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Need advice!

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  • Need advice!

    I have a daughter who was a toddler teacher at Chesterbrook Academy in Wheaton Il. Yesterday she witnessed her son who is in the 3 year old room being picked up by his fore arms an screamed at where her son was scared. He was then being dragged into the bathroom. My daughter entered the room and began yelling at the teacher. Now she has complained to the director on several occasions about how her son is being treated. Well today the director told her that she didn't see anything wrong with the way this teacher handled him. And sent my daughter home. Well later today after my daughter contacted dcfs, she received a phone call form her director telling her she was fired because she yelled at the teacher. What is wrong with this picture? Can anyone give us some advice? We need to stop the children at this center from being mistreated and the good teachers being let go because of the bad.
    Last edited by Michael; 04-10-2009, 02:51 AM.

  • #2
    do you know the whole story?

    I'm sure your daughter was upset if she saw, from outside the door, her son being potentially mistreated. Your daughter probably should not have entered a high tension moment screaming at what her son saw as an authority figure. What had the boy done to cause this reaction? What constitutes "screaming in a child's face?" How was the child "dragged" to the bathroom?
    Three year olds can be extremely testy and challenging. They are at an age where they learn that they have the power to control how people react to them.
    I honestly can't tell you what's wrong with this picture because I don't have the entire picture to look at...


    • #3
      Originally posted by bluevan_charlie View Post
      I'm sure your daughter was upset if she saw, from outside the door, her son being potentially mistreated. Your daughter probably should not have entered a high tension moment screaming at what her son saw as an authority figure. What had the boy done to cause this reaction? What constitutes "screaming in a child's face?" How was the child "dragged" to the bathroom?
      Three year olds can be extremely testy and challenging. They are at an age where they learn that they have the power to control how people react to them.
      I honestly can't tell you what's wrong with this picture because I don't have the entire picture to look at...
      It doesn't matter what he did, no child should ever be treated like that, under any circumstances! EVER! She did the right thing by yelling at the teacher and calling DCF. Her next step should be getting an attorney and suing the center for firing her for doing her job as a parent and a teacher. She is a mandated reporter and can not be fired for following the law and reporting child abuse.


      • #4
        It does sound like the care provider was out of line in the handling of the child. Picking up a child by their forearms could easily cause their arms to go "out of socket", yelling at the child (screaming nontheless) is harmful and completely disrespectful to anyone...child or not. We need to teach children how to be respectful by SHOWING them how to be self-controlled for one thing.

        I agree that the child might have been testing their limits, that's their job at two and three. They are learning and growing and they will do that as they become more independent. A caregiver's job is to teach them self-control and limits. It's to assist them in centering themselves again so both the child may come to a calm state and learn self-control and then be taught how to better handle the situation.

        She is a mandated reporter (as a teacher) she did the right thing in calling DCF. Being fired from the facility is sad and unwarranted. However, she and her child will probably be much better off without that place.

        I agree she needs to take it further and go to court. Not for the suing (except for replacing loss of income), but for the lesson that facility needs to learn.


        • #5
          Move On

          You know what...she called and reported the incident. It is their job to investigate and to take further action. Your daughter should file for unemployment and challenge the boss about being fired. They are better off somewhere else. As for the suing...I dont think it is worth the time, effort, and expense. Move on and learn from it.


          • #6

            Such a common problem. Just be thankful that your daughter was there to see it. The director is nuts. Get the state involved. Complain to them. Ask your daughter about the center, this is a chain. See if she can find other specific violations. Make sure that this is reported as child abuse. It is child abuse. Unfortunatley, from personal experience, the good people who really care about and love kids get the boot, while the abusive ones have a hjob. We can't save the world. She will eventually get what she deserves. Keep complaining, make calls, have your daughter contact whoever she can to communicate how bad this place is, and how inappropriate the staff and director are. She will find a better place for her and her son. That is what is most important. The center will not succeed with these types of serious violations. I am sorry, took, for the children there. What you need to know is that there are so so so many centers in the country mistreating innocent children. It is devastating. Call the corporate office immediately. Inform them about what took place. Email [email protected] I want to help. Where is this center? I live in Philadelphia. There are many Chesterbrook Ac. in my area. I know how hard this is. I have been in this field for over 30 years. I care and want to help in any way that I can.

