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I Can't Stand Getting Calls From People Who Can't Speak Properly

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  • I Can't Stand Getting Calls From People Who Can't Speak Properly

    I answered the phone and said, "Hello, (so and so's) Daycare, may I help you?" The response I received was (Yelling loudly) "Where y'all located at?" My thoughts; Oh good grief, she can't even speak proper English and is literally yelling her question at me. During the entire conversation she honestly couldn't say one sentence using proper English. She said things such as, "Well, she get vouchers." It would be gets, not get. "What street you on?" I think she meant to say, "What street ARE you on?" She was basically yelling each time she spoke.

    The entire time I was on the phone with her, I kept thinking how much I need to move out of this area! I don't think I'm all high and mighty, but I can, at least, speak properly.

    Needless to say, I didn't schedule an interview with her.

  • #2
    I have a parent like this. Not the yelling but just the way she speaks. Last week she unbuckled the baby from her car seat, picked the baby up and wrinkles her nose. She then Proceeds to hold the baby at arms length, handing her off to me and says, "Eww. She ****". (Sorry for the language ). Just the language alone was bad. But if you're going to talk trashy at least use proper grammar. "She took a ****" is what she should have said. Lol. Again, excuse my language, but this parent just gets under my skin


    • #3
      I don't have too much experience with this- BUT Craigslist.... I have encountered some of the most impolite and rude writers ever. Parents are completely informal- no hello, my name is, nothing polite- just, "what are your rates" I'm going to respond when getting a bargain caring for their child is their priority. How about composing a nice, semi formal email?! It's a lost art, I suppose.


      • #4
        Originally posted by permanentvacation View Post
        I answered the phone and said, "Hello, (so and so's) Daycare, may I help you?" The response I received was (Yelling loudly) "Where y'all located at?" My thoughts; Oh good grief, she can't even speak proper English and is literally yelling her question at me. During the entire conversation she honestly couldn't say one sentence using proper English. She said things such as, "Well, she get vouchers." It would be gets, not get. "What street you on?" I think she meant to say, "What street ARE you on?" She was basically yelling each time she spoke.

        The entire time I was on the phone with her, I kept thinking how much I need to move out of this area! I don't think I'm all high and mighty, but I can, at least, speak properly.

        Needless to say, I didn't schedule an interview with her.
        I am in the south where "ain't", "ain't got none", "what y'all gonna do bout that", "kill 'em with kindness" normal conversation! our sentences become one big word sometimes....I do know about grammar, I even got a degree, but it don't mean I use it all the time....hard to break a southern habit::


        • #5
          Originally posted by Annalee View Post
          I am in the south where "ain't", "ain't got none", "what y'all gonna do bout that", "kill 'em with kindness" normal conversation! our sentences become one big word sometimes....I do know about grammar, I even got a degree, but it don't mean I use it all the time....hard to break a southern habit::
          Actually y'all, you'uns and a few other southern/mountain slang that most people consider improper English, came from our Scottish & Irish ancestors in early 19th century. It's how they talked in the villages and mountain towns when they first arrived thru immigration because they had words that were very similar to what we now speak; the slaves from Africa also used similar terms. It's not improper at all when we use old language it just sounds that way


          • #6
            Originally posted by LysesKids View Post
            Actually y'all, you'uns and a few other southern/mountain slang that most people consider improper English, came from our Scottish & Irish ancestors in early 19th century. It's how they talked in the villages and mountain towns when they first arrived thru immigration because they had words that were very similar to what we now speak; the slaves from Africa also used similar terms. It's not improper at all when we use old language it just sounds that way


            • #7
              I find it even worse when they are calling to see if "ya's are hiring". And the emails too - NO professionalism whatsoever in them when they are looking for a job!!!!


              • #8
                I'm from the South too. I was raised in Alabama. The phone calls I receive are not from Southerners speaking in Southern slang. Keep in mind that Southerners might speak with slang such as y'all and the other examples already mentioned, but they also use manners and show others respect.

                The phone calls I receive are not from Southerners, they are from rude, ignorant people who have no manners or respect for others.


                • #9
                  Well that would change things a bit... BTW, I was raised mainly in MD/NOVA so I do get it.


                  • #10
                    I know what you mean. I've had a couple calls recently that when I say hello they loudly say "You take vouchers?" or "You provide transportation right?" No.. hi, how are you. No... I have a question about your daycare. Just straight to the question. When I answer no, I'm sorry I do not provide transportation I get "Oh" click.

                    I'm just left thinking "what just happened here?" :confused:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by permanentvacation View Post
                      The entire time I was on the phone with her, I kept thinking how much I need to move out of this area! I don't think I'm all high and mighty, but I can, at least, speak properly.

                      Needless to say, I didn't schedule an interview with her.
                      I can't speak and write properly in English Even more, I have a very heavy accent.
                      Thanks God, I'm in NYC.


                      • #12
                        For me, it's not so much the words that are used that irritate me, but the WAY they use those words. Very demanding, impolite etc. I don't have a problem with people who don't know proper grammar, and can't speak properly. I was a waitress for many years, you get used to the "words" but you NEVER get used to the TONE. The tone is what will drive me nuts.


                        • #13
                          Colorfulsunburst, I didn't mean to offend anyone here. I am not talking about people from other nationalities that are trying to speak English.

                          Maybe I should have titled this more along the lines of 'I can't stand rude, ill-mannered people.'

                          I am talking about the people who call, don't even try to show you any respect, who yell/demand their questions, speak ghetto language, and like Craftymom said, yell/demand questions at you, and when they don't like your answer, either say, 'Oh' and hang up, or might simply hang up on me and I don't even realize they've hung up. Sometimes, they yell things at me such as how they can't afford daycare and daycare prices are too expensive or whatever other things about daycare that makes them mad. They are just flat out rude.

                          To put it bluntly, they are lower class, more uneducated, and more ghetto-like then I am used to working with. I just can't adjust to this area.

                          Since I moved here, I have actually had a child who was kidnapped by his father from his mother, had a handful of mothers and fathers who had been in jail for numerous reasons, have had parents who were on parole at the time that I was watching their child, etc.

                          I went from living in mid to upper class areas to a low class area and I simply can't fit in with this society group.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by permanentvacation View Post
                            Colorfulsunburst, I didn't mean to offend anyone here. I am not talking about people from other nationalities that are trying to speak English.

                            Maybe I should have titled this more along the lines of 'I can't stand rude, ill-mannered people.'

                            I am talking about the people who call, don't even try to show you any respect, who yell/demand their questions, speak ghetto language, and like Craftymom said, yell/demand questions at you, and when they don't like your answer, either say, 'Oh' and hang up, or might simply hang up on me and I don't even realize they've hung up. Sometimes, they yell things at me such as how they can't afford daycare and daycare prices are too expensive or whatever other things about daycare that makes them mad. They are just flat out rude.

                            To put it bluntly, they are lower class, more uneducated, and more ghetto-like then I am used to working with. I just can't adjust to this area.

                            Since I moved here, I have actually had a child who was kidnapped by his father from his mother, had a handful of mothers and fathers who had been in jail for numerous reasons, have had parents who were on parole at the time that I was watching their child, etc.

                            I went from living in mid to upper class areas to a low class area and I simply can't fit in with this society group.
                            This is what you said in your first post My thoughts; Oh good grief, she can't even speak proper English and is literally yelling her question at me. During the entire conversation she honestly couldn't say one sentence using proper English.. Point being from my point of view is you had a problem with incorrect English grammar. Just sayin!
                            Last edited by Annalee; 11-04-2014, 08:56 PM. Reason: add words


                            • #15
                              Yes, she said the incorrect use of English, but I think she means the 'intentional' incorrect use of English grammar and the rude tone people sometimes use.

