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Superhero Ban - Fair?

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  • Superhero Ban - Fair?

    I'm thinking of banning superhero talk and play, at least temporarily. But I don't know if that's fair.

    My boys are obsessed with Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers. They endlessly discuss the movies, its the theme of every game they play, they're all being one or the other for Halloween. I dont like so much TV talk aand play, but I've been allowing it.

    However, I've got about three who can no longer separate what's okay at school from what goes on in the movie. Today two of them for got completely out of control with it. They were throwing objects, knocking other kids to the ground. And these are normally mild mannered kids, they literally thought they were Ninja Turtles.

    I told them if we couldn't play or talk about our favorite characters without hurting each other then we wouldn't play or talk about them at all.

    Would you do this?

  • #2
    Yes, if they were out of control with it, I'd do as you did. I allow mine to play superheroes outside, but still no pushing, hitting, etc.


    • #3
      A year ago I would have banned it, no question.

      Then I read the Ooey Gooey Lady's handout about Power Play, and "It's OK Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids" by Heather Shumaker.

      I'm not saying you shouldn't ban it, just suggesting you do some research and reflection before deciding. Personally, after banning power play for so many years I'm still not totally comfortable with it, but I'm trying to be more observant and reflective about it.


      • #4
        I don't allow it. Never have. I don't consider whether it's developmentally appropriate because the kids play it at home a lot. They get a ton of experience doing it at home.

        It doesn't work in my setting as they focus on the violence and power not on the kindness, saving, rescue, helping etc. If they did five percent evil and 95 goodness I would allow it. My experience is the numbers are backwards when they are in my house.


        • #5
          Mine are two, so at this point, they're basically just running around the yard declaring, "I'm Superman! I can fly!". If it turns into something more violent, I'll reevaluate.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
            I'm thinking of banning superhero talk and play, at least temporarily. But I don't know if that's fair.

            My boys are obsessed with Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers. They endlessly discuss the movies, its the theme of every game they play, they're all being one or the other for Halloween. I dont like so much TV talk aand play, but I've been allowing it.

            However, I've got about three who can no longer separate what's okay at school from what goes on in the movie. Today two of them for got completely out of control with it. They were throwing objects, knocking other kids to the ground. And these are normally mild mannered kids, they literally thought they were Ninja Turtles.

            I told them if we couldn't play or talk about our favorite characters without hurting each other then we wouldn't play or talk about them at all.

            Would you do this?
            I would. They can do that at home.

            I retired this past June so now my almost 4 grandson goes to a center. All of a sudden he comes home with all that. Ugh. I hate it.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
              I'm thinking of banning superhero talk and play, at least temporarily. But I don't know if that's fair.

              My boys are obsessed with Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers. They endlessly discuss the movies, its the theme of every game they play, they're all being one or the other for Halloween. I dont like so much TV talk aand play, but I've been allowing it.

              However, I've got about three who can no longer separate what's okay at school from what goes on in the movie. Today two of them for got completely out of control with it. They were throwing objects, knocking other kids to the ground. And these are normally mild mannered kids, they literally thought they were Ninja Turtles.

              I told them if we couldn't play or talk about our favorite characters without hurting each other then we wouldn't play or talk about them at all.

              Would you do this?
              I implemented a Power Ranger and Ninja Turtle ban.

              It worked out great. The play fighting decreased and now is non existent. It was fair, it applied to all children.


              • #8
                Same here, and I have read the same books on the importance of power play. Unfortunately my group could not handle power play and it got violent/aggressive EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                  Same here, and I have read the same books on the importance of power play. Unfortunately my group could not handle power play and it got violent/aggressive EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.
                  Yup. I'm fairly certain this is yet another thing that's best for kids to do at HOME with mom or (more likely:: ) DAD.


                  • #10
                    Over the last few years my group has transitioned to the point that currently my oldest group of kids don't watch TV in their homes.

                    I started got rid of my TV at daycare a couple years ago (BEST move ever btw ) and since NO TV is one of my advertising points, I've attracted several families since this change that are no TV families at home as well.

                    I think because of this (no TV here or at home) I really don't have this issue with the boys in my care.

                    When my own son was little, I hated the fixation with super heros and/or cartoon characters most his friends had and tried hard to steer him in other directions but I do believe it's a nature draw for kids. Boys especially.

                    As far as banning them and any related play at daycare, I think that is perfectly fair.

                    As with ANYTHING that gets out of control or can't be controlled, the obvious solution is to remove the object or idea from the equation. I do think it should apply to ALL kids though and not just a couple. Less of an opening to create another power struggle that way.


                    • #11
                      I don't encourage the TNT, Power Rangers or Cailliou play. They are all horrible, in their own way, IMHO.

                      I almost had to do a Spider man and Cowboy play ban since one kid thought it meant "lasso your friends" with any possible item. The Never land Pirate play is on probation for pushing and hoarding toys...

                      I do encourage the kids wearing silk capes, masks and having mystery/problem solving super powers. Heroes thwart crime, solve puzzles, clean up messes, help their friends... not beat people up. Heroes are strong leaders, not whiners. :: (I do like Super Why for evening "go home" transition, circle rug viewing, while I mop.)

                      They seem to get it...
                      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                      • #12
                        I also feel like kids can imagine their own scenes. I get tired of EVERYTHING in their play be based on TV or movies! Can't they use their imaginations a little better than this?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
                          I also feel like kids can imagine their own scenes. I get tired of EVERYTHING in their play be based on TV or movies! Can't they use their imaginations a little better than this?
                          I am with you.... but most of mine walk to the door glued to the movie they are watching on the parents phone. I had to let it go and try to spin it to my advantage.
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                            I am with you.... but most of mine walk to the door glued to the movie they are watching on the parents phone. I had to let it go and try to spin it to my advantage.
                            I think it's funny you said...."Let it go".....LOL So sick of that song!

                            Every day my kids ask if they can watch TV. I only do TV for the first kid to come in (Wild Kratts) and as soon as a playmate comes in we turn it off. Thinking of not even having it on in the morning. I no longer let the kids play with my iPad either or even games on the computer. If they use my computer...they are typing. The kids are so drawn to screens that they often stare at my Facebook....trying to get their screen "fix".


                            • #15
                              Thats where I am to, My oldest dc boy is almost 3 1/2. The worst I have seen from him is a little pretend gun play and I squashed that ASAP! Dont know how I would feel if it was more extreme play. All I know is if its allowed to go on to long that its hard to stop.

