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When You First Started Home Daycare

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  • When You First Started Home Daycare

    did you go check out the competition under false pretenses? I only ask because awhile ago during an interview a lady asked me if did. I probably should have but I didn't want to waste the dcp time. I believe she was checking out the competition.

  • #2
    Nope, didn't even occur to me. The only thing I did was peruse our VERY active CL for other child care providers near me. I looked at what they were charging and the services they offered, and priced accordingly.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      I did not when I first started, but just the other day I saw a posting on CL and responded to it. We are moving to another area in the spring, and there are so few daycares there, and I have no way of knowing what the rates are or anything, so when I saw this posting (it's a center that is starting next month about a block from where we are moving to), I contacted them. I didn't say I was a provider, but I never said I had any kids that needed care either. I just said we're moving in the spring and I'm checking out daycares. I did all of this in email also, so as not to waste too much of their time.

      In my area hardly anyone lists what they charge, so it was almost necessary to do that just to be in the same ballpark of others.


      • #4
        No, I just sent an email out to my playgroup friends (many of whom using in-home care) and asked what the going rate was and what services their provider provided.


        • #5
          I don't do this but I know a fellow provider in town that does this on a regular has gotten to the point that when she called a friend of mine who does childcare also the friend answers the phone and figures out it is this other provider and goes "Diane, will you stop calling me...if you need to know something ask me but I recognize your voice and your number is coming up on the caller ID!" Diane hung up and now none of us have heard from her in awhile! LOL! She was doing this so often that we all knew her voice and her number(s).

          I just keep my rates competitive with what the State Child Care Assistance Program says it is for our area. Makes it easier and reasonable. Our state has set two rates for our area....One for childcares that are licensed and one for providers who are licensed but also have a CDA or 2/4 yr degree. Oh, and I guess there is a rate for unlicensed people too.


          • #6
            Originally posted by cherryhill View Post
            did you go check out the competition under false pretenses? I only ask because awhile ago during an interview a lady asked me if did. I probably should have but I didn't want to waste the dcp time. I believe she was checking out the competition.
            I don't consider what I did was under "false pretenses" because I DO want to open a daycare and do want to see how others run theirs. I wouldn't ever go for an interview saying I had a kid of anything, but my neighbor really did need childcare so I said I would go with her to get a tour and ask questions so she didn't have to do it alone as long as she never said I want to do daycare. It worked out well. We visited two places. One of which would be similiar to my future one that charged $125/week. The other was really run down and dirty looking with lots of people (other adults in the house with no explanation as of why and no handbook ready for us to look at) and the lady wasn't very nice and she charged $100/week. Our going average rate is about $125 anyways and that is what I want to start out when I open.

