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Snow Day Today!!!

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  • Snow Day Today!!!

    Today school was cancelled. We didn't get a ton of snow (about 3-4 inches. . . but last night the wind kicked up & blew all that lovely snow all over creation). Plus it's super-cold. Wind chill is below 0 I believe. My 3 boys are here today & I have no DCKs b/c the mom of the family I watch was not coming today anyway. Nice day to have some QT with my boys!

  • #2
    they keep calling for alot of snow here and we keep getting missed although today it is very windy and cold no snow I can see my grass...


    • #3
      I'm in western central Ohio. Hi, neighbor up north! I'm sure you will get your share of snow soon too!


      • #4
        OH yeah we will it has been strange though here. Other areas have been hit with snow and we keep missing it.I mean you could drive 20 minutes and they have a ton! Im not complaining


        • #5
          We have a snow day today too, so my preschool's closed. But, I do have one little girl here for childcare.

          So yesterday I sent a reminder email (it's in the handbook, too) to families that if the school's are closed, my preschool is closed as well (except for the one little girl that comes for child care because mom works). Well, even after sending that reminder, guess how many of my preschool parents drove in this weather to try and drop their child off??? 3 out of 3!! ARGH! I am CLOSED so that you don't get out in this nasty weather and risk you and your child's safety. They all took their children back home after I told them I was closed and reminded them that I close when the school's close. One mom continued to try and get her child out of the car when I told her that and she said, "Oh, the school district closes for anything". Geez- I don't care. They close, I close, that's the rule!

          Sorry, done with my mini-rant.

          Enjoy the snow day!!


          • #6
            17 inches of snow for us this weekend, -5 degrees with a -23 windchill for us today. Snow day? NOPE!


            • #7
              Originally posted by daysofelijah View Post
              17 inches of snow for us this weekend, -5 degrees with a -23 windchill for us today. Snow day? NOPE!
              Seriously? It's that horrible there and they didn't close the schools??? They closed our schools last night, and they NEVER close our public schools - much less the night before!


              • #8
                Originally posted by cvankampen View Post
                they keep calling for alot of snow here and we keep getting missed although today it is very windy and cold no snow I can see my grass...
                What part of MI are you in? I'm in MI too, and I can't believe there's actually a part of the state that didn't get snow!! That system that came through this weekend was huge! I don't mind the snow so much, it's the COLD that i can't stand - and boy is it cold here today!


                • #9
                  No they never cancel school here. The Mpls. and St. Paul districts are closed, but none of the suburban districts closed. I think they get more flack from parents if they close than if they don't close. Here's what our district says about school closing.

                  Why don't you close school when it is really cold and windy?
                  Even when it's very cold and windy, typically businesses and government offices remain open, and most school districts in Minnesota, including all those in the metro area, remain open.

                  The decision to close school is a serious one, and it affects many working families who would have to take a day off of work or find day care on short notice. Some families do not have these options and their children may be left home alone. Often, children are more at risk when we close school. As the largest school district in Minnesota, with more than 240,000 residents and approximately 40,500 students, many families and businesses are affected when Anoka-Hennepin closes its schools.

                  Extremely cold weather is not unheard of in Minnesota. Many times it gets very cold in the state while school still is in session. By dressing children properly, parents/guardians can protect against the effects of cold weather.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by marniewon View Post
                    Seriously? It's that horrible there and they didn't close the schools??? They closed our schools last night, and they NEVER close our public schools - much less the night before!
                    That is rather normal for winters. Where I am at in MN it is -16 below zero and with windchill it is like -35 below and still there is school. We definitely grow 'em tough here. I honestly can't remember the last time they closed our schools due to weather. Snow, ice, sub-zero temps, matter...we get to school through it all.


                    • #11
                      Where I am from there are many country kids who must wait outdoors for school buses. Here they would catch a lot of flak from upset parents for having kids outdoors when the windchill is so cold (well below 0). But then this is also the
                      1st year that we are only permitted to have 3 inclement weather days opposed to 5 in years past. The schools have to really conserve closings for the absolute worst conditions.


                      • #12
                        our schools are open but the county busses are not running, so its a snow day for us and I have a house full of kids, and I know that many didn't go to school because they are all on facebook chatting it up with odd.


                        • #13
                          No school here in southern Ohio. We live in the sticks though so it gets cancelled fairly often. Although, farmer's almanac said we were going to have a warm, mild winter! Ha!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by daysofelijah View Post
                            17 inches of snow for us this weekend, -5 degrees with a -23 windchill for us today. Snow day? NOPE!
                            Same here! Snow days just don't happen here .


                            • #15
                              No School :-(

                              No school here either in MN. Quite cold but sunny! I have 9 here today and we cannot go outside because the temp is low and windchill is below zero...makes for a long day

