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CDA Question

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  • CDA Question

    Hi everyone,
    I'm looking into working at a daycare in the near future. Earning a CDA would best fit for me right now, do daycare centers generally hire people working toward their CDA....or do they mainly hire people with a 2 year degree?

  • #2
    The short answer is both. Some directors want the college degree, others are just as happy to hire someone with a CDA. I don't know what size area/ # of centers are in your area, but if a CDA works best for you right now, I doubt it would be an impediment to getting hired. Your qualifications will get you the interview, YOU will get you the job once you have an interview. Getting a CDA now and going to school (online or traditional) for a degree can cover your bases for your career going forward.

    Good Luck


    • #3
      Here, to be a lead teacher, you have to have a CDA or higher and most centers will accept both. For assistants, we don't have to have anything but a h.s. diploma and Cpr/first aid within so many months of hire.

      Plus, at least in my state, with what centers will pay people, many are only willing to get their CDA to get or keep their lead teacher jobs. Getting an Associate's degree and the costs associated with getting one makes people not want to get one just to make a buck or two more.


      • #4
        CDA renewal

        Hi I wanted to ask if anyone recently renewed their CDA and can you show me a sample of the letter of recommendation and a sample of a letter showing the 80 hours of experience.

        Thank You

