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Another One Re: Coat Hooks/Cubbies

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  • Another One Re: Coat Hooks/Cubbies

    My daycare is set up in my walkout basement. I have hooks by my mainfloor front door and a mat for shoes/boots. Their baskets for diapers/art, etc. are in the basement with us. If we want to go outside I have to carry all the coats and boots downstairs so we can go out in the fenced yard. IT's a pain in the rear to haul the gear up and down. I would love my hooks and cubbies down stairs with us but also don't allow shoes/boots, wet/muddy clothes on my carpet and stairs. Any suggestions on how to make it easier?

  • #2
    Can you request that parents enter through your downstairs entrance? and set up a nice size waterproof mat area for shoes and put hooks on the walls?

    I have a similar problem in that Idon't have an entryway. it is literally 2' x 2' LOL and the door opens INTO that space. So they enter directly into my living room. I HATE IT


    • #3
      Originally posted by DancingQueen View Post
      Can you request that parents enter through your downstairs entrance? and set up a nice size waterproof mat area for shoes and put hooks on the walls?

      I have a similar problem in that Idon't have an entryway. it is literally 2' x 2' LOL and the door opens INTO that space. So they enter directly into my living room. I HATE IT
      This is what I was going to suggest, too.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

