just to lay quietly for quiet time, I would let her wiggle as long as she is appropriately laying on the chair (not hanging upside down, etc...).
        I agree with this.


        • #5
          I also so agree I have a 4yo DCG that does the same thing and I just let her move until she runs out of steam. 30 mintues later she is sleep and this happens everyday she is here.

