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Changing Policies This Spring But Really Need Input

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  • Changing Policies This Spring But Really Need Input

    Hi everyone, I will be changing some policies this spring but am trying to get it figured out for wording now and also to decide if I am going overboard on this or if it makes sense. So I charge hourly and am wanting to go to a flat daily rate. So I was thinking of anyone using under 4 hours per day pays $15.00 per day and over 4 hours is $30.00 per day. Anything over 10 hours is billed an hourly rate on top if already discussed and agreed upon. This will make it easier but I don't know how to explain this to them or if it makes sense. Also this spring we are installing new hardwood flooring throughout the house and I will expect all children to wear close toed shoes and wear socks and can bring slippers or clean/new indoor shoes to wear inside but must wear socks. Last year with flip flops there were hurt feet as well as nasty dirty feet I do not want on my floors. We have a large rug for parents to stay on and kids to remove shoes. I have changed my hours to 7:30 because earliest family has changed their hours to a later drop off. I also capped my day at 5:30 because unless special circumstances come up nobody needs care after that time. I am worried dcparents will not like my changes but I need to for my sanity. Any help is appreciated Tia

  • #2
    I would write a notice that there will be some upcoming policy changes, effective <insert date>. Then group the changes into categories, with a heading for each topic, then a bulleted list of each change. So it could be like:

    Tuition is changing to a flat daily rate as follows:
    - Under 4 hours a day is $15/day
    - Over 4 hours, but under 10 hours a day is $30/day
    - Anything over 10 hours a day will be $X/hr on top of the $30 flat rate (or whatever your policy is, I didn't quite understand this one)

    After the installation of hardwood floors, the following shoe policy will go into effect:
    - All children must wear clean/new closed-toed shoes (or slippers/socks) indoors. No bare feet allowed.
    - Parents must stay on the rug
    - Children must stay on the rug while removing outdoor shoes

    My new hours of operation will be as follows:
    - 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
    - Clients will still need to adhere to their contracted hours, but these are the earliest and latest times I will be open


    • #3
      I think it all makes sense, but I am concerned that your shoe policy will be hard to keep on top of. Would you allow the children to wear socks, instead of shoes? And is everything the parents need to access all within reach of the rug? Just curious


      • #4
        The only thing with limiting the daily rate to 4 hours is a lot of families want the 4 hardest hours of the day....right across lunch and nap times.

        I offer blocks of part day care in 4 hour increments but I limit them to morning or afternoon. ANY care needed during lunch and nap times (even if it's only 2 hours) is billed at a full day rate.

        You can't fill the space around someone who uses the middle of the day.

        My blocks of half days are:
        A.M. Block = 8:00-11:00
        P.M. Block = 2:00-5:00

        Just something to think about...


        • #5
          I agree with all previous posters.

          As far as the shoe/sock rule. I would probably just buy new cute slippers for everyone after Christmas when they are on clearance. I would just tell them that they have to stay at my house in their cubbies when they go home. I don't see parents sending in separate shoes to be worn only while in my house. I know my kids here would be very excited to have the new slippers to wear only at my house.


          • #6
            I have a shoe policy. Closed toed shoes must be worn, and no shoes are allowed on in the house. The older kids know to take their shoes off when entering and the parents of the younger ones take their shoes off. Most wear socks everyday. Maybe have each child bring extra socks in case they forget.

            For part time, I don't mess with hours. I charge a daily rate whether they are here 1 or 10 hours. I have let one family pay half of a rate for an extra half a day, but they always pay on time and he was picked up before lunch. This has worked well for me. But I agree with bc, if you do charge so much for such and such hours, I would do the blocks of time!


            • #7
              Wow yoou are really inexpensive.I think what another poster said was true---its really hard to fill in around half days. I would offer the am only for 7:30 -11:30 no lunch 20.00 dollers per day. Before and after school same 20:00 I would charge 40.00 per day for full time and 45.00 daily otherwise.What is the going rate in your area?


              • #8
                Neither the payment nor the shoe/sock policy change is problematic as long as you're polite about conveying the information. The sample language above should work, but make sure when you talk about it with parents to be friendly and informative. Phrases such as "To make the business work for all my families, I need to clarify my part-time policy" and "I've seen lots of toe injuries from footwear, so I hope this policy will reduce the times I need to call parents during the day" can go a long way toward making the clients understand that you're not being a bad guy about any of this.

