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  • Frustrated

    I charge a weekly flat rate based on parents work hours. Anything over is an extra fee. I have a family who dcd works until 3 picks up by 3:15. They asked back in March if dcg can stay later some days while dcd coaches baseball. Well baseball is long gone and lately they are scheduling daycare girl here until 5-5:30pm.(sometimes she is here at 6-630am/even with the long extended hours I never charged the extra fee) Dcm has varied work hours(dad does not). Week to week it varies if dcg is full or part time. Hours are starting to be all over the place.

    Anyways in January I am doing a rate increase and updating my contract and handbook. I have been looking at the other parents hours and I want to start in Jan. "contracted hours" I want them to give me their hours without going over 9.5 hours. It should work for everyone and hopefully put a stop to all the extended hours. Does this seem ok for me to do??? Another thing I am thinking too is if I know dcg is gone by 3:15 then I can consider more kids without going over ratio.

    I am new to posting but have followed this group for a while. Please take it easy on me

  • #2
    I do contracted hours, up to 10 a day and it has worked well for me. Anything over the 10 is an extra fee, but I do have to say that nobody ever goes over. I am also only open 11 hours a day so I think that helps too.

    I think that it disrespectful that they are still doing extended hours after baseball is over, but if you don't say anything, they will keep doing it.


    • #3
      They're taking advantage of you because you have allowed them to.

      I would give them an option of a flexible schedule with varied hours, up to 9.5 hours a day OR a set schedule/set hours, up to 9.5 for a slightly lower rate.

      If you don't want to work that early/that late, I would also include that the 9.5 hours have to be contracted within your business hours of X-X.

      I wouldn't wait until January to implement this, either. You're working extra for free. I would approach the parents, or send home a note tomorrow.


      • #4
        I just went through (and fixed) this exact problem at my daycare! My advice mirrors pp. Don't wait. Do it now. You will feel better and provide better care when you feel you aren't being taken advantage of. It's totally fine to say, "I know I said you could do xxx, but this is no longer working for me." If you are confident and concise, it will most likely go smoothly.


        • #5
          Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
          They're taking advantage of you because you have allowed them to.

          I would give them an option of a flexible schedule with varied hours, up to 9.5 hours a day OR a set schedule/set hours, up to 9.5 for a slightly lower rate.

          If you don't want to work that early/that late, I would also include that the 9.5 hours have to be contracted within your business hours of X-X.

          I wouldn't wait until January to implement this, either. You're working extra for free. I would approach the parents, or send home a note tomorrow.


          • #6
            Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
            They're taking advantage of you because you have allowed them to.

            I would give them an option of a flexible schedule with varied hours, up to 9.5 hours a day OR a set schedule/set hours, up to 9.5 for a slightly lower rate.

            If you don't want to work that early/that late, I would also include that the 9.5 hours have to be contracted within your business hours of X-X.

            I wouldn't wait until January to implement this, either. You're working extra for free. I would approach the parents, or send home a note tomorrow.
            Great advice.


            • #7
              Thank you all for your advice. I talked dcm and told her my plans for January and explained to her it was my understanding that they would only need me til 3:30pm a the latest. Explained I agreed later hours when dcd coached but now it is NOT working out. Explained ratio she brings the count down days she stays late and how I had a phone call for kids I could take if she stayed at 3:30pm pick up......Anyways she is pissed!!!! She is very nice my best parents and she said they may have to explore options. I try to work with families and then get dumped on!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Disneyfan View Post
                Thank you all for your advice. I talked dcm and told her my plans for January and explained to her it was my understanding that they would only need me til 3:30pm a the latest. Explained I agreed later hours when dcd coached but now it is NOT working out. Explained ratio she brings the count down days she stays late and how I had a phone call for kids I could take if she stayed at 3:30pm pick up......Anyways she is pissed!!!! She is very nice my best parents and she said they may have to explore options. I try to work with families and then get dumped on!
                Let’s take out the best and nice part. They’re your clients that asked you to extend your agreement to facilitate DCD’s coaching. The best and nice clients would’ve went back to a prompt 3:30 PM pick up once the season passed.

                Do what is best for YOU with CARE & CONSIDERATION for the KIDS. Let her explore her other options.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Disneyfan View Post
                  Thank you all for your advice. I talked dcm and told her my plans for January and explained to her it was my understanding that they would only need me til 3:30pm a the latest. Explained I agreed later hours when dcd coached but now it is NOT working out. Explained ratio she brings the count down days she stays late and how I had a phone call for kids I could take if she stayed at 3:30pm pick up......Anyways she is pissed!!!! She is very nice my best parents and she said they may have to explore options. I try to work with families and then get dumped on!
                  That seems to be a rule. The more special you do for a specific family, the worse they treat you and the bigger the implosion on termination.

                  I'd start trying to "explore options" for yourself and get them out the door.

                  Start fresh, make a schedule that works for you, then give no special.

                  What is that old saying? The power lies with the one with the least to loose? or is it the one who cares the least? Either way, when it comes to money.. they HAVE to all be replaceable in your mind.

                  They aren't "nice" they are respectful of your policies and pay on time or they are gone. It is a mindset to keep from being hurt by this over and over. :hug:.
                  - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Disneyfan View Post
                    I charge a weekly flat rate based on parents work hours. Anything over is an extra fee. I have a family who dcd works until 3 picks up by 3:15. They asked back in March if dcg can stay later some days while dcd coaches baseball. Well baseball is long gone and lately they are scheduling daycare girl here until 5-5:30pm.(sometimes she is here at 6-630am/even with the long extended hours I never charged the extra fee) Dcm has varied work hours(dad does not). Week to week it varies if dcg is full or part time. Hours are starting to be all over the place.

                    Anyways in January I am doing a rate increase and updating my contract and handbook. I have been looking at the other parents hours and I want to start in Jan. "contracted hours" I want them to give me their hours without going over 9.5 hours. It should work for everyone and hopefully put a stop to all the extended hours. Does this seem ok for me to do??? Another thing I am thinking too is if I know dcg is gone by 3:15 then I can consider more kids without going over ratio.

                    I am new to posting but have followed this group for a while. Please take it easy on me
                    Originally posted by Disneyfan View Post
                    Thank you all for your advice. I talked dcm and told her my plans for January and explained to her it was my understanding that they would only need me til 3:30pm a the latest. Explained I agreed later hours when dcd coached but now it is NOT working out. Explained ratio she brings the count down days she stays late and how I had a phone call for kids I could take if she stayed at 3:30pm pick up......Anyways she is pissed!!!! She is very nice my best parents and she said they may have to explore options. I try to work with families and then get dumped on!
                    So she KNEW there was an extra fee attached to the extended hours and she has never paid it, you want to stop working for free and get paid for the extra time and SHE is pissed???

                    Sorry but that's not what I would consider nice or best parents.

                    Like a PP, the first mistake was YOU not enforcing your own policies in regards to payment.

                    Why did you never charge them that extra fee?

                    I'd let DCM know she can still have the extended hours (if you are still willing) but that there WILL be an extra fee for it. Let her decide what she is going to do.

                    I'd start charging it IMMEDIATELY though and not wait until January as that is a lot of time to give her to seek out other options while you continue to work for free.

                    It's hard sometimes to figure out that balance between being nice and accommodating and not getting walked on.

                    It's a journey and one we ALL take so hang in there....this isn't the first conflict over policies you will have so consider it practice.


                    • #11
                      I have been doing home daycare for just a little over a year now. I appreciate ALL the advice. This is a learn as you go for me but you are right that I should have stopped it right away. I am going to let her explore her options and explore mine as well. And "yes" if she was nice she wouldn't be keeping dcg later than originally planned. Blackcat I always look for your advice in posts and I guess I didn't charge earlier was because I didn't want to cause waves and lose the family. But now look where I am now. Another lesson learned


                      • #12
                        Kill her with kindness. With a giant smile on your face, say "of course you can explore other options that may better meet your needs! Just remember to turn in your 2 week notice if you find something. And I'll notify the first person on my waiting list that they can have YOUR spot. Good luck!"

                        Don't let her think for one second that she isn't replaceable. If she thinks she is not replaceable, she'll continue throwing around the "explore other options" BS to try to manipulate you into agreeing to the later hours in order to keep her.


                        • #13
                          Thank you Wednesday

