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Anyone Ever Switched Careers After 25+ Years as a Provider?

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  • crazydaycarelady
    I did not write the original post but I sure could have!!!!

    24 years and I am so ready to be done! So ready to not have people traipsing in and out of my house. So ready to not constantly have to clean, and cook, and wipe butts, and noses, and do projects, etc. etc.

    The problem is we are used to the money and any job I got out and get will not bring in even half what I make now.

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  • AmyKidsCo
    Not yet, but I can't see myself doing this into retirement.

    The problem is that my "dream job" is not working, and we can't afford that.

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  • Dilley Beans
    I feel you, I'm going the other way. I'm leaving my job that I enjoy but isn't working for my life anymore...and getting into daycare.

    If you love your job but dirty diapers and screaming babies are the problem, could you switch from daycare to preschool and still enjoy what you do? Or stop taking non-potty trained children?

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  • Annalee
    Since I have reached my late 40's, I think life changes for us in that we are more tired, our bodies seem to be falling apart ::; this plus all the responsibilities we place on ourselves with family, friends, school, college; then death/sickness/divorce/pain/etc takes a toll as well....Used to, daycare was a release for me because I COULD CONTROL it, but the state/QRIS has took that away.....How do we get our morale back....I agree parents are different now and harder to deal with BUT there has got to be a way to get the morale on more of a positive note.....This is on my mind because i have been to 2 workshops in the past three months on the topics listed on the forum dealing with "depression, wanting to quit, etc."......Support groups are wonderful and I have always believed in accountability/responsibility to numero uno leaving my own self to be able to find my own happiness...BUT even trying the ole "positive thinking" rule is not good enough on a given day! As individuals, we need to find a way to clear ourselves from the negative forces that cause us to feel washed out/ready to quit/etc....Any ideas???

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  • Soccermom
    Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
    I am dreaming of it, but I don't want another job, I just want to not work, LOL!!!! I am getting too old for this (and I'm not that old) and parents are getting worse every day. It sounds crazy that I'd want to be a SAHM as my kids get older but believe it or not even into the HS years they are always needing rides and having games, etc. at 3-4pm. I miss EVERYTHING, have to get them rides, etc. etc. I just want to NOT work. Ok, rant over, sorry to jump in on your thread!!!
    Me too!!!! My kids are all in school this year and I thought I would want to go back into the workforce but I really just want to be home baking muffins for the kids to enjoy when they get home and making roast dinners for my husband! I want to be able to get in my car to go to the store during the day and not have to strap kids into car seats and put their shoes back on when we get where we are going...I don't want to look at toys and clutter all day anymore...I want to donate all the things my kids no longer use instead of absorbing them into the daycare. I want to redecorate the house and not worry about the kids destroying the walls or new furniture. I want to put up a grown up Christmas tree without a baby gate around it!!!
    Okay, I think I am finished my rant now LOL

    PS - I am going on 12 years in childcare.

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  • cheerfuldom
    I think if you want something, you find a way to make it happen! It is never too late. you can start applying for jobs now, you never know what could happen. just figure out what you need in order to make your bills. at least research your options and then decide.

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  • Play Care
    I'm trying to get out before that. I love what I do ans am always full, but this job is tough on a body!! I have a 5 month old in my care and I've realized I'm sooooo over having babies!

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  • Crazy8
    I am dreaming of it, but I don't want another job, I just want to not work, LOL!!!! I am getting too old for this (and I'm not that old) and parents are getting worse every day. It sounds crazy that I'd want to be a SAHM as my kids get older but believe it or not even into the HS years they are always needing rides and having games, etc. at 3-4pm. I miss EVERYTHING, have to get them rides, etc. etc. I just want to NOT work. Ok, rant over, sorry to jump in on your thread!!!

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  • permanentvacation
    I had been a licensed daycare provider for about 10 years when I moved to Georgia after separating from my now ex-husband.

    I had some money from my mother dying of cancer and my father suing the asbestos companies. So I took about a month off of work then decided I needed to get a job.

    I got a job as a front desk clerk in a local hotel. I worked there for about a week and the bank took the hotel over because the owners had gone bankrupt. This 'transitional manager' came in - I'll tell you who he was in a minute. And he rearranged people's jobs, fired some, hired some, and basically restructured the employees and the entire operation of the hotel. He reviewed my resume and told me that he wanted me to be the HOTEL MANAGER!!! I thought he was out of his mind! I told him that I had only worked in a hotel for 1 week of my life! He told me that I have owned a house, been the evening office manager of one company and the third key (third manager in line) of another company, and had owned my own business (the daycare). So my history told him that I could manage people, do business paperwork, business finances, and get things fixed in a house when they break. He told me a hotel is just a bunch of little houses put together. After he explained it to me like that, I was like, "Yeah, I CAN be a hotel manager!"

    So I became the manager of the hotel for about 8 months until I moved back to my home state. I absolutely LOVED that job! I worked with ADULTS! I was in charge, I was respected by everyone, I got to dress pretty, no one puked on me, no diapers to change, no throw up to clean off the floor. The job was very diverse, so my days were interesting and had enough of a challenge to make me actually have to think (instead of just say my ABC's and 123's). I truly loved that job!

    Now, for who my transitional manager was... His name is Dave Hager. He played the judge in the movie, 'Catch Me If You Can'. I just thought that was neat! He's a really cool guy. And a GREAT manager/teacher. He's the type that will teach you the same thing over and over all day and night, rewording himself until you understand what he's trying to teach you. That is, if you are truly trying to learn the information. If you aren't interested in learning, then he's like, "There's the door. Don't let it hit you in the a$$ on the way out." So, if you really want to learn, he will calmly, patiently teach you until you learn it, but if you don't care about your job, he'll find someone who does. He's a really awesome guy! He's funny, intelligent, caring, and just overall a great guy.

    Since then, for some extra money, I have also done little retail jobs like a weekend job at McDonalds and an evening/weekend job at Royale Farms (a convenience store). Those two jobs in a sense made me feel like I didn't belong there. I felt like they were supposed to be for teenagers or retired people who wanted socialization or needed extra money. But, it got me out of the house, allowed me to chat with adults and I had some real nice customers who made me laugh. It was nice being able to work with and communicate with adults on a daily basis.

    So, if you have decided that you want to try a different field than daycare, you should go for it. If you don't want to go to retail, you might need to freshen up on your office skills or other skills or trade that you might have. Or you might want to go to college full time and get scholarships, grants, and loans to live off of for a while.

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  • sly red cid
    anyone switch careers....

    I have been thinking the same thing but who will hire a 60+ with bad knees(so I couldn't stand up 8 hrs)? I am done with poop and all that goes with it.I never finsihed college but have taken all the childcare classes offered thru the local community college in the past. I would prefer to not with work with littles and their parents any more.

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  • Unregistered
    Guest started a topic Anyone Ever Switched Careers After 25+ Years as a Provider?

    Anyone Ever Switched Careers After 25+ Years as a Provider?

    Logged out for privacy. I'm having a really rough day today. I feel like if I have to change one more stinky diaper, try to figure out what the crying infant is crying for, prepare a well balanced meal that inevitable won't be eaten, watch kids sneeze and cough all over the toys, themselves and each other, look at the paperwork that is stacking up, think about all the things I should be doing that I don't get a chance to or hear "watch me" one more time I am going to completely lose my grip on reality.

    I used to really love my job. But as of late I am finding there are more things that grate on my nerves than I enjoy.

    Has anyone ever switched careers after being in the field for so long and what did you do?