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Stranger Anxiety

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  • Stranger Anxiety

    Do any of you know at what age do children grow out of this? Tips for helping a 2 year old with his stranger anxiety? I told his mom she needs to work on this with him because I can't have him screaming at the top of his lungs even if I am holding him he is non stop screaming. Mom told me no it is just his personality. I said well it's not ok to scream and its not ok to just brush this off. What do I do? Any suggestions are very appreciated!

  • #2
    But why his start's to scream...of course is not okay 2 year old scream,they can be very loud...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Do any of you know at what age do children grow out of this? Tips for helping a 2 year old with his stranger anxiety? I told his mom she needs to work on this with him because I can't have him screaming at the top of his lungs even if I am holding him he is non stop screaming. Mom told me no it is just his personality. I said well it's not ok to scream and its not ok to just brush this off. What do I do? Any suggestions are very appreciated!
      Tell mom that you will be calling her for pick up every time his personality begins screaming at the top of his lungs.

      Not fair of her to brush it off that way and let it be your problem. On a side note, I think he is a bit old for stranger anxiety but I could be wrong...I've just never had one have issues at that age...usually 2 year olds (even new 2's) are becoming especially social and not afraid to talk to anyone.


      • #4
        When does he scream?

        If it's when another parent comes, I would NOT hold him. I would simply take his hand, lead him to a far away spot, and give him something to play with or an stuffed animal to cuddle.

        I don't carry two year olds. Once they're walking, I only carry them in rare cases. They have feet.

        Also, does he scream in the grocery store, Walmart, at the zoo? Those places are full of strangers. If he has "stranger anxiety", he'd freak out pretty much all the time. I think he's playin' you or looking for drama...


        • #5
          I'm not sure if his mom takes him to the store. He does this when strangers walk in even people he's met before. His m says he even does it every Sunday at church and when he visits his grandparents he also does it. I can't stand it!


          • #6
            I have one that's the opposite. He's 18 months, and since he could crawl, has thought that every adult that walks in this house is HIS.

            It sounds like maybe your little friend is getting too much attention for this. He may very well have some fear, but at 2 years, he can learn to cope.

            I'd just move him away from the area. If he walks back over screaming, move him away again. "Your screaming hurts my ears. If you need to scream, do it over here"...moving to furthest spot.

            Does he scream at other times? I have a few that throw what I basically consider tantrums at times (all that age), and I handle it the same way. They can yell if they need to...just not in my ear.


            • #7
              A few more threads on this subject:

